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Posts posted by Cynagen

  1. I'm also having a problem. I have it set to automatically rip the songs as they play, but the songs come out wrong. For example, a Less Than Jake song will play and the program will save a file. Then a Catch-22 song will play and it will save that file. The problem is that the Less Than Jake file is some song that I don't know, the Catch-22 file is the Less Than Jake song, and the next mp3 the program creates is the Catch-22 song. Anybody know how to fix this?

    I'm having the exact same issue or something very similar. Only about 1/5 of the songs I save are named/stored correctly...

    Apparently this is a common problem?

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have noticed this as well with my own PHP script I wrote to manually rip shit because I was sick of Pandora not doing it right. They made a minor change to the way pandora has been handling now.

    It prebuffers the next song it plans on playing, this removes a level of "dynamics" but it fucks with us trying to rip stuff. The only fix to this, is the INSTANT the song starts playing (and downloading), you'll need to hit Grab It and hope for the best. Otherwise, if you're a resourceful son of a bitch like me, and write your own crap to get past bullcrap like what we're getting, when you check for the latest edited file (like i'm doing by checking the UNIX timestamp on my Mac and PC), be sure to set up a second variable 2nd2last, and whenever lastfile is updated, write 2nd2last with lastfile's old contents, and you'll nab the right song every time. Also, to all those unfortuneate souls dealing with this, I will be releasing my script in 2 flavors, a shell script for Linux/Mac, and a windows executable. Yeah, you heard me right, a windows executable. I'll post links and usage instructions a little later once I get home and do a little bit of debugging to port my corrected script over from my Mac to my PC.

  2. Cost aside (lets be honest here, if your running 2k3 on P3's and old AMD kits, you probally didn't pay for it), i really don't understand why so many people are having problems with permissions on 2k3.

    Let's be even more honest, let's not point out who has and who hasn't a legal copy, less you are a fed, and need to be fed to the Hak.5 Server of Evil. Now that aside, (you snooping cop you,) the fact is, i'm lazy with permissions, and yes, they have gotten the better of me on a windows XP machine, (and here I was thinking of playing around with 2k3 in domain controller mode,) and I figured they'd be a bitch in 2k3 as well, so far not the case, just a lot of bull checkboxing and stuff.

  3. Apple PowerBook G4 12"

    ethernet cable

    slackware CDs (fetch and alter files from drives with it, unless they're ntfs, slackware on a hidden partition is your friend, love SSHd, love my mac for having SSH already on it ahah)

  4. It's funny that this thread crops up the DAY AFTER I booted my NAS up on the network with a drive prepared. I'm also using 2k3, on a P3 933Mhz, it needs a lot more memory (768mb to be exact), before I'll really consider it anything special, and found that I had to sign in for my drive access. This is great because then I can lock down folders, bad because now I have to add/manage users all the time if I have friends over that want access. GRRR. I'm thinking of setting up a Guest account with access to all the drives (read-only of course) and a Guest dropbox, where people can dump stuff onto a specific folder only on my NAS, leaving it open for my DLink media center, and my computer to have unlimited access. I do highly suggest if you're going to build a NAS from scratch, go with your fave distro (Slack for me), and build it up there, stay away from the windows route if you can. Stupid permissions stuff.

  5. take a look at the call sortFilesByLastModified(joinedMp3s); in getJoinedPandoraMp3FilesInDecendingOrder()

    Is this what you are thinking of?

    Today I saw one reason why you might have problems. Pandora (not PJ) has a bug where the Firefox title bar is not updated with the current song name. For me, this occured when the song contained an apostrophe. PJ has no way of knowing if the title bar is correct. It just copies the newest mp3 with the name found in the title bar. It would be difficult to fix that. Maybe the best we could do is to copy the song name next to the grab button to make it clearer which name will be used.

    i've been working with beta 4, since it was the most successful at all it did, i'll take another look at 7.3.1 to get back up to date with you guys, but that damned shifting issue, ugh. oh and to fix the apostrophe, change it to this `, same effect, different character, you can find it under the tilde (~)

  6. I mean examining the code, (and trying to figure out what it all does when mashed together so you update certain peices properly), and I'm trying to replace the failing grabMP3(). You know how it's picky and sometimes works, sometimes doesn't? I wanted to replace it with something better that'll actually work.

