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Posts posted by no42

  1. New version of the encoder is out. (Usual place https://code.google.com/p/ducky-decode )


    • Country codes now conform to iso 3166-1 alpha-2 : eg UK has now become GB, Sweden (SV) is now the SE (ISO 3166-2)
    • Added new countries: CA Canada, NO Norway etc
    • Other bug fixes added to language maps from SVN repo

    Supported Country list:

    • resources/be.properties
    • resources/ca.properties
    • resources/ch.properties
    • resources/de.properties
    • resources/dk.properties
    • resources/es.properties
    • resources/fr.properties
    • resources/gb.properties
    • resources/it.properties
    • resources/no.properties
    • resources/pt.properties
    • resources/ru.properties
    • resources/se.properties
    • resources/us.properties
  2. In my opinion you are better off with;

    8 banks of 3, 8-(9v @ 1100) = 9v @ 8800 mAh

    This is similar to the Pineapple Juice battery pack; should get 8-10 hours approximately.

    You could try: 12 banks of 2, 12-(6v @ 1100) = 6v @ 13200 mAh, for extended running time, but if the output drops below 5v the pineapple might become unstable and power-down.

  3. You just have to insert the firmware (Download) (ZIP Download) on a micro-sdcard, with a second file called MD5 that contains the string (without quote) "33f5b7864795b1b316a1f85386e8275f"

    all you need is these 2x files, insert the sd-card into the pineapple and give it power; and watch the pretty pattern of lights.

    EDIT: Thanks Seb for correcting me, that you use the actual ZIP file not the binary!

  4. How long does it have to be? It's in hex? Are there any other identifiers that distinguish the duck? Thanks

    For the Device Strings : Trying to remember, you are limited (i think) to 64 characters.

    For Serial Numbers I have been using the recommended length of 12 digits, you might be allowed more???

    But due to past buffer overflow and format string vulnerabilities in older Windows /Unix OS I think you are now further limited in length by the OS drivers/kernel modules.

  5. Plus all the thefts occurred 2,000 miles away, so it is not like someone ran my card through a reader, made a duplicate, then drove across the country to use it. I am leaning towards the possibility of a data breach from the bank, stolen laptop or something like that. I am in IT Security, so I have an understanding of how data gets compromised, stolen, sniffed, etc. I am trying to get an understanding of how much is needed to get used in my case and in this fashion.

    Most likely skimmed, when you didn't notice; this could be 2nd skimmer under a till, or portable version hidden in a waiter/cashiers pocket. If your not Chip 'n Pin, your magstripe on the card will contain 3x tracks, everything needed to clone the card in 1x swipe. This information was probably sold on the internet/darknet to another carder or a set of mules, that then perform the 'cash-in' buying of goods to sell on craigslist,ebay or similar.

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