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    I'm curious about almost everything.

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  1. This type of software is perfect for nefarious stealing of my data which I don't want, and I don't want to have to deal with auditing the software for data leaks. Is there anything out there for any OS that's known to be pretty trustworthy and works?
  2. I usually download HAK5 in iTunes. Nothing has showed up in a few weeks. What's going on?
  3. In case you don't know what it is, here is the wikipedia entry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrum_auction. It was originally supposed to be done earlier but is now postponed to be finished by end of 2015. Relevant article here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrum_auction What exactly does all of this mean?
  4. Good stuff. Any other info/opinions out there?
  5. Those things have already been done. It's also being recreated in over 100 alternate standards and currencies. That's my point. I am wondering if someone could have created or infiltrated BTC for breaking an encryption standard to the point that is it practically useless or for some other hidden purpose similar to that.
  6. The question might have already been answered but since Google drastically changed their search algorithm I don't find answers as easily as I used to. I've been reading about BitCoin and other crypto-currency standards lately and it has me wondering what else can be learned by exploting the major and ever increasing hashing power of the network. Does the BTC standard make it possible for some entity to use the hashing power of the network to decrease the strength of certain types of mathematical encryption? The network will probably reach 1 Peta hash per second in the next year or so and the electricity to run the calculations is preumably paid for by mostly regular, private citizens. Maybe even some entity decided to create crypto-currency specifically to get private citizens to do the privacy busting work that was otherwise impossible?
  7. I've been thinking about a new netbook for a while and something recently occured to me about battery life and the nature of Linux on a netbook.. If you really want portability and great battery life and you plan to run Linux, imagine having an eeepc with a 6 cell battery and an e-ink/lcd combo display! With the newest Atom CPU running a stripped down OS with a CLI on an e-ink display, you could probably get 20 hours of battery life or maybe even more than that. The newest eeepcs can already get 11+ real world hours and that's on windows, on average power settings, with an LCD display, for an average user. It would be a bit more expensive than one of the Vaio Ps but I'm pretty sure it would be useful for much longer.
  8. I do know the ip of my router. I would have no business attempting to learn the ins and outs of the SSH protocol if I didn't. My SSH client is running in Ubuntu 12.04. I have given my SSH server my public key and used ssh -l <my user name> -p <my SSH port> <my ip address> and connected to the server before. I had some WiFi module problems and had to take a break from learning SSH to fix that. Now the problem is that I don't remember exactly all of the correct steps to the procedure, and something has changed. When I try to SSH to my router over LAN I get a key fingerprint that does not match the one of the new key that I just copied to my SSH server. Now I am at a loss of why a server on my LAN has apparentely been compromised. I generated a new key pair several times, changed the SSH port, and even connected t the router by ethernet, and I keep getting the same key fingerprint, even after I change the routers RSA key. I watched every episode of HAK5 and paid attention. That does not mean I remember everything I saw or that I understood everything that happened. It has been coming on several years since I watched many of the episodes and at the time I wasn't thinking "I should try to remember everything they say about SSH so that when I'm trying to learn it in the future I will already know most of the answers to questions that might come up". I understand what SSH is supposed to do. I know the concept of proxying web traffic. I just don't know exactly how it happens. I am the kind of person that doesn't believe I really know something unless I understand everything about it. I don't know if you meant to say that you think I was lying and that's why I had to ask these questions, but it's pretty insulting either way. I doubt SSH is really really really easy for every person who has been using Linux for years. That is ridiculous. If it is so easy, then please explain, exactly, the steps that I need to take in order to establish a connection, using the Gnome Terminal command line, with my SSH server running on DDWRT over LAN from the OpenSSH client on my Ubuntu laptop.
  9. I have read so many wiki pages and forum threads and tutorials and this and that but none of them are complete enough to actually teach me to do this stuff. Every one of them leaves one step or another out, or assumes who ever is reading it knows things that people who haven't done the procedure before won't know. Sometimes I feel like these resources were all made for fun or entertainment and not actually for education/instruction. It's not this way for just this case but for all kinds of other things computer related. If I want to learn to actually, in real life, do some non-standard non-average-user stuff with my computer, it seems like I literally always end up having to figure out most of it myself, which I can't always do. So now I'm left with no more ability to use SSH than a week ago when I started trying to learn to do it. None of what I read mentioned the need to telnet and run passwd (which, when I tried it, the command was not recognized by ddwrt). I still don't understand if I do need a password to SSH to my router, or if I don't need a password to SSH to my router. If I do, I don't know how to make it, unless the correct way is to telnet to it and run passwd, which doesn't work for me. Doesn't anyone else need, literally, step by step instructions in order to learn to do this kind of thing or am I the only one who finds bits a pieces of instructional information fucking useless? Maybe I'm just learning impaired but it seems to me that, when trying to learn things that I know very little about, only complete information is of any use what so ever! I'm tired of trying to learn new things and having to give up after wasting so much time because of the lack of correctly composed information.
