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Posts posted by ShinmaRyuu

  1. WOW neat i just figured out how to control it it.

    Scroll your browser down so you can just see the shadow below. Sit and concentrate on making your eyes follow the shadow turn the direction of your choice and it will start to turn that way. Scroll up again and it will be moving that way. If your like me though as soon as you close your eyes for a few seconds it goes right back to the normal way.

  2. Another fun brain trick if you have friends who don't think your insane :)

    Have someone sit directly in front of you and close your eyes. Have them tap on your knees left than right in about 2 second bursts like this left....right.....left.....right and make no noise in the room. Different people have got different things from this from seeing faces to full blown memories. It's a form of light hypnosis that triggers each side of your brain into a rhythmic state. The 1 time i had it done by a therapist i almost fell asleep in the chair and woke up in a n odd euphoric state like when you wake up from a realistic dream this to me is odd since i have had people try and get my under hypnosis before and it always failed. My brain is just way to active and doesn't like to shut down even when under anesthetic as i found out the 2 times i have had surgery.

    Also for the record i see clockwise 90% of the time which very much goes along with some tests i took that said i am very right brained heavy.

  3. Hi remember me :)

    This is gonna hurt saying since i was for a long time a big part of the community here especially in IRC but i figure brutal honesty never hurt anyone and might give some insight on why i haven't been around.

    1. The community that i once touted as the smartest group of people ever gathered in once place with one goal has turned to a giant mess of flames and finger pointing. To me the 14-15 year old gamer kids are no different that the elitist ass holes who think they are and act like they are better than everyone. Any biased opinion about anyone else is just dumb and leads to nothing but hurt feelings and fights as you watch the community burn around you. Major wars start over simple things like people thinking there idea is gospel. It's pretty damn simple just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you have to open you mouth and yell it at them.

    2. Darren and Crew whether anyone really likes it or not should have all say in what goes on. I get it that you guys are busy and such but you have to keep a handle on your community and mold in the way you want not anyone else. 1 Boss 1 set of rules makes things much easier. At the time i left i felt there was just way to many hands in the cookie jar all with different ideas on what cookie they wanted.

    3. Quality of show and look of show have nothing to do with one another. The live to tape experiment was painful to watch and the show quality fell apart badly during that time. In my opinion a few camera taped and edited show using the same gear you had in season 1 would be fine. Use the money spent on all this gear to do more elaborate segments and content. There is a reason youtube is so damn huge it's because people could give a crap what something looks like as long as it's entertaining or informative of which in the good times you guys are the best. The portable console is really a cool idea but in a major outing it was made of epic fail. This is why keeping things simple and letting your content show more to me is where to go from here. We are all geeks here and every last one of us knows the more complex you make it the easier it is to fail.

    4. The USB hacks stuff needs to be off sourced asap. Take a very valuable lesson from foxx at BSoD and never ever hand the keys to the tank to just anyone. Foxx shows really cool stuff on BSoD but never once has he given out the information on the show where he doesn't know adam from eve and what they are going to do with it. There is a damn fine and well respected reason most good hackers don't just toss there info out on some forum somewhere. Always know the eyes and minds behind them before giving out information that could come back to bite you in the ass.

    5. Fix community problems before they get out of hand. The IRC issue should have never got as far as it did, the USB Hacks backlash could have been avoided, etc. A lot of hurt feelings, burnt bridges, and annoying morning ban fests could all be avoided with simple communication and action. Your going to step on toes and not everyone will be happy but in the end the community you brew from this will be much stronger, tighter, and happier.

    You guys are smart i have seen that with my own 2 eyes and i know you will get the bus back under control and cruising at 50 down the highway. I'm still subscribed and my eyes are around always hopeful that things will come back the way they were in the good ol days :D.

