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Posts posted by Wgcorps

  1. The other day I pulled my very old computer out of my closet, I wanted to test out how much traffic my network can handle. So I installed Windows 98 on it, the only problem I have is that no web browser works on it, the only one that works is IE, but everything i open it up "Illegal operation" and my computer crashes... So I figured this would be a great opportunity to install Linux on a box... First I tried Morphix, and goblin-x both of which worked fine on other computer, but neither would install or live boot. Then I got Ubuntu from a friend. I tried a live boot, after about 35 minutes of a long list of errors it finally came up to a command prompt and nothing will run......

    I was wondering if there is a lesser version of Linux that uses a windows manager and can run off a computer with....... 190MB of RAM and a 500MGhz processor (Pentium II i think)... Any help would be great... I'm just kinda lost and I really want to get my old computer to run again... well get on web pages with it and be able to download things off the internet with it.

    -Thanks :)

  2. Ok, this is my first post on these forums. I am rather new to Hak5, seeing how I got my iPod like 4 days ago and went crazzy with the podcasts... Ok, my question.

    How do I use Rainbowcracker? I looked around for about 3 days now. I found nothing that would help me at all. I serched forums and what not with no luck. So any advice to point me in the right dirrection would be helpful to me. Thank you in advance.

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