    Why not fix grabMP3()?

    What would you do differently in your implementation?

    All the problems I heard about were caused by cluttered TEMP directories or grabbing before the song has finished downloading.

    better detection on the files to find out which one is the one we want by checking last edited timestamps, instead of just keeping a list of the files in an array and just seeing which one was last added (bad idea when you change stations as often as I do) and i have no freakin idea how to set any of that up in java, so that's why I was saying go with something I know and just hijack the function fron PJ, also it's not a bad idea to check the filesize of the last edited file, and then wait 1 second and recheck it, so you can see if the first check was smaller than the second, you know the file is still downloading and you'll need to wait, and the first time you come up with 3 identical checks (3 seconds wait, in case their is some slowness with getting a last portion, unlikely but just to be sure), then we'll proceed to copy the file. the original build an array, toss the filenames in the array and see which was just added, was a horrid idea, however i can write that checker in no time flat in php, it's just integrating it into PJ

  7. Cynagen

    This has been working for me, I only have problems when creating a new station, not sure why; pandora must mess with the cache when using this feature, to get around this I'll do a browsers reload when creating a station.

    The code is from the 7.4.1 release which includes the lyrics lookup.


    package util;
    import org.blinkenlights.jid3.ID3Exception;
    import org.blinkenlights.jid3.MediaFile;
    import org.blinkenlights.jid3.MP3File;
    import org.blinkenlights.jid3.v2.ID3V2_3_0Tag;
    import org.blinkenlights.jid3.v2.APICID3V2Frame;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import enums.FileType;
    import properties.DefaultProperties;
    public class Mp3Processor {
        private static String ERR_TMP_NOT_FOUND = "unable to find file make sure you have Pandora running in a FIRFOX browser";
        private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Mp3Processor.class);
        public static File findCurrentMP3() throws IOException {
            LOG.info("locating mp3");
            File currentTmpMp3 = findCurrentTmpMp3();
            LOG.debug("checking file integrity for file: " + currentTmpMp3.getName());
            int loopCount = 0;
            while (true) {
                try {
                    LOG.debug("sleeping for a second");
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                File currentMp3Refetched = findCurrentTmpMp3();
                if (currentMp3Refetched.getName().equals(currentTmpMp3.getName())) {
                    LOG.debug("file integrity check complete");
                if (loopCount > 40) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("File integrity could not be confirmed after 40 loops - process aborted");
            return copyFile(currentTmpMp3, new File(currentTmpMp3.getParent(), "pandorasJarTmpFile.mp3"));
        private static File findCurrentTmpMp3() {
            int retryCount = DefaultProperties.getTmpMp3RetryCount();
            File[] mp3Files = new File[0];
            for (int x = 0; x < retryCount; x++) {
                try {
                    mp3Files = getJoinedPandoraMp3FilesInDecendingOrder();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (x + 1 == retryCount) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
                    LOG.info("Mp3 file was not located retrying after 1 second. loop count: " + (x + 1));
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
            return mp3Files[1];
        private static File[] getJoinedPandoraMp3FilesInDecendingOrder() throws IOException {
            List<File> mp3s = new ArrayList<File>();
            File tempDir = findTempDir();
            joinMp3s(mp3s, tempDir);
            File[] joinedMp3s = mp3s.toArray(new File[mp3s.size()]);
            if (joinedMp3s.length < 2) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ERR_TMP_NOT_FOUND);
            return joinedMp3s;
        private static File findTempDir() {
            String tmpDir = System.getenv("TEMP");
            if (tmpDir == null || tmpDir.length() == 0) {
                tmpDir = System.getenv("TMP");
            if (tmpDir == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ERR_TMP_NOT_FOUND);
            return new File(tmpDir);
        private static boolean isFileRecent(File file) {
            Date now = new Date();
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            calendar.setTime(new Date(file.lastModified()));
            calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, 3);
            return now.before(calendar.getTime());
        public static void joinMp3s(List<File> mp3s, File lookinDir) throws IOException {
            LOG.debug("n***processing directory: " + lookinDir.getName() + "***n");
            File[] files = lookinDir.listFiles();
            //uncomment to print files in each working directory
