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Posts posted by majk

  1. And its not that I'm saying they do.


    America needs to start doing this or the gulf between the richest and poorest people will grow.

    There's something about paying 50% taxes to let other people live of you that makes you think. If you don't give people incentives to take care of themselves they'll just leech of honest hard-working people. A welfare culture. But I guess this thread isn't the right place for this kind of debate...
  2. I know this guy in the UK and they have state sponsered healthcare and he says it's good unless you really need help. Since there is no prospect of making a lot of money through helpping people they don't strive to help as many people as possible. But in America in most cases the doctor has the prospect of making a lot of money so they tend to work a lot more. Not just 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 or whatever. Also if you get hurt after their day ends then you hae to go to a special place and not leave there until you to get a hospital that can help you.

    I am not talkign from first had experience so sorry if my facts aren't 100% correct. I was told this by a friend.

    Its overworked and under funded, like any health service. But you can get a large amount of drugs and treatment made avalible by the goverment for little to no cost, dental work is an exception. This means that even if your really poor, you can get treatment you need without having to pay to stay alive. Yeah, hypercondriacts do mess up that system, but they always do.

    As for "there is no prospect of making a lot of money through helpping people they don't strive to help as many people as possible. But in America in most cases the doctor has the prospect of making a lot of money so they tend to work a lot more". Bullshit. We do have the advanced concept of "overtime" over here. Our doctors are paid by the goverment, not by drugs companys on a percentile.

    It's not like the ambulance staff pats down seriously injured homeless people for cash/ID/insurance papers before taking them to the hospital. Also have you heard of Medicaid?
  3. I want to know how you guys hacked time. It seems that by the clock in the background that you recorded the whole show at 5:55. I could really use this hack!
    The clock in the background just doesn't move.
  4. Free healthcare? It's not free just because you pay it in your taxes...

    "free" as in accessible to all, regardless of status, not as in beer.

    edit: fscking bbcode was disabled

    As far as I know healthcare is accessible to everyone in all first world countries.
  5. Kind of like the last time when you had a DJ on who wasn't allowed to play any, couldn't you have shown the liquor cabinet in action?

    You talked alot about the LM-hash but in that long string you got there was also the NTLM-hash. Which can be cracked instead if the password is longer than 15 characters or if the storing of LM-hashes is turned off.

  6. These sites only work to the point where your system admin notices your visiting your own website alot viewing proxy.php alot. With a rather suspicous long string
    True. But it's not usually called proxy.php and the string can be base64 encoded and so on. But if your admin is watching the network like a hawk you're screwed either way.
  7. Max file size

    FAT12(12-bit version) 32 MiB

    FAT16(16-bit version) 2 GiB

    FAT32(32-bit version) 4 GiB


    Exactly, that's what I've been saying since the last page but everyone seemed to ignore it.
  8. Some things that annoyed me:

    The sound's pretty bad, loud in one speaker and somewhat distorted. (I know you're aware of this.)

    Why didn't you let that DJ guy play some? If there's copyright issues he could've played the theme song.

    Also those "secret" pages in the newspaper don't look natural at all and are mostly just annoying.

    Also after the credits at 48:24 how about expanding the "bloopers"-window to fill more of the screen (there's a specific effect that's usually used, anybody know what I mean?), that would be a cool effect and it looks kind of empty now. When the copyright notice shows at 49:50 you could make the windows smaller again.

    At the segment about Synergy the video from one camera (the camera at 05:23) looks yellowish and is pretty shaky, it's pretty shaky at 25:52 too. Why not put the camera on something?

    But in general I found the episode to be very good. it is really one of the most serious and professional IPTV-shows.

  9. In the segment about cracking Windows password you mention that the reason there's a colon between two strings is because the Windows hashes 7-character bits of the password separately. This is wrong (not the part about how Windows splits the password). One of the hashes next to the colon is the NTLM-hash and one is the NT-hash. However you can manually split the NTLM-hash and search for the parts separately.

    Also to crack a password by copying the SAM-file to another computer you also need to copy the SYSTEM-file. Since you need the SYSKEY from the SYSTEM-file to extract the hashes from the SAM-file.

  10. Two questions:

    First, on this site it says that you have to use arpspoof twice. Once to tell the gateway that you're the victim and once to tell the victim you're the gateway. But in your PDF you claim that you only need to run arpspoof once. So which way is correct?

    Second: Why do you have to use both arpspoof and dnsspoof. If the DNS replies are already spoofed to point to your computer the traffic should go to it without having to use arpspoof too. Please elaborate.

  11. I don't know if anyone's mentioned this but it's completely pointless to use ARP-spoofing when sniffing a wireless network. All the trafic is going through the air for anyone to intercept. So if you're not doing anything more advanced lika a MITM-attack against an SSL/TSL-session ARP-spoofing is pointless.

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