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Everything posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Since it's about the Nano, it should be posted in the Nano section of the forums. However, things you could try is to use another browser, or try and incognito window. This should be no issue (tried it now on my Nano just to be sure and it works as expected).
  2. What book says anything about ICS and what does it say? Using a VM won't make it easier, on the contrary.
  3. What have you tried? ICS or connecting the Pineapple directly to an AP as a WiFi client (using wlan2), or both of them? If using ICS, how did you set up ICS? In any case, I would recommend not using ICS, and instead connect the Pineapple directly as a WiFi client to a wireless network.
  4. I haven't done it in any other way than what the documentation says.
  5. What variant of the Bunny is it? Mk1 or Mk2 (w/ Micro SD card)? When you are in arming mode, can you serial into the Bunny? Did you try to factory reset it?
  6. What kind of "WiFi scenario" is this about? The Pineapple connecting to a WiFi network as a client, or devices connecting to some of the APs that the Pineapple is broadcasting? If the latter, what devices did you try to connect to the Pineapple? Just one, or several?
  7. I guess it depends on what kind of "variant" of the Enterprise you have, if it's Basic then it's community support
  8. Try some other topic then that allows you to submit a ticket
  9. That's probably because the links "broke" as the GitHub repos where re-arranged when the Mk2 Squirrel was released. Just visit GitHub directly instead to get access to the payloads. Be sure to select the correct directory structure depending on if it's a Mk1 or a Mk2 Squirrel.
  10. I guess there are quite few Enterprise users here on the forums, so submitting a support ticket to official support might be a good additional thing to do (and/or ask on Discord).
  11. The very top pinned post in this section of the forum says: Post Mark VII module questions here: https://forums.hak5.org/forum/109-mark-vii-mods-modules/
  12. More info needed. Where are you clicking?
  13. Can't reproduce that. It took 10 seconds, tops, when I updated a lab C2 instance from 3.3.0 to the newly released version. There should be some output available (command line) where you can see that the 3.3.0 server is stopped and 3.4.0 is executed, but it depends on if you are running it as a service or start it manually.
  14. This is probably (or, it is) due to the fact that Jessie is EOL since long. Both the Bunny and Croc needs some tweaking to get apt related things to work, if being able to get it working at all but that totally depends on what you are trying to install (Ruby as a dependency in this case). The INSTALL_EXTRAS script is also using the very same deb files that are available for download in the Bunny forum section, and those are very old versions of each tool. (As a side note, the INSTALL_EXTRAS script runs apt-get upgrade and that isn't a good thing regardless if apt would work or not since it could break things).
  15. Difficult to say without knowing more about how you have C2 set up and where it's located. Do you have other Hak5 devices enrolled/connected to that C2 server that communicates with the server without any issues? And the answer to this is; yes
  16. First of all, don't update the OS, it will break things. Running apt update is ok, but don't run apt upgrade (although you will most likely have issues with errors thrown back at you and have problems installing certain packages as well since Jessie is EOL). I can't see that there should be any problem as long as ICS is established. Just ssh into the Bunny and do the things you want to do when having internet access. Setting scripts up is easiest in arming mode (hence the name of the mode), but it can also be done when in the mode that allows ICS.
  17. You probably need to submit some samples, difficult to say without being able to see what they look like.
  18. And here's some PoC code that runs an older Responder version (, better late than never... https://codeberg.org/dark_pyrro/LAN-Turtle-1stGen-Quickcreds
  19. I should add to what I said that the Ducky doesn't "make you admin" because of some magic being used. It does what a keyboard does, nothing else (and a storage device if that mode is used). Just to make that clear.
  20. Well, perhaps start by looking at some of the payloads on GitHub that "elevates" the current user to admin (assuming it has admin permissions to start with) and execute from a PowerShell window.
  21. Yes, but just saying you haven't had any luck doesn't add much context to it all. So, the question remains: Any payload code that you have actually tried? What does that payload code look like?
  22. What is the target OS? What have you tried this far?
  23. I have no idea what a "sautr" is, but you probably have a gen2 Ducky if you just got it and there shouldn't be anything blocking the Micro SD card slot on the gen1 Ducky in the way that the USB-C connector mounting blocks the Micro SD card slot on the gen2. Bringing an 11 year old thread to life isn't most likely relevant in this case either.
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