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Everything posted by Strikerdlm

  1. Well I'm sorry to bother but I did read but it does not work doing exactly as intended. I have followed these steps: Download the firmware (make sure it is called upgrade.bin).----> downloaded 2.7 SCP the upgrade.bin to /tmp/upgrade.bin----> (already did this part) Execute sysupgrade -n -v /tmp/upgrade.bin Wait for reboot. Done. From now on your MK4 can be treated as a normal MK4. I am very very newbie and trying to learn linux. The trouble I have run into is sysupgrade in Backtrack 5, honestly don't know how to do this part cause this OS does not have that command (how the hell do I run that code in the shell?), do I have to get somewhere else? That's why I asked for help cause i'm stuck. Could you be kind and explain this step for me, like doing it for an idiot.. Thank you, merry christmas.
  2. I've run into a problem upgrading from 2.4.1 to 2.7 Wifi pineapple mark iv using backtrack 5r3 because the Md5 checksum does not match, but it happens everytime with every upgrade bin from the GUI, I understand i can do it manually with sysupgrade but I don't know how to do it in BT5, could you please write the code example? Thank you.
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