            for (File currentFile : files) {
                if (!currentFile.isDirectory()) {
                    if (isMp3(currentFile)) {
                        LOG.debug("mp3 found adding currentFile: " + currentFile.getName());
                } else {
                    if (currentFile.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf("plug") != -1) {
                        joinMp3s(mp3s, currentFile);
            LOG.debug("no more mp3 found in dir");
        private static void printFiles(File[] files) {
            LOG.debug("working with files");
            for (File file : files) {
        private static boolean isMp3(File file) {
            FileInputStream is = null;
            if (file.length() < (1000 * 1024)) {
                //LOG.debug("file: " + file.getName() + " too small");
                return false;
            try {
                is = new FileInputStream(file);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[32 * 1024];
                String fragment = new String(buffer);
                if (fragment.indexOf("LAME") != -1) {
                    LOG.debug("found mp3 file: " + file.getName() + " adding to list");
                    return true;
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("file " + file.getName() + " is not an mp3");
                    return false;
            catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.debug("unable to parse file: " + file + " marking file as non-mp3");
                return false;
            finally {
                if (is != null) {
                    try {
                    catch (IOException e) {
                        LOG.info("unable to close input stream: " + e.getMessage());
        public static void sortFilesByLastModified(File[] files) {
            Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator() {
                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                    if (((File) o1).lastModified() > ((File) o2).lastModified()) {
                        return -1;
                    } else if (((File) o1).lastModified() < ((File) o2).lastModified()) {
                        return +1;
                    } else {
                        return 0;
        public static File copyFile(File src, File dst) throws IOException {
            LOG.info("copying file[" + src.getAbsolutePath() + "] to temp[" + dst.getAbsolutePath() + "]");
            InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst);
            byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
            int len;
            while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) {
                out.write(buf, 0, len);
            return dst;
        public static void addID3Tags(File currentMP3, File coverArt, String comment, SongInfo songInfo) throws ID3Exception, IOException {
            LOG.info("adding ID3 tags: " + songInfo.toString());
            MediaFile oMediaFile = new MP3File(currentMP3);
            ID3V2_3_0Tag oID3V2_3_0Tag = new ID3V2_3_0Tag();
            if (coverArt != null) {
                LOG.info("setting ID3 cover art");
                byte[] buffer = new byte[32 * 1024];
                BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(coverArt));
                ByteArrayOutputStream imageBinary = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                while (bufferedInputStream.read(buffer) != -1) {
                APICID3V2Frame apicid3V2Frame = new APICID3V2Frame("image/jpg", APICID3V2Frame.PictureType.Artist, songInfo.getAlbum() != null ? songInfo.getAlbum() : "unknown", imageBinary.toByteArray());
            if (songInfo.getAlbum() != null) {
            if (songInfo.getArtist() != null) {
            if (comment != null) {
                if (songInfo.getStationName() != null) {
                } else {
            if (songInfo.getTrackNumber() != null) {
                Integer i = new Integer(songInfo.getTrackNumber());
            if (songInfo.getGenre() != null) {
            if (songInfo.getTitle() != null) {
            if (songInfo.getYear() != null) {
                try {
                    Integer y = new Integer(songInfo.getYear());
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        public static void saveMP3(SongInfo songInfo, File fileToSave, FileType fileType, DataOutputStream output, boolean addToItunes) throws IOException {
            File file = new File(Util.createSongHierarchy(songInfo), SafeString.getSafeFileName(songInfo.getArtist().trim() + "-" + songInfo.getTitle().trim()) + "." + fileType.toString().toLowerCase());
            Mp3Processor.copyFile(fileToSave, file);
            String mp3Path = file.getAbsolutePath();
            if (addToItunes) {
                ITunesManager.addTrackToItunes(mp3Path, songInfo.getStationName());
            LOG.info("nripped file to: " + mp3Path + "nyea baby!!!n");
            if (fileType == FileType.MP3) {
                output.writeBytes("<span style="font: 12px arial">MP3 tagged and saved:</span><br/><span style="font: 12px arial">" + mp3Path + "</span>");

