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  1. I was on my home network.... buuut I was able to get it to update successfully today. Idk what was wrong with it the other day... but thanks for checking into it for me! Now I have my music again. Yay :D
  2. "There was an error while retrieving update status. Make sure your internet connection is working." Log: 11/5/2010 11:35:44 PM --- SPROXY APPLICATION STARTED --- 11/5/2010 11:35:44 PM No command line options specifed 11/5/2010 11:35:44 PM Executable Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Saver2\ 11/5/2010 11:35:44 PM Data Directory: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\SProxy\ 11/5/2010 11:35:44 PM Logging file: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\SProxy\sproxy_11.05_23.35.35_-_(active).log 11/5/2010 11:35:44 PM Debug level of 0 11/5/2010 11:35:48 PM [DEBUG] Logging active! 11/5/2010 11:35:48 PM --- Initializating plugins --- 11/5/2010 11:35:48 PM Searching in C:\Program Files (x86)\Saver2\ 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin Client.Client from PandoraClient.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin PlayIt.PlayIt from Saver.Accuradio.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin GenericSaver.GenericSaver from Saver.Generic.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin Grooveshark.Grooveshark from Saver.Grooveshark.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin LastFM.LastFM from Saver.LastFM.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM --- Pandora and all related trademarks are property of Pandora Media, Inc. --- 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin Pandora.Pandora from Saver.Pandora.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin PlayIt.PlayIt from Saver.PlayIt.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin Slacker.Slacker from Saver.Slacker.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin Songza.Songza from Saver.Songza.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin YouTube.YouTube from Saver.YouTube.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin Saver2.Saver from Saver2.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:49 PM Loaded plugin SimpleBlacklist.SimpleBlacklist from SimpleBlacklist.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Loaded plugin SongFader.SongFader from SongFader.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Loaded plugin SongManager.SongManager from SongManager.dll 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM --- Starting 14 plugins --- 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2 Core 1.3.3 loaded; looking for suitable plugins... 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Pandora Client C1.5.1 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Accuradio 1.0 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: GenericSaver 2.0 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.2 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Last.FM 1.0 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Pandora Saver S2.2 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: play.it 1.0 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Slacker 1.3 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Songza Radio 1.1 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: YouTube 1.0 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Simple Blacklisting 1.008 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Song Manager 1.002 found! 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM --- Found 13 valid saver plugins! --- 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2 built on 10/13/2010 10:15:33 AM CST 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws. 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed. 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Services supported by generic plugin: 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Playlist.com (http://www.playlist.com/) 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Songza Beta (http://www.songza.com/) 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Listen.com (http://listen.com) 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Meemix (http://www.meemix.com/) 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: SaveDir = \\.psf\Home\Desktop\Aug 2011 Downloaded Music\ 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: NrCores = 1 11/5/2010 11:35:50 PM Saver2: Worker thread started! 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM Saver2: Encoder will use 1 cores 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM Saver2: Song Approval mode is ON! You will need to approve songs using the song approval dialog or web interface for them to be saved! 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM YouTube: Loaded 0 video hashes 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM SBL: Loading blacklists... 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM SBL: Loaded 0 blacklist patterns from file 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\SProxy\Sample.blacklist.txt' 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM --- Plugin initialization completed --- 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM Loaded documentation; 34 entries 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM Loaded IE proxy settings [0] ; PAC 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM --- Loaded server settings --- 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM --- SProxy server started --- 11/5/2010 11:35:51 PM Listening for connections on port 8888 11/5/2010 11:35:52 PM Saver2: Checking for updates.... 11/5/2010 11:35:57 PM #0 GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/updatechk.php 11/5/2010 11:36:27 PM Saver2: Error while retreiving update status: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (506) Failure To Connect To Web Server. