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About N3CR0S1S89

  • Birthday 09/19/1989

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    Technology, gaming, paintball, lock picking, playing guitar, watching tv, hanging out with friends, sleeping, and punching infants! Yea thats right, you didn't make the list because I'm not interested in you so WTF are you gonna do about it? :-P

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  1. You could buy a replacement case Lian Li Case . It will help keep it cool by allowing better air flow and will extend the life of the 360. Also, dont put it in an enclosed entertainment center because doing so will restrict airflow and can cause it to overheat faster and will also cause it to pull in dust. Please dont buy one of those Nyko Intercooler's because they are cheap and the idiots who made them were actually stupid enough to make it completely of plastic. Im guessing your smart enough to figure out what happens when plastic gets hot and you will end up with a nice plastic brick melted to the back of your 360 and yes that does void your Warranty. As far as accessories I would have to say get an extra controller and 2 charge kits that is of course if you dislike wireless controllers but if you plan on playing alot and for extend periods of time you can keep one controller charged and just swap them out when one goes dead or just buy one of the charge docks if you dont want the extra controller. Games that I recommend: Halo 3 Crackdown Just Cause Assassin's Creed (its a bit repetitive but still a great game) Call Of Duty 4 Orange Box Prototype Gears of War Oblivion Oh and something else really important, DO NOT PICK THE 360 UP WHILE ITS ON cause if you have a game in it will cut a ring into the game and cause your 360 to become really sensitive about reading certain games if not cause it to stop reading them completely. My younger brother came over and I let him play mine and he somehow slid one of the game disk's under the system and lifted it up to get the disk and now mine doesnt like to read some games. Well thats about all I can think of. Just Try to keep it in an open, dry place (not on the floor) and keep it free of dust and dont leave it on for long periods of time. Thanks for not buying one of those Blue Ray players with gaming functionality & have fun Gaming :D!
  2. Your not exactly paying for the anti-virus when you buy it. Your actually paying for the technical support so thats why they charge you every 6months to a year.
  3. I was referring to Norton system works 2007. It came preinstalled on my laptop and was nothing but a pain for me. Yes your right Norton is getting better but I still think that it just doesn't meet the standards that a pay for anti-virus should. No I don't have an inferiority complex and usually wouldn't go on a rampage to slander the name of a product but Norton is just that horrible. I don't mind it When panda slows down my system because it actually does what is intended to do and well I might add. Also, why not just spend the same amount on something that doesn't have tons of issues and not have to waste your time becoming an expert on fixing problems that the anti-virus shouldn't have to begin with? Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like a practical use of said time and money but that could just be me and my massive "inferiority complex". Bad Technicians are the reason that the end user has so many issues to begin with. If the Tech is having problems with a product then what do you think is going to happen for the end user? So now the client has a PC that has issues after just recently having repaired because the Tech installed Norton anti-virus and its causing functionality issues. The client now has to waste more time and money taking the PC back to the Tech or call Norton's Service and Support and spend time they don't have learning to fix the problem just to save some money. Now if you've read and understood any of this you would understand that I don't have a problem with you stating your opinion because opinion's are like assholes and everyone has one but when you start recommending a product that you openly admit has problems that most people have issues fixing and then use it to advertise just so you can make money then I have a bit of a problem. Its just wrong to take advantage of someone just because they lack knowledge or experience and installing products that cause problems just so you can make a profit is just that.
  4. ROFL, Yea I think you were dropped on your head cause Norton's is horrible. You dont have to be "leet" to use Norton's and how the hell do you "use" Norton's any better than someone else unless said person was completely technologically ignorant? I mean seriously its just a few settings and anyone who can use google can properly set up Norton's (if you could call it that) with little trouble. Also Norton's is horrible for false positives and I have actually used Norton's to scan files that I know to be infected after AVG, Trend Micro, and Avast all reported it (not all false positive's because I purposely put the virus on the machine running under VMware) while your wonderful Norton's found NOTHING <-- all Norton's does other than use up resources (and dont give me that crap about it not being up to date because it was). dr0p is also right about the uninstall. Most of the time you have to run at least 3 uninstallers to "remove" all the different crap Norton's installs and even then it somehow runs on startup (not in the taskbar but does show up as a process if you run process explorer). Well anyway I personally use AVG Free and it works great because I dont go to malicious sites looking for Trojans and Spyware. Any customer who wants something better than AVG Free I will offer Trend Micro or Panda but I personally Prefer Trend Micro because its easier for "normal" people to use and panda tends to slow down the machine but both do a great job. F**k Norton's!
  5. Yea you are right about that. The Compaq's do great as far as i can tell. My brother Owns a Compaq Presario and its about 3 years old now and still running strong. The battery stopped holding charge and the power supply gave out but other than that he hasnt had any problems other than vista and I fixed that by downgrading to XP Pro. It took me a while to get the wireless and sound card installed because the drivers were hard to find but that doesnt really have anything to do with how the laptop runs and just the fact that the drivers to downgrade were available is a huge + for me because I have an Acer Aspire 4720z that I use just for everyday things like web surfing and IRC and Im forced to using vista because the drivers for XP aren't available.
  6. First off dont buy an HP laptop. I work on more HP laptops than any other brand and most of the time something has went bad on the motherboard, the hard drive dies, or the power supply goes bad. If you do get a "cheap" laptop be sure to get an extended warranty because 90% of the time you will have to replace the HDD within the first 14 months of owning it and the cheap laptops tend to overheat alot quicker than a more expensive laptop. Now before saying this let me explain that I hate Dell just as much as every other tech does and will never own one but I find that the Dell laptops do well as do the Acer's and Sony's compared to most HP's, Toshiba's, and eMachine's (also would never buy an eMachine).
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