    This a portion of JAR source or is this JS? Please people tell us what type so that I can post the nessicary changes, and if this is JAR source, i'll be sure to toss it in an d recompile, test the new JAR, and if it works for me too, toss it up for download.

  8. I did not have to reverse engineer the code, it's open source.

    What you are trying to do with PHP that PJ is not already doing?

    I mean examining the code, (and trying to figure out what it all does when mashed together so you update certain peices properly), and I'm trying to replace the failing grabMP3(). You know how it's picky and sometimes works, sometimes doesn't? I wanted to replace it with something better that'll actually work.

  9. Hey cap, could you do me a favor (since you're reverse engineering the JAR's source files), and find if you can send a seperate call to a URL from within the jar, or call another JS command on the page? If you can, let me know so that way I can get a solid way to tie into PJ with my php ripper. (More specifically, help me find a way to hijack grabMP3() effectively and properly.)

  10. If it does not work, you can remove the patch by restoring your pandora.jar from your backup

    copy pandora.jar.bak pandora.jar

    I might work on a batch processor to update my ID3 tags. I might also look at fetching the album art since that does not work for me now.

    Well go ahead and make your updates and i'll go ahead and get to work this weekend on the PHP scripts for windows and tell people how to make the rest work on mac and linux (pretty straightforward for you guys), so that we can get this show on the road, and considering the way pandora is built, it looks like i've got a little fun in store for me.

  11. Call me a dumbass (I'm sure I deserve it) but wherein lies the difficulty here? The 1MB = 1000000 bytes thing?

    You're not the dumbass, it's the f'king harddrive manufacturers with their heads up their asses thinking they can get away with it now. (Not going to happen for much longer with drives getting bigger and more and more space going POOF)

    Here's the classifications of measurements.

    Consumer = 1024

    Manufacturer = 1000

    If you notice, there's a 24 byte disrepency. When harddrive manufacturers were first minting these larger drives (1gb+) they figured they could throw away a user measurement in favor of their own, just so they would not have to deal with trying to fit an extra 24xHOWMANYBYTES on the drive platters. This was also a marketing scam, and since people just attributed this to formatting the drive caused a loss in usable space for the partition mapping (total bullshit), the harddrive manufacturers got away with it for a while. Now that we're on the unprecidented and unbelievable brink of 1 f'king terabit (notice i say bit, i'll explain later) drives, these guys aren't going to get away with it much longer.

    Manufacturers have long used Mb, which to those in the internet hosting realm understand as Megabit, and MB as MegaByte, but to the unsuspecting consumer, well they assume MegaByte. Here's the math, and we'll use a new 750Gb harddrive for example:

    750 (label size) x 1000000000 = 750000000000 "bytes" (bit in the terms of internet transfer from most servers, when they list 12Gbit transfer, they mean 11.17GB transfer, again, marketing scam to screw you for going over your bandwidth limit)

    Now let's format the drive! 1024^3 = 1073741824 bytes = 1 gigabyte (note no "s, this is literal to how a computer reads it!)

    750000000000 / 1073741824 = 698.49193096161 (or as XP would report: 698.5GB)

    Yeah, 750Gb on the label, 698GB usable. That's 50 "GB" lost, i'm sorry, but that's not a partition map, that's just bad math on the part of the manufacturer. The only drives i've seen listed with actual usable space sizes, are SCSI drives (because their primary domain is servers and you need to know exactly how much use this drive is going to be,) and the Raptors from Western Digital (the 80Gb raptor is marked on the box as 74GB which is what it will end up as once formatted.)

