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Posts posted by ShinmaRyuu

  1. Wow do you guys have a severe complex against weakness. Freud would have a field day in here.

    Anyway i would rather have a label saying evaporated milk contains milk because in this day an age you have no idea what the fuck people put in things. At least that label is regulated by the FDA so they can't lie there ass off saying it contains milk when in actuality it contains donkey jizz.

    "At least it doesn't say evaporated milk contains milk but you dumb asses have no idea what is in the milk do you."

    Let the system work for you. Force them to put labels on so they can't lie to you....they can just put things in with out adding them to the label like god intended.

    BTW this post is about 25% truth and 75% joking. The freud part is truth you guys are looney.

  2. http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/ (For it's html wysiwyg editor)

    http://www.lissaexplains.com/ (HTML help in a easy way to learn)

    Then just snag a copy of gimp and you should be good to go on most websites. If you want to play with css fine but your going to see a lot slower results if you don't know what your doing or have an app that can help you out. The key to first time pages is set down a good basic layout and build as your skills do.

    Another neat trick as long as the site is set up in the right way is to snag the source from a website using the view/page source. I learned html this way a long time ago and learned how to make a rss feed from scratch in a similar way. The only real easy way to learn html is to see it in action and poke at it until you see why it it's action. Other than that just use the old KISS ideas and keep it simple. There are enough messy web pages abound. Go web 2.0 big buttons, simple text, easy to use.

  3. I am sitting here looking at how many tiny storage devices you can buy now like Compaq Flash cards. What i am wondering is how hard would it be today to build you own computer in the way Woz did with the Apple. Everything is available in some way it would just take a lot of experimentation and highly customized software more than likely a linux build of some sort.

    I am not talking about a mother board based custom system i am talking a fully working computer from scratch using off the shelf parts.

    So my question is can you using off the shelf parts in a new way build a working "computer". By Computer i mean storage, memory, processor, and a OS that can run software.

  4. Im still gona make them, you cant stop me.

    I adore that spirit. It's what makes indy media survive. There is a special "it" that creators have in they are able to take the punishment of people hating what they do and still work there ass off to do better. Make sure to keep that and just always try your best to do better.

  5. For gaming boxes i say i am more a fan of either super creative like the ammo cans or really good mods but personally i really like stealth no show off style cases. Your skills should be in the game not your use of a dremel and soldering iron :)

    The best gaming mods to be are practical like monitor carrier attachments or handles. Simple but useful.

  6. Learning LAMP is always handy. Find a dirt cheap old PC. Install linux and the LAMP packages. Play. There is a great series of youtube videos for doing just that that makes it pretty simple to learn the command line way of doing it.


    Then pick up some books on PHP and start making scripts. PHP skills come in handy and who knows by the time your out of school if it's still around and you have kept up on it you could get a job writing PHP.

    Tons of online help as well as books to help you on your way.

    If you don't wanna go the linux route drop the ruby on rails stuff on your windows box and play with it. Leo Leporte is always recommending learning this to young people on CFH and his radio show so i figure it's worth saying.

  7. Last post in this thread.

    Do me a favor and go to a gay bar and call everyone faggots then walk up to a black guy and call him a nigger. While your at it just fire out a bunch of other slurs towards people. Get some video evidence of this and return back to the board. Then i'll agree with your free speech thing and explain while your bleeding from a few 100 holes the words Discrimination, defamation of character, common sense, and common decency.

    BTW last time i checked free speech works both ways which means i can defend what i think is wrong. In my opinion for any half decent educated human being to walk around spouting off slurs in random directions because some where along the line they read the first amendment is just stupid. Anyone with half a brain a little bit of common sense knows yeah your protected in saying whatever the fuck you want (out side of terrorist threats) but they also know that it's pretty shitty to go around using these terms towards other people. See how that works. Just because you can doesn't mean you have to.

    I'll defend my freedom of speech till the day i die but i will also defend the rights of any person to feel comfortable in a public place free of slurs and bullshit. Saying whatever the fuck you want in your own home is one thing but to take it public you run the risk of not only offending but also discriminating against someone for there beliefs or who they are. If you cool with that fine be an asshole and see where that gets you in life.

    Thats the last thing i am saying on that subject. I have been trying to talk sense into people like you since i was in high school defending my friend who was gay from idiots that think throwing around the word faggot like dude or what's up is an acceptable thing to do. My friend was on the verge of suicide from people that thought it was ok to use that word and others. You can have free speech all you want but using it to hurt people or just because you think it's no big deal is pretty fucked up.

    Also just a word of thought. The last time i heard a phrase similar to "If it hurts your eyes to read the N word, turn off the internet, don't watch any movies, and throw away your TV set." It was on a show for HBO a while back on the KKK talking about what blacks should do if they didn't like them in there town. Might want to chose your words a tiny bit better next time.

    Just my opinions. Take them as you will. Freedom of speech is fun isn't it.

  8. noob and newb(ie) are different terms noob is someone stupid who is unwilling to learn newb(ie) doesn't know but wants to learn

    You should change your name to FlameBait. Correcting people for no other reason other to make yourself look smarter or better than someone else is pretty dumb. That being said i think i'll practice what i preach and just ignore you until you act like a normal person. Your obviously a smart dude. You might want to act like it.

  9. Wrong use of a word but you got the point. To me that word is right there with the N word meaning to me its a racial slur which has a lot more impact than Discriminative term.

    Yeah, I can understand how calling someone a noob can be such a offensive word. lol

    I call myself a noob.

    Noob: def. Someone of less knowledge than another in a subject. See also newbie.

  10. The internet is just another medium for the same stuff everyone has dealt with in school and beyond. Anytime people get together all the same personality types of real life will become apparent. This is amplified with the illusion of anonymity. This can be good in the case of creativity with out shame as can be seen in a lot of online poetry or podcasting. Or it can be bad in the case of bullies and jerks seeking out people to mess with even going as far as to include sex crimes into that anonymous bubble.

    A friend of mine who is really into studying human nature once told me "Only when a person thinks they can not be seen or known will there true nature be available. People hide behind so many layers to fit into there piece of the world that they are never able to really be themselves."

    So in the end it comes down to the 2 basic rules that everyone should follow and a quote. Be yourself no matter what. Be kind to everyone the best you can and remove yourself from anyone not responsive to this. and the quote "To care what others think is to be controlled by them." 3 little tidbits to get you through the internet and school.

  11. Whats funny is i have offered 2 free entries into the network so far just since announcing it. No one bothers to even ask. Yeah the donation thing would be nice so i don't fall 10 grand in dept like a certain other IPTV show host but as of right now i am reworking the pages and setting up an announcement that "You Can Create" will be fully open to anyone for free. The "donation" issue was not something i saw as a problem in coming up with this idea but it seems that it is. This is why things go though beta is to work out issues like this. It is now my naive hope that by offering the service to anyone free of charge will get lucky in finding people who will also help support the network as a whole. It's not worked for any other IPTV Show or Podcast that doesn't have corporate help but i am willing to try.

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