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Everything posted by or4n9e

  1. Yes and no. In any case you need a fonera with stock firmware on it to register whatever other fonera (not registered yet - e.g. the piranha one) you'd like. It might be possible to register also with a stock openwrt fonera assumed you have chillispot installed but this is untested and thus cannot be supported by myself. Here is what you need to do with a stock fonera though: 1st Step - Login via SSH and paste the following to the root prompt /usr/sbin/chilli_radconfig -c /dev/null --radiusserver1=radius01.fon.com --radiussecret=garrafon --adminuser=chillispot --adminpasswd=chillispot --radiusnasid=xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx --dhcpif xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx replace xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx with the WLAN MAC address of the fonera you'd like to register 2nd Step - You'll get approx. 20 lines of code. You need to copy the line uamserver https://www.fon.com/login/gateway/sec/9c3370131faaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The important information is the 32-digit string after .../sec/ 3rd Step - Login to your other fonera (to be registered - e.g. the piranha one) and do thinclient start /etc/init.d/cron start Starting cron could also be substituted by a reboot as cron starts automatically as soon as /etc/crontabs/root is not empty anymore. The mothership just needs to get at least one heartbeat before you'll be able to proceed with Step 4. 4th Step - Open a webbrowser of your choice and navigate to https://www.fon.com/login/gateway/sec/9c3370131faaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx replace 9c3370131faaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your 32-digit string from Step 2 here. You should see the fon login portal now followed by some error messages, but don't care about them (not sure if you need to click "register" somwhere at the portal - it has been too long since I tried it last time, but afaik even that's not needed). Now just login to your fon account and you should be presented with a form to register the fonera. I'd be interested in the outcome while trying this with a stock openwrt fonera and chillispot installed. If anyone tests it, please report back. Have fun!
  2. opkg install http://piranha.klashed.net/pub/2.0/package...0.6F-1_mips.ipk and you're all set. For your convenience heartbeat got released today with Piranha 2 alpha3. Have fun!
  3. JFYI, Piranha 2 alpha3 is released. The full changelog can be found here http://www.fonerahacks.com/forums/viewtopi...mp;p=1823#p1823 best, orange
  4. That's great news digininja! Congratulations on the new Jasager firmware. Will try it as soon as I'll get some free time with one of my dev routers. best, orange
  5. I'd like to integrate autoap into Piranha 2 but as it seems treebuey is quite busy currently and thus not able to care about. What I'd like to know: are you guys still interested in porting this to openwrt kamikaze (respectively trying it)? If so, I'd appreciate any help you could provide. Let me know if you're interested in trying this together... So far I had a look at the scripts: 1. as of the GUI part (autoap.exe) I have no idea. anyone else? I don't even know how to access it under kamikaze - NFG? you said you had it running already in kamikaze? 2. as of autoap.sh: the major challenge is to substitute the nvram calls with something kamikaze understands actually, isn't it? Not sure why treebuey mentioned that it should run immediately though. What would you think about mapping nvram calls to uci configuration? I did some investigation on this and found out that we could create a conf file /etc/config/autoap and introduce all the variables autoap uses into that file. Once this is done, we'd be able to substitute nvram get and set commands with uci set and get respectively. So e.g. "nvram set autoap_rescannow=0" would result in "uci set autoap.autoap_rescannow=0" That's obviously not all that needs to be done, but at least a start if it works. I hope for someone able to investigate especially the GUI part. Please tell me if nvram mapping makes sense to you. Would you be interested in trying this together? best, orange PS: Some documentation about uci can be found here http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=15243
  6. Piranha 2 alpha2 is released - it's up at http://piranha.klashed.net/pub/2.0/alpha2/ The package repository at http://piranha.klashed.net/pub/2.0/packages/ is updated to Piranha 2 alpha2 Piranha 2 alpha1 at http://piranha.klashed.net/pub/2.0/alpha1/ has been taken down in favour of alpha2 Changelog is at http://www.fonerahacks.com/forums/viewtopi...mp;p=1788#p1788 Jasager integration is unfortunately not yet completed, but we're certainly still working on this! I'll take this into account...
  7. Piranha 2 alpha1 is up at http://piranha.klashed.net/pub/2.0/alpha1/ Please visit http://www.fonerahacks.com/forums/viewtopi...amp;t=320#p1766 for more information. Jasager will (most likely) be introduced with Piranha 2 alpha2 - digininja and myself are currently working on this. Any input from the community is certainly still much appreciated! Stay tuned, orange
  8. @digininja You're still interested in collaborating? I'm currently setting up a new OpenWrt buildroot to work on the next Piranha and I'm interested to integrate Jasager into it. Please tell me what we'd need to do, i.e. some more insight into Jasager would be great as I honestly never used it before. Not sure how long it will take for the next Piranha to appear, but I'd like to offer collaboration at least if you're still interested. Let me know please. @all I started two Piranha Brainstorming threads at http://piranha.klashed.net/2009/04/26/piranha-brainstorming/ and http://www.fonerahacks.com/forums/viewtopi...p?f=3&t=320 Any ideas would be much appreciated. I'd like to open Piranha as much as possible to the community and I'm especially interested in contributions from a technical perspective - my vision always was and still is to make Piranha a community effort. I'm currently waiting for an OpenWrt port of autoap, which should be one of the kickass features of the next Piranha, I hope for Jasager integration, latest aircrack-ng and mdk3 will be on board as usual and some other ideas. The next Piranha will be based on OpenWrt 8.09. I'm really looking forward to your input! Thanks in advance, orange
  9. I accidentally found this thread and I'd like to provide my Makefile I used for Piranha 1.0 beta (already updated to MDK3v5 now) include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=mdk3 PKG_VERSION:=v5 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_MD5SUM:=f71a1740ac6acb0d59aae3727ca2c38a PKG_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION) PKG_SOURCE_URL:=http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.bz2 PKG_CAT:=bzcat include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/mdk3 SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network TITLE:=proof-of-concept tool to exploit common IEEE 802.11 protocol weaknesses URL:=http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan/ SUBMENU:=wireless endef define Package/mdk3/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/mdk3 $(1)/usr/sbin endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,mdk3)) best, orange
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