  4. My idea was a website with tabs for each show and then under each tab would be a flash version/High Quality MP4 Download curtsy of Blip.tv and then slowly (250MB a month) a libsyn mirror plus any other personal mirrors we could acquire. I'd be happy to host/design the site and get a URL to point to it as well as supply the libsyn backup hosting. I can also do the MP4 encoding on my Mac with Visual Hub it's fast and easy and i pretty much have it setup since i been doing the same to all of my media. With the site i could also toss in a RSS feed of all the shows added as well.

    So there is my offer :)

  5. Any idea what you guys are going to do now that stage6 went belly up. Toss me an e-mail if you need some help. I have a few ideas about mirror sites and i have server space for a site.

    UndergroundInformation [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. Wow you guys are taking my textfile idea to a whole new level. Awesome work and if i come across any of my older stuff i'll make sure to join in the fun. A lot of it is now lost on unmarked DVDs after i had a HD crash. I have the backup it's just a matter of finding things again.

  7. Ok so i decided to make a Hak5 DS Lite skin after hanging out in the chat during the 3x01 launch. I did some google searching and came up with a .psd skin file that is the basis for this project from here on out. Below is a link to Rev1 of the design as well as the original Skin .psd i used to create it so you can make your own skins. If anyone would like to toss it onto the wiki or something feel free. I am releasing this project into the community in hopes that something good will come of it.

    Rev1: http://www.sxe13.com/Hak5SkinRev1.png

    Rev1.psd: http://www.sxe13.com/DSSkinProject/Hak5SkinRev1.psd

    Original Skin Template .psd: http://www.sxe13.com/DSSkinProject/DSLiteSkin.psd

    BTW This is best printed by the pros on some nice vinyl sticker paper but you can also do a home printing if you would like. As soon as i can get into the city i am going to have one done by kinkos and i'll post a picture of it attached to my DSLite Black. Feel free and i wish you would post pictures if you make one.

  8. It was recorded but the capture is so far below our standards its really difficult to clean it up. The audio is absolute garbage. It peaks all to hell and is WAY off sync. I'm pretty embarrassed to even have my name on it considering the bar we've raised with the last season. I guess thats what happens on a pilot. We'll have to dedicate separate recording hardware to this next time. Anyway I'll have it out soon.

    Good call on the RC1. At least you haven't went gold yet :)

  9. The working beta is now live over at http://www.sxe13.com/boxintheattic/ when moonlit is streaming. Once we get the content issues sorted i think things will be going smashingly. If you have some Creative Commons works you might want on the network hit up moonlit and will see what we can do.

    I believe moonlit is working on a wiki article of how we got this done and i'll add in some things about how i messed with stickam's interface via the embed tag.

    Overall i think we are pretty happy with things and look forward to seeing what kind of old IPTV/Podcast and new Community created content will be on the network.

    Just goes to show what smart folk can do when the stick there heads together and break things :)

  10. We have a winner ding ding ding.

    Webcam Simulator XP works like a charm but it's $29.95 for the software. I am now working on finding a open source or free version of the same thing. Big props to Shaun for the point in the right direction.

  11. More or less i am trying to do the following...

    Take say a winamp (other media player) playlist of videos like Hak5 and other IPTV shows and send it into Ustream making Ustream think it's a video import source like a webcam pretty much making my own version of really dumbed down broadcast tv over the internet.

    It has been done a million times with shoutcast video but that takes tons of bandwidth and relies on connections and how many people are watching etc. With Ustream they take care of all that just a matter of as i said figuring out how to feed it a video playlist instead of a webcam/camera.

    Splitcam takes 1 video input source and sends it multiple places so i am not sure that would work.

  12. I have thought about trying to figure out how use Ustream in a different way. Instead of going down the webcam route instead using it to broadcast 24/7 IPTV content.

    My original idea was to use 2 computers. One as the host of the files and one as the streamer. In between would be a USB conversion interface taking the S-Video or whatever out of one computer and sending it into the other via USB and somehow tricking Ustream into thinking that was a USB webcam. Messy and more than likely wrong in a lot of ways but that is the reason for this post.