    I have to give props to WD for their smart move on the Raptors, bad thing is, they should have set that example long ago, and made the rest of the companies follow suit by no longer lying.

  12. I wouldn't do that personally, I don't wanna risk breaking stuff, you do it or email me your copy and i'll post it, also, are you sure you're including everything you need to make sure pandora works? And since you can build it, is there anyway we can just change it to a capture device and hand out calls in javascript (which can then be AJAX calls to my PHP script)? Can you work on breaking it down to just a javascript caller? And whoever said they forsee Pandora on a media center computer, well you already can, but one with the functions of pandora's jar, not yet, and php based rips of the functions you're asking for, will require a lot of different applications and a lot of work to make, and yes, I can take on the challenge a weekend at a time, since it's something i've been looking forward to. (And accomplished to a small degree with mplayerc.)

  13. The source of CddbLookUp.java did not change between 7.2 and 7.3.

    I don't know if it changed between 7.3 and 7.3.x. Is there a 7.4 out there?

    Is there a subversion or CVS repository for PandoraJar somewhere? How can we get code changes accepted in the official distribution?

    Bahahaha, Official distribution? That's the best joke I've heard all thread. There is no 'official' because if it get's an 'official' status, then somebody's name (and ass) is pinned to the wall for aiding in copyright infringement which, if you didn't already know, the RIAA is really hunting for right now. It's still the Music Genome's deal to report this abuse, but still the RIAA might get another stick up their asses and try to shut anyone down who has the whole picture painted in a single file for everyone, hence why i'm ok with hosting just 1 component. Also 7.4.2 was a beta, and was accidentally released as 7.2.1 or at least in the 7.2.1 file from wildandbad. Whatever, you have 7.2.what? I think that'd be enough for people, I mean it's patched and it works, I could just as easily patch on top of it with my PHP stuff for even better functionality!

  14. Yes, the user I tried it with is a member of the users groupe.

    I assume that's the topic of this thread, regain admin access from a user level account on the machine. Oh well, it seems the easier ways of direct system level access all start with admin level access. So this is a really good thread so far, admin to system level accesses posted here, a terminal, and just taking over admin altogether with a new password, and the thread's topic of gaining admin in the first place.

    • I don't know if this counts, or if it's already been posted someplace else in the forums, but I know an easy way to gain local Administrator account access on the machine in case you need that windows version of the root account.

    Steps are as follows:

    • Rightclick on My Computer, choose Manage
    • Choose Local Users and Groups in Computer Management, open Users folder
    • Rightclick on Administrator, choose rename, use any other name besides Admin or Administrator in any form
    • Rightclick on the new username, and choose Set Password, you can now change their password to anything you want
    • Rename back to Administrator, done

    This isn't removing a password, or spending hours with a cracking application or sitting there cracking it by staring at data all day, but I hope this helps people achieve the same thing you're looking for here, it's worked every time i've used it, don't know if it'll work under a standard User Account (as set under Users in Control Panel.)

  15. I believe I found out why fetching the ID3 information from gracenote did not work for me most of the time. There is an amazon ad in the lower left corner that appears before the album list in the HTML source. The name of the link in the ad matched what PJ was looking for so PJ followed that link down to amazon instead of fetching the album track list from gracenote.

    I agree we would get much better name matches from pandora backstage but that's a little too suspicious to do as we are listening.

    So, I updated the gracenote code to zoom in on the HTML main area and ignore the ads.

    What's the procedure to submit this code?

