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Posts posted by gcninja

  1. i got a dell XPS 410 like 3years ago and the support was good because i kept getting a BSOD on my front usb and they linked me right to the driver and support itself whether email, chat, or phone has been great. it was 1300 screen included and ive upgraded it, good prices for a non custom machine too

    if you can afford it i would suggest an XPS

  2. AS 400

    We're replacing a plant that runs on Mod 300 (circa 1984). Yep the whole plant runs off this one machine. It pre-dates the AS400.

    I've got a another client that is still running DOS, NT4, Win 3.1

    @Wetwork. Listening to the pilots on the earphones is not a hack. It's announced by the flight attendents! "If you'd like to listen to the air crew conversation it's on channel 9. However it is as the discretion of the pilot to turn it on or off"

    which is basically saying "if shit goes down and the headphone goes silent, youll know"

  3. NO NO! not sarcasm. I mean that's some pretty nice software then. I saw that on a few sites when I was searching for an MMC version of it, but the way it was worded, it didn't look like it would work in the way that he would like it to.

    why not? if this persons under suspicion and they are using a COMPANY computer they have the right to put what ever the fuck they want on it, and its small well hidden and can be retrieved whenever and how ever he wants

  4. Nope. BIOS is locked down from booting all but the internal HDD.

    Yes. Torx, that's the one.

    but you forget wubi, a small installer that installs Ubuntu FOR you, no live CD needed, does it inside windows

  5. http://www.lehsys.com/2009/06/im-sorry-wif...-years-to-live/

    With the pricing of the tethering and the complications of it, I cant see cellular data overiding wifi anytime soon. Not to mention speeds and availability, I live in a spot where im off network for 60miles, even then its only EVDO and that sucks for tethering. Not every person in the world is going to switch to tetherign either, because not everybody has to travel accross country, even in five years people wont. this article MIGHT have a few points but its overall just WRONG.

    Your opinions?

  6. I have stumbleupon with Comp Hardware and i continually see all these "worlds smallest PC" and they are like 5 inches big, but run a VERY slim linux. So I continually think, "what defines a PC"?

    And things like:

    I runs an OS, ANY OS but that means a router that runs a type of Linux OS is a computer, but its a hardware

    or "But it has a GUI/Interface", but then a TiVo's a computer

    So whats your opinions? Im kinda confused at this moment

  7. Not so much tech as i have yet to do REAL support but some easy ones from my school

    Teach: hey why isnt the image appearing on the projector like on my computer

    me: -walks over plugs in vga cord to secord port-

    many of my stories are with classmates and mundanely easy tasks with Word or PP

    Not a tech story but when i learned some vbscript for msgboxes i used it to make one called "Halo 3 beta" and when clicked it said "get back to work" (Yes, No, Abort). my friend heard some rumors about it

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