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Proxy.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Util\Funcs.cs:line 291 at Saver2.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Funcs.cs:line 45 at Saver2.Saver.<>c__DisplayClass17.<CheckForUpdate>b__15() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Saver.cs:line 640 11/5/2010 11:38:16 PM --- PANDORA CLIENT LAUNCHED --- 11/5/2010 11:38:16 PM SKIN: Found maniac1-boxy in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:16 PM SKIN: Found maniac1-green in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:16 PM SKIN: Found maniac1 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:16 PM SKIN: Found scorp1 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:16 PM SKIN: Found scorp3 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:16 PM SKIN: Found scorp4 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM [DEBUG] SKIN: Using skin 'default' 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM [DEBUG] Skin is up to date! 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM Client: Applying skin... 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM Client: Skin applied successfully! 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM PClient 1.5.5 started; protocol v28 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM StreamPlayer: Cache size set to 65536b 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM StreamPlayer: Opening NAudio WaveOut... 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM NowPlaying: Cleared MSN status 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM Client: Loaded plugin NowPlaying (Client.NowPlaying) from <builtin> 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM Client: Loaded plugin Last.FM (LastFMScrobbler.LastFM) from LastFMScrobbler.dll 11/5/2010 11:38:17 PM Client: Fader Thread error: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The parameter is incorrect at System.Windows.Forms.Form.UpdateLayered() at System.Windows.Forms.Form.set_Opacity(Double value) at Client.PClient.FaderThread() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.GUIFuncs.cs:line 674 11/5/2010 11:38:22 PM Client: Logging in to Pandora 11/5/2010 11:38:22 PM Client: Syncing... 11/5/2010 11:38:22 PM #1 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v28?ri...amp;method=sync 11/5/2010 11:38:23 PM #1 POST 210 bytes to www.pandora.com 11/5/2010 11:38:26 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': #1 11/5/2010 11:38:26 PM ####################################################################### 11/5/2010 11:38:26 PM !! ERROR ERROR ERROR PANDORA PROTOCOL VERSION HAS BEEN INCREMENTED !! 11/5/2010 11:38:26 PM !! YOU MUST CHECK FOR UPDATE @ http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/ !! 11/5/2010 11:38:26 PM !! !! 11/5/2010 11:38:26 PM !! This client cannot be used because the protocol has been changed. !! 11/5/2010 11:38:26 PM ####################################################################### 11/5/2010 11:38:30 PM Client: Window closed 11/5/2010 11:38:30 PM Client: ERROR Sync failed - Check your internet connection. 11/5/2010 11:38:30 PM Client: Failed to sync: System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---> System.Exception: Updated protocol version: cannot continue. Client update required. at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 1027 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 1073 at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 981 at Client.PClient.DoSync() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 773 11/5/2010 11:38:30 PM Client: Unloading plugins... 11/5/2010 11:38:30 PM --- PANDORA CLIENT CLOSED --- 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM --- PANDORA CLIENT LAUNCHED --- 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM SKIN: Found maniac1-boxy in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM SKIN: Found maniac1-green in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM SKIN: Found maniac1 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM SKIN: Found scorp1 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM SKIN: Found scorp3 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM SKIN: Found scorp4 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM [DEBUG] SKIN: Using skin 'default' 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM [DEBUG] Skin is up to date! 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM Client: Applying skin... 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM Client: Skin applied successfully! 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM PClient 1.5.5 started; protocol v28 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM StreamPlayer: Cache size set to 65536b 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM StreamPlayer: Opening NAudio WaveOut... 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM Client: Loaded plugin NowPlaying (Client.NowPlaying) from <builtin> 11/5/2010 11:38:32 PM Client: Loaded plugin Last.FM (LastFMScrobbler.LastFM) from LastFMScrobbler.dll 11/5/2010 11:38:35 PM Client: Window closed 11/5/2010 11:38:35 PM Client: Unloading plugins... 11/5/2010 11:38:35 PM --- PANDORA CLIENT CLOSED --- 11/5/2010 11:38:39 PM Saver2: Checking for updates.... 11/5/2010 11:38:39 PM #2 GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/updatechk.php 11/5/2010 11:38:56 PM Saver2: Error while retreiving update status: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (506) Failure To Connect To Web Server. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Proxy.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Util\Funcs.cs:line 291 at Saver2.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Funcs.cs:line 45 at Saver2.Saver.<>c__DisplayClass17.