    If the code is in the actual Java JAR file, then a release "patch" would be appropriate (Instruction file containing needed changes to page if any, and readme with changes to the JAR file listed, and of course the patched JAR file), or if it's a change to the Javascript JS file, then just simply do what I did, hit "Code" (alt+c) and paste the original information we need to locate, close "Code", and then open a new "Code" and paste what we need to change it to. Label each section of code of course. And detail any other smaller, but still very very important changes as well. If it works more often than not for you, I'm sure the community will be very accepting of your fix, my anti-pandora shifting fix works for me on all my computers, still triggers everything just fine, but for some people it breaks it. I unno. I do plan on breaking into the Jar like I said, and I plan on taking at least a day out of my weekend to do this, possibly starting today.

  16. Don't fret so much, i'm going to hack into the pandora's jar later when I get the chance, i'm gonna have to fight to stay up, but i'm going to write up some PHP to help allieviate the capture problem.

    I would send ya some energy drinks but seeing email hasent got that far yet, will have to put a hold on that idea. php conjures up a few free media center like software packages available for watching movies,ripping,playing mp3 and lisenning to internet radio.. :idea: the thought of incorporating pandora.jar into the living room.. :D

    Are we going to have to install php in windows, and which one is prefered?

    You shouldn't have to install PHP, but i'll be more than happy to set up something that can be done quickly in windows, if not come up with my own installer. (I do that from time to time with MindVision Installer Vice.) Anyways, I didn't get a chance to late last/earlier this week, but i'll see about this weekend, making it a point to hijack some calls, and lo-and-behold, when I peeked in earlier, I found some AJAX already set up for me to abuse. So I plan on taking over that way. Possibly even replace all the functions and just use the JAR as the capture device/caller for the functions. Need to run a test to see if Pandora itself makes the calls, but I doubt it.

  17. Don't fret so much, i'm going to hack into the pandora's jar later when I get the chance, i'm gonna have to fight to stay up, but i'm going to write up some PHP to help allieviate the capture problem. I'm literally going to steal the grabMP3() function from the applet (since it seems to SUCK ASS at finding mp3s), and just write up my own PHP script to handle all that fun stuff. I'll see if I can manage to integrate the album finding stuff as well over time, so we have proper tagging of stuff, I will not dare tag a track number. (That's just suicide.)

    So here's to phpHACK();

  18. INFO Thread-2 servlet.ProcessAction - handling mp3 request

    INFO Thread-2 servlet.ProcessAction - Finding current mp3

    INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - locating mp3

    WARN Thread-2 properties.DefaultProperties - Unable to load tmp mp3 retry count property.

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor -

    ***processing directory: Temp***

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - mp3 found adding currentFile: plugtmp-1

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor -

    ***processing directory: plugtmp***

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - file v7 is not an mp3

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - recent non mp3 file found: v7 - will continue to next file

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - file tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf is not an mp3

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - recent non mp3 file found: tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf - will continue to next file

    DEBUG Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - no more mp3 found in dir

    Ok, this specifically has been an issue for myself as well, and I think I can see some sort of trend, Pandora may be trying to break auto-rippers like Pandora's Jar without making it as easy as a change in directories. I've been a big user of PHP and see so many chances to be able to use (and abuse) it's functions and abilities. If somebody could possibly work on Pandora's Jar to get the information we need on the song from Pandora to be handed out someplace else, I could quite easily write a script that is automatically called by the JAR applet with all the input from pandora, and use it to locate the new song, and make a copy of it with proper naming. I would think about just making a version of Pandora's Jar in PHP, (guess it would be called phpPandora then huh?,) but I wouldn't know where to begin to grab the information I would need from. If anyone can point me to the resource locations for the currently playing Artist, Song, and perhaps even station number, I could very easily research all the rest I need. I'm going to be doing packet monitoring looking for anything I can leech out with PHP. Anyone willing to help me in this freakin endeavor?

    EDIT: I think I found a way to just piggyback my PHP copier on the existing Pandora's Jar system, since it already grabs the name just fine, and actually sends a call to a javascript, I could add a document location type thing, or add an ajax call to the PHP script to make the rip. AWESOME. I'll get to work on this soon.

