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Posts posted by Zimmer

  1. Die Hard 4 is enjoyable. At least nmap's Fyodor was consulted for the hacking there, and nmap is used in the opening sequence, though he says his input didn't make the hacking any more realistic.

    A few more:

    23 - biographical movie based on a German hacker

    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - girl hacker is not to be fucked with

    Moscow Chill - blackhat living in Russia

    Pi - mindfuck

    The Score wins for having the most ridiculous, retarded hacker caricature in movie history. I laugh every time he's on screen.

    War Games was written by the same people

    Ya Live Free or Die Hard really got me into the series (which upon watching the others (and realizing I saw one of them already) I realized that Die Hard 4 was the worst (same with Star Wars) ) and it also got me more into computers (even before seeing Die Hard 4 I knew the hacking was BS) (though I was already interested in computers)

  2. I would like to add one more that I watched last night:

    --Law Abiding Citizen

    Epic in a technological POV in that NOWHERE in this movie is there anything that cannot be done in real life. The only thing that probably can't be done is the exact string of events in the movie, and IMHO, besides the pointless killing that happened (to the people that really didnt quite deserve it I would guess by my point of view) I have to say I REALLY like his style (like.. what would you do if that happened to your family?)


    Fucking Awesome Movie; but you have to basically shoot that annoying part of your head that looks for every unrealistic thing in any movie. Still fucking awesome (more of a movie that doesn't care to much about an easy flowing plot etc)

  3. Oops thought I had both linux (and macosx) and windows versions in there, I will upload the new version.

    Also can you paste the grooveshark.log (in the app folder) here

  4. I just check the json. If it's empty then I don't add it to the song keys or servers and so it is essentially skipped . I am thinking of adding some checking when I return the search results or something like that.

  5. mplayer had much more stable playback and there was a lot of hacks to get wx Media Player working, so with the revised playback organization with the backend code, it was a LOT easier to use mplayer. Notice though it still does not support scrobbling :(.

  6. It wasn't either, it was wanting to program a GUI, but all of them used Object Orientation. I was going through a podcast called Python411 and one was on OOP, as I listened to that, OOP finally clicked and how it all came together and worked.

  7. Do both. Follow tutorials and code to learn. I just coded to learn and I found my code sometimes awful because I didn't know more efficient ways of doing it (because I already knew away). Or when I started to learn OOP that was a beast.

  8. Interesting :)

    Also here is a simpler implementation of the Vigenère Cipher

    # Simple Vigenère cipher
    import string
    a = string.ascii_uppercase
    def translate(p_text, k_text):
        'Translates p_text to the correct corresponding letter of k_text'
        for p in string.punctuation:
            # strips any punctuation
            p_text.replace(p, '')
        # translate letters
        cipher_letters = []
        for index, letter in enumerate(p_text):
            k_index = index % len(k_text)
        return cipher_letters
    def encrypt(p_text, k_text):
        'Give plaint text and password, it will return encrypted text.'
        p_text = p_text.upper()
        k_text = k_text.upper()
        # strip any punctuation
        for p in string.punctuation:
            p_text = p_text.replace(p, '')
        cipher_text = []
        cipher_letters = translate(p_text, k_text)
        for index, letter in enumerate(p_text):
            p = letter
            k = cipher_letters[index]
            cipher_number = (a.index(p) + a.index(k)) % 26
        return ''.join(cipher_text)
    def decrypt(c_text, k_text):
        'Give plaint text and password, it will return decrypted test.'
        c_text = c_text.upper()
        k_text = k_text.upper()
        # strip any punctuation
        for p in string.punctuation:
            c_text = c_text.replace(p, '')
        cipher_text = []
        cipher_letters = translate(c_text, k_text)
        for index, letter in enumerate(c_text):
            c = letter
            k = cipher_letters[index]
            cipher_number = (a.index(c) - a.index(k)) % 26
        return ''.join(cipher_text)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print 'Running Test Text'
        print 'P: CRYPTO'
        print 'K: ABCDEF'
        print 'C: %s' % encrypt('CRYPTO', 'ABCDEF')
        print 'D: %s' % decrypt(encrypt('CRYPTO', 'ABCDEF'), 'ABCDEF')

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