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Posts posted by no42

  1. I think Darren has a deal/purchase-order with Alfa and purchases them directly in large volumes, stock condition and at a stock value.

    Then the pineapple Team re-flash the boot loaders as the stock boot loaders can not take the actual size of the pineapple firmware (stock is limited to 4MB, whereas the Hak5 firmware is closer to 6-8MB). Sebkinne will probably correct me if I'm wrong here...

    Then once the boot loader has been re-flashed, then the Pineapple firmware is flashed.

    Then its all tested... (Successful boot, firmware md5's etc.)

    Successful Pineapples have stickers slapped on their panels, are boxed and ready to ship.

  2. hi everyone,

    first time flashing in here. though it seems like an easy noob friendly guide, i'm still a bit confused about one part. Duck Programming.zip contained a file JRE_Flip_Installer_3.4.2.exe. And you also posted a link for a Flip installer download , which i followed and downloaded a version Flip Installer - since i already have JRE installed. so when you say Install Flip, which file were you referring to, the one from download link, or the one from the zip? would you please clarify this for me. I'm running win 7 ultimate 64.


    Should not really matter, are you having problems?

    Duck Programming vanished with usbrubberducky.com, people were asking so I made the original available.

  3. You have not got the java SDK/JDK installed: jdk7-downloads-1880260.html. The encoder (uses Java) and ducky-script uses (high level language).

    You need Atmel studio if you want to programme the Ducky directly in C/C++ http://www.softpedia.com/get/Science-CAD/Atmel-Studio.shtml use Atmel studio 5.x or 6.0. I have not ported the code over to v6.1 just yet, when I tested 6.1 earlier this year - it broke my codebase and development environment - as there are class changes.

  4. it can be used as a normal USB, using alternative firmware. This was a stepping stone to composite firmware. However, the Ducky does not have a SDIO license so the file transfer is much slower in comparison to other USB drives on the market.

    I think you are after the composite firmware - check the website in my signature, for more details. Any questions? Post back here.

  5. Command-<key> should be implemented in the later encoders.

    the multiple keys presses (three+ keys) will likely require more research and work for support in ducky script.

    The multiple key presses and holding a key down are easier to implement in the C-based firmware, as Fox Mulder said "source-is-out-there". Compared to the current version of Ducky-script. The downside of the C-based firmware is Atmel studio is Windows based. It might be possible to compile with avrdude; but I have not tried.


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