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Posts posted by chA1nBull3t

  1. Oh boy. I remember when I was addicted to this lol. This would make another good LAN segment. Only thing is that those with low end PC's might struggle to run this a bit.

    The singleplayer games were also quite amazing. The atmosphere is great too. However, all the games are quite similar though.. but they're still great. FEAR 2 coming out is running off a new engine and looks A LOT nicer. This will hopefully change up the repetitiveness.

  2. Probably one of the BEST sandbox tools/game you'll ever come by. You can pretty much make whatever your mind tells you in Gmod. You just need some creativity and tinkering.

    It's very addon-easy and also has some nice ingame mods too.

    Fun things to do/play are:

    Original - Sandbox

    Zombie Survival


    etc.etc.etc (too much stuff to add).

    I recommend getting this. It's totally worth the $10.

  3. I REALLY like the SuperF4. Whenever my local GMod Server crashes or when my Synergy server hangs, I don't need to wait 5mins to get back to the desktop to tell my friends that I just lagged out so that they don't go running off thinking I've abandoned them :P.

    Great app*!

  4. Hey, I got off school and work tomorrow and friday.

    You up for a couple games tomorrow around 4pm est?

    If it doesn't work for you, I'm free most of the day and you can go ahead and pick a time.

    Feel free to add me on msn: anchou333@hotmail.com

  5. If you're going to want to play classic games, why not softmod your wii and run games of the SD card?

    wiibrew.org has all the info you need to know when it comes to wii homebrew. Check it out. It's a great alternative to the virtual console except when it comes to n64 games.

    Twilight Princess HANDS DOWN if your going to softmod/don't have a drivechip (which isn't legal btw..)

  6. >:D I gotta play you guys sometime. Watch out though. I'm a pretty competitive player.

    Oh and one thing you might want to have people include:

    - Region/Country they live in.

    - If they are using an ethernet adapter (since they DO help with lag on SSBB if people have an okay internet).

    chA1nBull3t : 1160 9768 0238 :  <I constantly edit my comment box> :
    West Chester, PA (Eastern US) : Ethernet>USB Adapter

  7. They're actually mods but I do think it's nice that Steam is now supporting them. It's nice to know that we'll be getting automatic updates, news, and other support for these mods.

    Insurgency and Synergy will have a great boost in community support too which is nice.

  8. I'm not sure if this is going to be a good idea or just a gimmick... but it sure as hell sounds interesting.

    It seems like everything these days has to have either a camera in it or (more prominantly) an mp3 playback system...


    It wouldn't be a bad idea to have multiple games going on at one time too for those who don't enjoy the "game of the month".

    If it's possible, it might be a good idea to run multiple servers (but then again, it might lag like hell).

  9. I agree with Steve. Until we get people situated with the server or until we get more dedi's running, we should hold off on major mods like ZS or GG. However, I do like the idea about having "special events". They could make some nice LAN segments or just random days of fun which people could look forward to.

    Some kind of map rotation system and RTV kinda thing is good too.

    Custom maps will also make it a fun server. Nothing too chaotic though but something that will still be pleasing to casual gamers.

    I can't wait to see how the CSS server grows (simply because I suck at TF2 and CSS is the only kind of FPS play style that fits me lol).

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