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Phil K.

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Posts posted by Phil K.

  1. Ps I need collard shirts for work. there are no hak5 polos.

    I totally agree! Get some hak5 polos in the shop Darren!

  2. Hey guys!

    I was wondering if anyone know of a quick way to check if a code file conform with some coding guidelines.

    Those guidelines will include:

    - variable and method naming style

    - function length (column-wise and row-wise)

    - spacing for indentation

    For example, if I have a function that is name: myfirstfunction, style checker would give an error because proper name should be MyFirstFunction. If I indented my code 5 spaces, it would give me an error because indentation should be 4 spaces, etc.

    Any ideas are welcomed :)



    I think what you are looking for is something like this: http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/

    Though its not a general tool. Its for C# and VB.net

  3. just tried hak5.org using waste it wont connect. But, IMO, it looks like we are on the right track with WASTE. At least it seems to be a good way to implement a darknet.

  4. @Charles

    Your method here does work. I used your code below to boot the ubuntu server installer:

    title Ubuntu Server x86 (Testing)
    kernel=/ubuntu-10.04.1-server-i386/install/vmlinuz noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed

    just extract the iso's and put the folders in the root.

    it should look like this




    ive tested both x86 and x64.

  5. Hey all!

    I just recently made the switch to Ubuntu and I am lovin' it! Apart from not being able to play BF:BC2 its great.

    Anyways, I am currently taking a database course through the business school at my university because the CS department did not offer it this semester. My problem is that with this course they want you to use microsoft products including visio and Visual studio. Does anyone have any suggestions for programs compatible with ubuntu that emulate most of the same features of the programs above? The problem is, is that I need to work with 4 other people on this database project that lasts all semester so we need to be able to share code and visio docs.

    BTW: we are using oracle as are DB server.

    Right now I am looking at MonoDevelop and Dia as alternatives.

    Thank you in advance!


  6. Wow great episode! Props to Darren for going Linux this season. Just switched myself, just wish i could play my games on linux. ;( ill deal for now with a separate windows hard drive.

    Keep up the great work Darren, can't wait for this seasons projects!

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