<CheckForUpdate>b__15() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Saver.cs:line 640 11/5/2010 11:39:59 PM Saver2: Checking for updates.... 11/5/2010 11:39:59 PM #3 GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/updatechk.php 11/5/2010 11:40:15 PM Saver2: Error while retreiving update status: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (506) Failure To Connect To Web Server. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Proxy.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Util\Funcs.cs:line 291 at Saver2.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Funcs.cs:line 45 at Saver2.Saver.<>c__DisplayClass17.<CheckForUpdate>b__15() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Saver.cs:line 640 11/5/2010 11:44:05 PM --- Loaded server settings --- 11/5/2010 11:44:05 PM Saver2: Song Approval mode is ON! You will need to approve songs using the song approval dialog or web interface for them to be saved! 11/5/2010 11:44:05 PM Saver2: Encoder will use 1 cores 11/5/2010 11:44:05 PM Wrote 189 settings to disk 11/5/2010 11:44:06 PM Saver2: Checking for updates.... 11/5/2010 11:44:06 PM #4 GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/updatechk.php 11/5/2010 11:44:22 PM Saver2: Error while retreiving update status: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (506) Failure To Connect To Web Server. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Proxy.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Util\Funcs.cs:line 291 at Saver2.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Funcs.cs:line 45 at Saver2.Saver.<>c__DisplayClass17.<CheckForUpdate>b__15() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Saver.cs:line 640 11/5/2010 11:46:49 PM --- PANDORA CLIENT LAUNCHED --- 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM SKIN: Found maniac1-boxy in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM SKIN: Found maniac1-green in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM SKIN: Found maniac1 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM SKIN: Found scorp1 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM SKIN: Found scorp3 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM SKIN: Found scorp4 in pclient-base 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM [DEBUG] SKIN: Using skin 'default' 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM [DEBUG] Skin is up to date! 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM Client: Applying skin... 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM Client: Skin applied successfully! 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM PClient 1.5.5 started; protocol v28 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM StreamPlayer: Cache size set to 65536b 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM StreamPlayer: Opening NAudio WaveOut... 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM Client: Loaded plugin NowPlaying (Client.NowPlaying) from <builtin> 11/5/2010 11:46:50 PM Client: Loaded plugin Last.FM (LastFMScrobbler.LastFM) from LastFMScrobbler.dll 11/5/2010 11:46:52 PM Client: Logging in to Pandora 11/5/2010 11:46:52 PM Client: Syncing... 11/5/2010 11:46:52 PM #5 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v28?ri...amp;method=sync 11/5/2010 11:46:52 PM #5 POST 210 bytes to www.pandora.com 11/5/2010 11:46:54 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': #5 11/5/2010 11:46:54 PM ####################################################################### 11/5/2010 11:46:54 PM !! ERROR ERROR ERROR PANDORA PROTOCOL VERSION HAS BEEN INCREMENTED !! 11/5/2010 11:46:54 PM !! YOU MUST CHECK FOR UPDATE @ http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/ !! 11/5/2010 11:46:54 PM !! !! 11/5/2010 11:46:54 PM !! This client cannot be used because the protocol has been changed. !! 11/5/2010 11:46:54 PM ####################################################################### 11/5/2010 11:47:02 PM Client: Window closed 11/5/2010 11:47:02 PM Client: ERROR Sync failed - Check your internet connection. 11/5/2010 11:47:02 PM Client: Failed to sync: System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---> System.Exception: Updated protocol version: cannot continue. Client update required. at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 1027 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 1073 at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 981 at Client.PClient.DoSync() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 773 11/5/2010 11:47:02 PM Client: Unloading plugins... 11/5/2010 11:47:02 PM --- PANDORA CLIENT CLOSED --- 11/5/2010 11:55:18 PM Saver2: Checking for updates.... 11/5/2010 11:55:18 PM #6 GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/updatechk.php 11/5/2010 11:55:24 PM #7 GET / 11/5/2010 11:55:26 PM #8 GET /proxyicon.gif 11/5/2010 11:55:28 PM #9 GET /favicon.ico 11/5/2010 11:55:48 PM Saver2: Error while retreiving update status: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Proxy.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Util\Funcs.cs:line 291 at Saver2.Funcs.GetHTTP(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Funcs.cs:line 45 at Saver2.Saver.<>c__DisplayClass17.<CheckForUpdate>b__15() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Saver.cs:line 640 11/5/2010 11:56:01 PM #10 GET /log and when I go to http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/ to try to install the update directly I get a "Failure To Connect To Web Server" I checked my internet connection, windows ran a test and said that I am able to "access some websites". I was able to load the hak5 website (so I can post this.. lol) It asked what my problem was and tried to access the zzj website directly but said "troubleshooting couldn't identify the problem".
  3. /problem solved; how can I delete this post?