  10. Thanks for trying, but this doesn't really answer my questions.
  11. Question one -- I'm a little confused about your answer to question one. Or, that is, I am confused about the DDWRT SSH server. Why is it necessary to install an SSH server on DDWRT if it already supports remote management by SSH? What I've done so far is, under the DDWRT services tab I enable SSHd. I then use a terminal on a laptop to generate an SSH keypair. I copy that pairs public key into the DDWRT machines authorized keys. I change the port from default, and TCP forwarding and password login are disabled. When I try to SSH to DDWRT over LAN I get "permission denied (publickey)". I assume this error is caused by the fact that my client laptop does not have the DDWRT's public key. Do I need to use DDWRT to generate a keypair? (Which I don't quite know how to do, or what directory to copy it to on my client machine) Question two -- What is the difference in purpose of SSH and VPN? If a person wants security while using open public wifi he would want to connect to a trusted VPN, right (as in an Open VPN server installed on his DDWRT router)? What is the practical purpose of SSH? I know I can manage a remote router with it, and there are obviously many other uses for it, so what can I use it for?
  12. I guess ill be checking out this episode. Hopefully I can learn enough to figure it out.
  13. I've learned a lot in the past few years. Some if it is pretty useful but I don't usually learn for that purpose. In this case I want to learn to SSH to server on my DDWRT router and actually use it in the wild. I have been reading tutorial after tutorial on various websites but none have given me the whole story. My immediate desire is to SSH to my router over LAN as I figure that by accomplishing this I will understand the process pretty well or at least well enough to start trying it over the internet. Question One -- Where is a non theoretical, can actually teach a person to do the thing, doesn't assume lots of stuff, SSH to DDWRT tutorial? Or, if there is someone who wants to walk me through it, either real time or by email, I would much prefer that since I can't ask any questions of a tutorial. I've watched every episode of HAK5 and I remember seeing lots of material about SSH to the Pineapple OS server but I don't remember exactly which episodes those were or if they would help me. If you do know which episodes those were I wouldn't mind watching them again. Question Two -- How does all of the traffic that is generated by various software on a laptop get encrypted before it goes out to the network and to the home server over the internet? I understand the concept of the RSA public key encryption method and that we can use math to make sure a 'message' can not be read by anyone without knowledge of the private key. .......... Well it seems I'm having trouble explaining this........ How can a computers traffic, addressed to their home server, be encrypted before it leaves the computers network interface just by having a SSH connection to that home server? Is all of the data processed and encrypted after it leaves the web browser (or chat software or email client or chat software or where ever the data was generated) but before it leaves the network interface? How does this work? What takes the data generated from various sources on a computer and encrypts it? Or is this even what really happens? Maybe the better question is, does anyone even know what the hell I'm talking about at this point haha? So to reiterate -- Where/How can I learn to SSH to my DDWRT router on my LAN (just to manage the router for now until I learn more)? When I want privacy on public wifi, should I use SSH and, if so, what software is actually responsible for making sure that all of my traffic is encrypted between my machine and my home server?
  14. I've just gone back to read some oldd stuff I forgot about so it's a little late. It's no bluff, because I don't do that, and it wasn't a hack or illegal. I renewed my license at the building of the DMV, but the licensing process is now handled by the DHS, by DHS agents/employees. In this particular DMV building there are two ipads with DHS software that are used for renewing drivers licenses. I didn't say I did it over the internet. I did it on an ipad that connected to the local network over unencrypted wifi. No one asked me a single question or asked for any documents, aside from the software asking for my credit card number and DL number, and if I wanted to change any of the info on my license such as my address or telephone number. The DHS employees did, however, take a new picture and print a new high tech license using every bit of my old information. Someone could have went in there with a credit card and stolen my identity pretty damn easily. Furthermore, anyone who wanted to could have sat in the parking lot with a laptop and captured every packet of data that the DHS used to lrint my new license. Presumably an attacker could have even transmitted spoofed data to whatever computer makes the license image.
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