  19. i see what you are saying but im booting it (10.4.6) not run a vutial one. how do i try to fix that. should i be moving it when its booting. so when i get to please pick your lang. i can't click on a lang becuase it stuck up there.

    i think that would help.

    it boot just fine. its just teh mouse thing in the top left.


    You're running OS X for PC? Or did you take my suggestion for the PearPC running on a barebones copy of linux? If you took my suggestion, you need to use a USB mouse, and make sure the GPM is loaded so the mouse will work in the console, and thusly in turn, in MacOS, if you're using the PS/2 plug type, I don't know how to get that working, USB worked fine for me. If GPM is running, try removing it from startup, let OS X initialize the USB devices itself rather than the computer making them ready before hand.

  20. Yo, appearantly everything Pandora's Jar related needs to go into 1 30 mile long thread, but whatever. I posted a fix for the Pandora tuner shifting up and to the left, and it was promptly locked some time later. I'm thinking we need a subforum of some kind for the pandora's jar stuff. Fixes, tweaks, things like that. Hopefully somebody will realize this thread is far too long and actually get the ball rolling on something like that, whatever, anyways, here's the fix, long banned from any new posts being added, and if anything changes, i'll be sure to post it here, if the mods wanna delete that thread, go for it.

    Original location: http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2302

    And yes, forum politic commentary is recommended and included free of charge. Feel free to ignore said bitch-rants.

    Pandora is not suppost to move! It keeps shifting up and to the left! How many other people are sick of this happening, despite repeated "fixes" that only seem to work for 66% of us? How about a PERMANENT FIX. Yeah, that's right, I said Permanent. That big bad scary word in the world of pandora's dynamics. C'MON, I shouldn't have been the one to find this, but whatever, since I did, and it works on my work Mac, my Mac laptop i carry everywhere with me, my home PC, and my PC at work, and my friend's PC, here's my [PANDORA MUSICAL POSITIONS FIX]. Yes, I just came up with that name, sue me.

    Whatever version of Pandora's Jar you're using, if your Pandora music player shifts for no reason, try this.

    Open up the pandoraGrabber.html and find the following lines:

    <div id="TunerContainer">
        <iframe src="http://www.pandora.com/?cmd=mini" scrolling=no></iframe>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/pandora.js"></script>

    Now, strip out the IFRAME and SCRIPT leaving just the DIV and /DIV tags, this is still our container and needed to make this trickery work. (Pandora's flash script appearantly checks for this crap.)

    Paste in this code found from the pandora.com MAIN PAGE. -NOT THE MINI THE MAIN PAGE ONLY- I have only had failure with the Mini's code, (MAYBE BECAUSE IT'S THE CODE THAT ALLOWS THE SHIFTING, hint hint guys.)

    <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
       <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf">
       <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
       <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF>
       <PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>
     <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="_tunervar_shost=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_amazonurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2Fredirect%3Ftag%3Dsavagebeast-20&_tunervar_host=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_ar=0&_tunervar_port=80&_tunervar_sport=443&_tunervar_itunesurl=http%3A%2F%2Fclick.linksynergy.com%2Ffs-bin%2Fstat%3Fid%3DFLenzF8lvbI%26offerid%3D78941%26type%3D3%26subid%3D0%26tmpid%3D1826">
    <EMBED src="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf"
     NAME="radio" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"

    So now the pandoraGrabber.html should read:

    <div id="TunerContainer">
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
       <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf">
       <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
       <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF>
       <PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>
     <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="_tunervar_shost=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_amazonurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2Fredirect%3Ftag%3Dsavagebeast-20&_tunervar_host=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_ar=0&_tunervar_port=80&_tunervar_sport=443&_tunervar_itunesurl=http%3A%2F%2Fclick.linksynergy.com%2Ffs-bin%2Fstat%3Fid%3DFLenzF8lvbI%26offerid%3D78941%26type%3D3%26subid%3D0%26tmpid%3D1826">
    <EMBED src="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf"
     NAME="radio" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"

    Save and refresh the localhost window.

