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Posts posted by haxwithaxe

  1. Why not set up a web server on your home computer (not public) and just put in your code:

    ping <your IP>

    Then watch for ICMP in the server logs.

    Some ISPs have their networks setup so that the ping would appear to come from an ISP server and not the target box. Also if their using a ftp proxy when the drive is plugged-in I don't want to get the ftp proxy's ip. and if they're using a web proxy their ip will show up in my logs. If for some reason they're using both then I'm up a creek.

    This isn't meant to be a tool for hacking just something to help me get my thumb-drive back if it's lost or stolen.

    Also the above site was my personal site so don't use it please. I've changed it protect the inconsiderate from themselves.

  2. Hey all,

    I just finished the initial test of my ftp based usb lojak (cause the c is superfluous and the the name is trademarked) system. Haven't check my ftp server yet but we'll see when I get home.

    I did the alpha in batch and used a complied autoit script for the last test.

    It uses wget (if anyone can think of a windows built-in get app I'd like to know about it) to grab the automated whatismyip.com page and windows built-in ftp to send it to my ftp server at home.

    If anyone can point out a webmail service that doesn't require ssl/tls to use the smtp please tell me because I couldn't find any, and part of the whole point of this app is that when joe shmoe user (not His/Her Holyness sysadmin) plugs in the drive it will still tell me where it is. So stunnel isn't going to cut it.

    the autoit script is based off of the Daily Cup of Tech Script with some slight modifications.

    Dim $Message1
    Dim $Message2
    Dim $Message3
    Dim $Message4
    Dim $Message5
    Dim $Message6
    Dim $Title
    $Title = "Help! I'm Lost!"
    $Message1 = "I've been lost and my owner would love to get my data back."
    $Message2 = "Please return me to:" 
    $Message3 = "hax , 1337 Haxor WarDrive, Tahkalb, MD 01337"
    $Message4 = "or email me at haxor@haxor.com to arrange a pick-up."
    $Message5 = "Your will receive a shiny new USB drive just as big as this one for your trouble."
    $Message6 = "Thanks for your honesty in advance. - hax"
    MsgBox(266304,$Title,$Message1 &amp; @CRLF &amp; $Message2 &amp; @CRLF &amp; $Message3 &amp; @CRLF &amp; $Message4 &amp; @CRLF &amp; $Message5 &amp; @CRLF &amp; $Message6 )
    Run ( "explorer ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\" ) ;no drive change so it will display the toplevel dir on drive it is run from
    DriveGetDrive ( "cdrom" )
    ;get ipaddr and mail it if safe.dat does not exist on C:\
    If FileExists ("C:\safe.dat") Then Exit
    Run ( "wget -P %temp%\ http://whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp" )
    Run ( "ftp -n -s:ip.dat example.com" )

    ip.dat is as follows

    echo user ftpuser ftppasswd
    echo bin
    echo put %temp%\n09230945.asp
    echo quit

    Also I'm a giant noob when it comes to autoit scripting so please feel free to flame my scripting.

    woops left the wrong address in there

  3. There should be a 1gb torrent of the best usb apps.

    I second that.

    I'll send any apps you want, as well as seed continuously.

    my list of apps

    &lt;file name="NAPALM"&gt; (write or draw in flames on the desktop)
    &lt;file name="Sudoku Portable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="Sysinternals BSOD Screen Saver"&gt;
    &lt;file name="Push BSOD"&gt; (the sysinternals BSOD Screensaver wraped in a script to push it to the target computer...fun on friends computer when their gon for a minute or more)
    &lt;file name="Audacity Portable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="VLC Media Player Portable"&gt; (for mac and windows)
    &lt;file name="Firefox"&gt; (for mac and windows)
    &lt;file name="Pidgin Portable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client"&gt;
    &lt;file name="Thunderbird"&gt; (for mac and windows)
    &lt;file name="WinSCP Portable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="uTorrent"&gt;
    &lt;file name="VNCViewer"&gt;
    &lt;file name="7-Zip Portable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="Autostart program viewer"&gt;
    &lt;file name="ClamWin Portable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="CoolMon Executeable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="Eraser Portable"&gt;
    &lt;file name="hacksaw--antidote"&gt;
    &lt;file name="Notepad++"&gt;
    &lt;file name="SBConfig"&gt;
    SIW used to be there but is missing for some reason
    &lt;file name="vnc--antidote"&gt;

    I will be adding:

    cmd portable





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