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Posts posted by RobotChild

  1. Heh, I once tried to buy a ten-bag of dope and very nearly ended up with a saturday night special.
    Guns are harder to come by in Canada.

    Dope on the other hand... That's a different story, especially in BC.

    Texada Island is like pot central.

    (I don't live there, but it is awfully close.)

    Seriously though, I've already been promised a PX4 Storm (Berreta) when I'm 18.

  2. aye, well there the best you'll get in shitty belfast :P

    just out of intrest, in America do people throw fireworks at each other? because it happens very often here .. 6 times to me this halloween, once while i was in a church (car pak), [prob a sectarian attack] ...

    btw i dont go to church i just use their youth club :P

    I'm Canadian.

    I've never seen people throw fireworks at people, just shoot stuff like roman candles at them.

    You don't need a license to buy fireworks here. Just need to be 18. Or at least look it if you go to the Chinese store.

  3. I haven't see any good ones yet.

    Just a bunch of screechers on the curb, and airbombs.

    Watched a roman candle fight.

    It was pretty cool.

    It's only 7:48 Pacific, so I still have a lot of time to see some good ones.

    The ones you showed were pretty neat though.

  4. Probably be watching The Simpsons Halloween specials

    *sigh* The ones that get repeated too many times to be bearable?

    I usually drift in and out while watching old ones.

    Haven't seen the new one yet though.

  5. -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----

    I like big butts and I cannot lie.

    -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-----

    you other brothers cant deny

    when a gal walks in with a ity-bity waist

    and shoves some in your face

    you get sprung


    EVERYONE has something to HIDE apart from me and my monkey



    Living at home is such a drag my, ma threw away my best porno mag

    -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-----

    Mom your just jealous, it's the Beastie Boys!

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