  4. Ok, I found them, odd hidden files. You may wish to let other users know this. I am running Mac OS X 10.6 with Parallels 5.0 software running Virtual OS Windows 7. The files are being saved to the virtual operating system, because this program is not compatible with Mac OS. The files can be located on the Virtual OS (not from the Mac side) under: Computer > Local Disk (C:) > .psf > and then your chosen file directory. For example, mine is Computer > Local Disk (C:) > .psf > Home > Desktop > Home > Music. The only file that can be accessed from the Mac side is a textual .m3u file which lists the songs saved on the Virtual OS under the name of your pandora station. The mp3 music files can easily be transferred to your mac by click and drag to your Mac desktop while running Parallels in convergence mode. The .psf directory stands for Parallels Shared Folders. Unfortunately this directory does not appear to be able to be accessed through Finder, you can open up the directory on the mac side but then the folder is empty. Anyway I hope this helps someone.....
  5. I searched the entire hardrive using finder for a couple of music titles and none of them popped up, but what did pop up was the .m3u files. What is an m3u and why is it creating those files? Is it possible that my mp3 are stored within that file? I am so confused....
  6. IRC is down but is this what you are looking for? 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM SProxy application started. 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Debug level of 0 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Searching for plugins in C:\Program Files (x86)\Saver2\ 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin Client.Client from PandoraClient.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin Grooveshark.Grooveshark from Saver.Grooveshark.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin LastFM.LastFM from Saver.LastFM.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Pandora and all related trademarks are property of Pandora Media, Inc. 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin Pandora.Pandora from Saver.Pandora.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin PlaylistDotCom.PlaylistDotCom from Saver.Playlist.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin Slacker.Slacker from Saver.Slacker.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin Songza.Songza from Saver.Songza.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin YouTube.YouTube from Saver.YouTube.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin Saver2.Saver from Saver2.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin SimpleBlacklist.SimpleBlacklist from SimpleBlacklist.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin SongFader.SongFader from SongFader.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Loaded plugin SongManager.SongManager from SongManager.dll 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Checking vital files... 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Verifying lame.exe 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Verification completed successfully. 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2 Core 1.3 loaded; looking for suitable plugins... 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Pandora Client C1.4 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Last.FM 1.0 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Pandora Saver S2.2 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Playlist.com 1.0 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Songza 1.1 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: YouTube 1.0 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Simple Blacklisting 1.008 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Song Manager 1.002 found! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Saver2 built on 7/2/2010 2:06:10 PM CST 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws. 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed. 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: SaveDir = \\.psf\Home\Desktop\Home\Music\Pandora Files\ 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: NrCores = 1 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Worker thread started! 7/17/2010 6:24:40 PM Saver2: Encoder will use 1 cores 7/17/2010 6:24:41 PM SBL: Loading blacklists... 7/17/2010 6:24:41 PM SBL: Loaded 0 blacklist patterns from file 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\SProxy\Sample.blacklist.txt' 7/17/2010 6:24:41 PM SProxy starting 7/17/2010 6:24:41 PM Listening for connections on port 8888 7/17/2010 6:24:41 PM PClient 1.4 started; protocol v27 7/17/2010 6:24:42 PM StreamPlayer: Using legacy mplayer output 7/17/2010 6:24:42 PM StreamPlayer: Opening mplayer.log 7/17/2010 6:24:42 PM StreamPlayer: Launching mplayer w/ args -slave -idle -cache 320 -demuxer audio -quiet 7/17/2010 6:24:42 PM Saver2: Checking for updates.... 7/17/2010 6:24:42 PM #0 GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/updatechk.php 7/17/2010 6:24:44 PM StreamPlayer: mplayer ready for playback 7/17/2010 6:24:46 PM Saver2: An update is available. 