    I want to give this idea to you guys in the Hak5 community in hopes someone will figure this out along side what i am doing myself playing with the idea and we can get a 24/7 streaming IPTV video channel launched. Eventually i thought it would be cool to have a page ala Hak5 Live and Chris Pirillo's where there could be a chat and the video streaming along side it as a nice place for fans and creators to hang out. Maybe even going as far as to have a TV guide like widget on there saying what will be playing at what time.

  13. TMF2 is just an acronym for the code name. When done the entire system plus my automation/voip stuff will be called Colibri which means Humming Bird named for the tiny bits of data flying around me when the system is fully operational. Plus it's tiny and noncommercial so who cares :).

  14. My new project code named TMF2 for "The Myth of the Forbidden Fruit" is going to take all the ideas i have had for Alice & Wonderland, Humming Bird, and all the other media center ideas i have had and jam them into one perfect system of media glory.

    Work side we have a mythtv box with a poop ton of hard drive space and a good cap card. This boxes main duty is to capture video and using some scripts smash it down to AppleTV friendly size. This idea blatantly stolen from Frank Linhares.

    Second stop A is my laptop running iTunes. This is where all recent content will be found for watching and moving to step 3.

    Second stop B the same myth box will also be used to store content until hitting seasons or DVD capacity for burning out and archives. I already do this with my some what famous 29 disc IPTV collection.

    Watching side. This will be done with an AppleTV gathering content from my laptop and maybe later a dedicated "iTunes Server" to replace the laptop. This iTunes Server will also house all my music and photos.

    I know a myth front end on a macmini would give close to the same effect as the apple tv but having the ability to sync an iPod to the iTunes Server and backup the shows in a good solid format on DVD data discs appeals to me most about this version of a media center setup.

    I am working the kinks out of some remote access stuff like FTP so i can send and receive files from friends in my own little p2p thing (for legit files of course) but other than that it's just a matter of parts and money. For parts i already have a massive tower i am picking up tomorrow for 10 bucks for the myth box as well as a $175 comp shop special pc for the iTunes server side. I might buy 2 and use one for parts for the myth box.

    Any recommendations for the cap card side. I am looking at the hauppage 350 currently. No HDTV support is fine since i will just be snagging 1 signal at a time digital cable.

  15. This thread has a Alanis Morissette complex.

    def: Irony

    1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!†when I said I had to work all weekend.

    "Usage Note: The words ironic, irony, and ironically are sometimes used of events and circumstances that might better be described as simply "coincidental" or "improbable," in that they suggest no particular lessons about human vanity or folly. Thus 78 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the use of ironically in the sentence In 1969 Susie moved from Ithaca to California where she met her husband-to-be, who, ironically, also came from upstate New York. Some Panelists noted that this particular usage might be acceptable if Susie had in fact moved to California in order to find a husband, in which case the story could be taken as exemplifying the folly of supposing that we can know what fate has in store for us. By contrast, 73 percent accepted the sentence Ironically, even as the government was fulminating against American policy, American jeans and videocassettes were the hottest items in the stalls of the market, where the incongruity can be seen as an example of human inconsistency."

    Isn't it ironic....don't you think :)

  16. As some of you know and some of you may not a while back i wrote a parody of Lemon Demon's The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny called The Ultimate Showdown of IPTV Superiority. Soon after i actually e-mailed the band asking if it was cool and they said they were fully cool with it and to feel free to do with the lyrics as i saw fit. Well a few days back i decided to open source them i guess you could say out to digg with the soul purpose of not only letting more people see the parody outside my little blog circle but also to solicit music and video creators to make a full blown parody of the original flash animation taking the parody to the level i dreamed of when i first wrote it.

    If you would like to support this idea or just read it again for yourself please hit the link below and give it a digg.


    P.s. I am also working on the 2.0 version of the lyrics and a podcast version.

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