    I'd also like to point out, for those on Macs, please open the "pandora.sh" file, and redo ALL the case returns/new lines ("enter/returns" at the end of a line), since otherwise it will complain about bad interpreter.

    Now somebody else who suffered like me tell me how my fix worked out for them already dangit!

    -Angry Pandora Jar user now happy because he fixed what was broken.

  21. Not too difficult, waiting for installation to complete from DVD-ROM and the dd in linux to make the disk image you want to install OSX to is a pain.

    I used to run a dual boot, WinXP Pro, and Mac OS X (PPC) running on top of a barebones copy of Slackware 10.1 running PearPC by default, so it would basically go through the whole linux boot, you could watch it's pretty white text, and then end up seeing the screen go white, and then the apple logo appear in the middle of the screen. It was pretty. It was kinda slow at times, but that's emulation for ya. On a 64bit processor, i can only imagine how much faster it would be.

  22. Pandora is not suppost to move! It keeps shifting up and to the left! How many other people are sick of this happening, despite repeated "fixes" that only seem to work for 66% of us? How about a PERMANENT FIX. Yeah, that's right, I said Permanent. That big bad scary word in the world of pandora's dynamics. C'MON, I shouldn't have been the one to find this, but whatever, since I did, and it works on my work Mac, my Mac laptop i carry everywhere with me, my home PC, and my PC at work, and my friend's PC, here's my [PANDORA MUSICAL POSITIONS FIX]. Yes, I just came up with that name, sue me.

    Whatever version of Pandora's Jar you're using, if your Pandora music player shifts for no reason, try this.

    Open up the pandoraGrabber.html and find the following lines:

    <div id="TunerContainer">
        <iframe src="http://www.pandora.com/?cmd=mini" scrolling=no></iframe>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/pandora.js"></script>

    Now, strip out the IFRAME and SCRIPT leaving just the DIV and /DIV tags, this is still our container and needed to make this trickery work. (Pandora's flash script appearantly checks for this crap.)

    Paste in this code found from the pandora.com MAIN PAGE. -NOT THE MINI THE MAIN PAGE ONLY- I have only had failure with the Mini's code, (MAYBE BECAUSE IT'S THE CODE THAT ALLOWS THE SHIFTING, hint hint guys.)

    <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
        <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf">
        <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
        <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF>
        <PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>
     <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="_tunervar_shost=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_amazonurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2Fredirect%3Ftag%3Dsavagebeast-20&_tunervar_host=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_ar=0&_tunervar_port=80&_tunervar_sport=443&_tunervar_itunesurl=http%3A%2F%2Fclick.linksynergy.com%2Ffs-bin%2Fstat%3Fid%3DFLenzF8lvbI%26offerid%3D78941%26type%3D3%26subid%3D0%26tmpid%3D1826">
    <EMBED src="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf"
     NAME="radio" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"

    So now the pandoraGrabber.html should read:

    <div id="TunerContainer">
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
        <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf">
        <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
        <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF>
        <PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>
     <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="_tunervar_shost=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_amazonurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2Fredirect%3Ftag%3Dsavagebeast-20&_tunervar_host=www.pandora.com&_tunervar_ar=0&_tunervar_port=80&_tunervar_sport=443&_tunervar_itunesurl=http%3A%2F%2Fclick.linksynergy.com%2Ffs-bin%2Fstat%3Fid%3DFLenzF8lvbI%26offerid%3D78941%26type%3D3%26subid%3D0%26tmpid%3D1826">
    <EMBED src="https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_2_0_2_pandora.swf"
     NAME="radio" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"

    Save and refresh the localhost window.

    I'd also like to point out, for those on Macs, please open the "pandora.sh" file, and redo ALL the case returns/new lines ("enter/returns" at the end of a line), since otherwise it will complain about bad interpreter.

    Now somebody else who suffered like me tell me how my fix worked out for them already dangit!

    -Angry Pandora Jar user now happy because he fixed what was broken.

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