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Status Updates posted by piffdos

  1. @LiveOverflow hey i noticed in your pwnable videos your gdb automatically prints out a stacktrace after each step. how'd you set that up?

  2. @sneakerhax sadly no filming at the con so the demo's don't really translate to slideshare

  3. RT @hacktress09: This pretty much sums up my week https://t.co/5PgminIwUM

  4. This is how I envision every #blueteam the morning of day 2 of @WRCCDC #ccdchttp://t.co/qPtys4THdA

  5. If every pentesting job requires 7-10 years of experience as a pentester, how exactly does one become a pentester? #circularrequirement

  6. happy sequestration day, we should make today a national holiday to celebrate how dysfunctional our government is!

  7. Lol @ “@nostarch: Last chance: get 40% off Blender Master Class. Use #coupon code WILLITBLEND.http://t.co/dkyuJJhwlV #b3d #opensource

  8. Many thanks to @MADSecInc for putting on a great ctf!

  9. Exited for today's talk by @sk3wl ! @defcon831 session 2!

  10. Maybe you should hire @Mandiant “@realDonaldTrump: My Twitter has been seriously hacked--- and we are looking for the perpetrators.”Hyuk yuk

  11. Improved NOP sled: (also what most people think when they hear "nop sled" http://t.co/M9wdC09J via @sec_reactions

  12. going the take the CEH exam, even though I dont think I could even consider myself a "hacker" with the simplicity of the test @eccouncil

  13. Make Unlocking Cell Phones Legal. http://t.co/plZ1lLZl

  14. excited 4 next weekend!! local defcon talk by @sk3wl then @MADSecInc CTF at @bsidessf then @RSAConference

  15. Really exciting announcement for local DC831 members, stay tuned...

  16. Equal rights! support marriage between astromech and protocol droids. #equalmarriage http://t.co/e97y7Dgb

  17. Port security ate my homework

  18. whats the over/under on another java 0 day being released within the week?

  19. Has anyone had a recruiter ever ask you to bend the truth (lie) on a resume? I definitely don't want to work with an organization like that!

  20. Thanks to everyone who showed up for offsec 101! We can work through the metasploit lab at another date!

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