7/17/2010 6:24:46 PM #1 GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/CHANGELOG.txt 7/17/2010 6:25:22 PM Loaded documentation; 30 entries 7/17/2010 6:26:10 PM Client: Logging in to Pandora 7/17/2010 6:26:11 PM Client: Syncing 7/17/2010 6:26:11 PM #2 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v27?ri...amp;method=sync 7/17/2010 6:26:11 PM #2 POST 210 bytes to www.pandora.com 7/17/2010 6:26:15 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': #2 7/17/2010 6:26:15 PM Client: Authenticating... 7/17/2010 6:26:31 PM #3 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443 7/17/2010 6:26:37 PM #3: SSL transaction finished, sent 1.3KB, rec 6.1KB 7/17/2010 6:26:37 PM ----- Logged in (myusernamehere) 7/17/2010 6:26:37 PM | Acct type: REGISTERED 7/17/2010 6:26:37 PM | Bill freq: 7/17/2010 6:26:37 PM ------------- 7/17/2010 6:26:38 PM Client: Fetching stations... 7/17/2010 6:26:38 PM #4 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v27?ri...hod=getStations 7/17/2010 6:26:38 PM #4 POST 482 bytes to www.pandora.com 7/17/2010 6:26:41 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getStations': #4 7/17/2010 6:26:41 PM Pandora: Sniffed 9 new station names 7/17/2010 6:26:41 PM Client: Got 8 stations 7/17/2010 6:26:50 PM Client: Changing station to 117970639939606605 | Alt GEN 7/17/2010 6:26:50 PM Client: Fetching playlist... 7/17/2010 6:26:50 PM #5 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v27?ri...g6=0&arg7=0 7/17/2010 6:26:50 PM #5 POST 1202 bytes to www.pandora.com 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': #5 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM Pandora: Data format: mp3 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM Pandora: Got song S1111541, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...SYf8PtG7w%3D%3D 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM Pandora: Got song S1148261, URL = http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/4...ORkLfDMYg%3D%3D 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM Pandora: Got song S504772, URL = http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/?...kBko%2FyQ%3D%3D 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM Pandora: Got song S119974, URL = http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/?...A5GlkvQ8g%3D%3D 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM Client: Starting playback of song The White Tie Affair - "Allow Me To Introduce Myself...Mr. Right" on 'Walk This Way' (ID S1111541) 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...SYf8PtG7w%3D%3D 7/17/2010 6:26:54 PM #6 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...SYf8PtG7w%3D%3D 7/17/2010 6:27:02 PM Pandora: sniffed The White Tie Affair - "Allow Me To Introduce Myself...Mr. Right" on 'Walk This Way' (ID S1111541) 7/17/2010 6:27:02 PM S1111541: Started downloading 7/17/2010 6:27:02 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 7/17/2010 6:27:02 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 7/17/2010 6:27:02 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 7/17/2010 6:27:10 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 7/17/2010 6:27:10 PM #7 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...0_130W_130H.jpg 7/17/2010 6:27:17 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 7/17/2010 6:27:17 PM S1111541: Finished downloading 7/17/2010 6:27:17 PM S1111541: is rated positively; will be downloaded immediately 7/17/2010 6:27:17 PM Saver2: Processing song The White Tie Affair - "Allow Me To Introduce Myself...Mr. Right" on 'Walk This Way' (ID S1111541) 7/17/2010 6:27:17 PM #8 GET http://www.google.com/search?q=The%20White...nre&num=100 7/17/2010 6:27:20 PM Saver2: Scraped genre: pop / rock 7/17/2010 6:27:20 PM Saver2: S1111541 is already in MP3 format; skipping encoding 7/17/2010 6:27:20 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2860093 bytes 7/17/2010 6:27:20 PM #9 GET http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv...t=relevancerank 7/17/2010 6:27:24 PM S1111541: Successfully looked up larger album art 7/17/2010 6:27:24 PM S1111541: Fetching AART from http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Xt...I5L._SL500_.jpg 7/17/2010 6:27:25 PM #10 GET http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Xt...I5L._SL500_.jpg 7/17/2010 6:27:28 PM S1111541: Saved AART to '\.psf\Home\Desktop\Home\Music\Pandora Files\The White Tie Affair\Walk This Way\Walk This Way.png' 7/17/2010 6:27:28 PM Saver2: Adding The White Tie Affair - Allow Me To Introduce Myself Mr Right.mp3 to Alt GEN.m3u 7/17/2010 6:28:12 PM #11 GET /log
  7. I'm not super techy, but I have a couple problems that maybe you can help me with: First, it is not saving the songs I am listening to through the included pandora client. I have selected a target folder at setup for the files to be saved to, but the only two files that are saved in that folder are "newMusic.m3u" and "(name of my radio station).m3u". According to the log on saver 2, the song files are being downloaded. I have set Saver2 to encode and save all of my files in Mp3 format. Here is a screen cap of the log: Also the songs aren't playing very smoothly in the included pandora client.... but I think that is probably my own hardware problem because I am running this program on a virtual OS on my Mac - a problem with the allocated RAM or something.
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