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Everything posted by dark_3k03r

  1. Oh I should probably add that I a running on the mac and I let the fon assign me an ip to my nic via DHCP. Should i be configuring my local nic to use the IP or is there any known issues using a mac for this?
  2. Do these instructions still work for the fon 2201 that run 1.1.0 r2? I tried downloading fonflash from gargoyle. I didn't find the openwrt-atheros-root.squashfs, or openwrt-atheros-xmlinux.lzma so I downloaded the one that resembled the fon's 2201 chipset called: gargoyle_1.4.2-atheros-vmlinux.lzma and gargoyle_1.4.2-atheros-root.squashfs from the ar231x/5312 architecture. I placed both of the files in their respective places in the tool. I selected openwrt and I selected the proper ethernet interface as well. I then clicked "Flash router now!". I then plug the power in and I waited for the thing to come up and start installing. Instead I got the Mac address and the IP. That thing sat there for a solid 15 minutes not doing anything. I unplugged and I did it again. Still to no avail. I remember that with the smaller fon was pretty painless using: http://hak5.org/hack/wifi-pineapple-flashing-guide I don't think that this guid applies and I think that I may need to downgrade to version 0.7.x before I can upgrade the fon 2201. Does anyone have any recommendations as to where I can find said guide? Or is this guide applicable to 1.1.0 r2? Or what I am doing wrong? Cause I couldn't find the exact files, but I got the closets i can get and I'm still having issues getting the openwrt software on the fon.
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