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Posts posted by Steve8x

  1. You could open the program in notepad, then copy the program into c#, and put it in an array. Then write the array back out using a file stream.

    I shall prove with a program...

    Yes nicatronTg is exactly right! you don't need source code to run a binary executable... lolz

    dejay or whatever your name is, you are 100% wrong!!! why on earth would you need source code to embed binary data in an executable program of your own?

    nicatronTg I thought you were going to post an example program? I guess you forgot! well I'll do it...

    okay I whipped up this program in 5 minutes! its really simple, I use this method all the time when making my directx games, I like to embed the textures and sounds and all that good stuff within the executable file it self that way I dont leave things in a folder somewhere for someone to mess with... its all hidden inside the games executable where noobs wont even mess with...

    I use Hex Workshop to take a file's bytes and format it in an unsigned char array that is ready to copy and paste right into your source code(I like to make a header file to store the binary data as it is a huge array even with a small file, so instead of making the main source code a difficult to scroll through file I just put it in a header file and keep my source code file clean) in hex workshop goto Edit->select all, then Edit->Copy As-> C Source

    In this example I will be using calc.exe just to demonstrate exactly how easy this is...

    Im using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 by the way(you might have to modify it slightly to work for other compilers)

    Ok I have created a blank console project(I hate the precompiled header)

    then added a .cpp called "ExeInExe.cpp"

    then I wrote this code:

    yeah I just had to post because DJ said it was not possible without source code LOL !! :P

    #include <windows.h> // all required headers
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include "CalcData.h" // where the binary data for "calc.exe" is stored
    using namespace std;
    char EXEfile[256]; // will hold the path to the executable to run once extracted from this console executable
    int main()
        SetConsoleTitleA("Steves Embed File Into Executable Example");
        system("color 0A");
        GetSystemDirectoryA(EXEfile, 256); // get system dir to hide exe file ex. C:\WINDOWS\system32
        strcat_s(EXEfile, "\\secret"); // append our secret dir
        CreateDirectoryA(EXEfile, 0); // create the folder
        strcat_s(EXEfile, "\\EmbeddedCalc.exe"); // concatenate file name to it so we save the exe into this new folder
        ofstream EXE(EXEfile, ios::binary); // create the file at the specified secret path ios::binary for binary data
        EXE.write((char*)&Calc, sizeof(Calc)); // write the calc binary data to the file
        EXE.close(); // save and close the file
        cout << "Saved EXE file to: " << EXEfile << "\n"; // print out where it was saved to console
        cout << "Running exported exe file in\n\n";
        for(int x = 3; x > 0; x--) // count down 3 2 1 RUN!!! // count down to execution
            cout << x << "...\n";
            // finally use shellexecute to execute the file, better than system()
        ShellExecuteA(0, "open", EXEfile, 0, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL); // or you could use SW_HIDE to create the window hidden hehe! :)
        cout << "\n\n\n\n";
        return 0;

    CalcData.h is way to big to post here so ive gone ahead and uploaded the whole project to this link:


    or you can just use hex workshop and make it yourself from calc, and change the name of the unsigned char array to "Calc"

    Thats how its done :)

  2. What you should do is not just get their IP address, you want something even better :)

    You want to get the GPS location of where they are connecting from...

    Only problem with that is you might have to buy a very small GPS tracking device, that you can hide inside your mp3 player... then with there exact GPS location you look them up on google maps and go to there house and beat their ass and take your ipod back from that thief!


    With their IP you can get the location of where their ISP is at, but the ISP wont tell you any information about them unless you have legal actions going on...

    But I think there might be a way to get the information yourself, its something to look into! it would be a nice hack, bypassing the need for a GPS device...

    But if your not willing to spring for the dough, and you can't figure out a way to get their address from ip address...

    You could code a program that acts as a client, winsock ftw! make it keylog and send you the keystrokes to your computer running a server also custom coded... also if they go on any map sites like google maps you can get the addresses they type in and determine where they live that way :)

    you will have to get the program to install and run secretly in the background, but ONLY if its been stolen, one way ive come up with to determine that, well if its stolen you know its stolen... the installer works in the background like the actual anti-theft software, and pings the server once in a while, and if it gets the ping back and doesn't time out, it knows that the mp3 player was stolen and to install the anti-theft software(ONLY RUN THE SERVER IF IT WAS STOLEN)... other wise do nothing for a while and wait to ping again, that way the software wont get installed unless its stolen, so if you plug it into a computer yourself it wont install on your PC, you could even make it not even run on your PC by making a way for it to determine your computer from anyone elses, using a hardware ID, or a registry key, or anything like that...

    so in that event of it being stolen, you run the server and just wait on it until a connection is made(when the thief plugs it into his comp and the ping is successfull and the client is installed)... since the ping worked the theif has plugged the mp3 player into his computer, and so the freshly installed client will start sending you keystrokes and other data if you choose, it also should be installed in a hidden location and add the registry key to make it start up with windows... you also might want to look into removing it from the task manager list to be ultra stealth... The best way is using a kernel mode driver which removes the process from the EPROCESS structure, but there is a usermode alternative that I know of, but the driver way is better ;)

    You don't even need to figure out a way to bypass their firewall(if they have one) since their computer is the client, the one that initiates the connection, if you did it the other way around and had their computer run the server, you wouldn't be able to connect to them if they were firewalled... also you don't need to send the client back any info, its just a one way stream of data to you...

    make the server save logs and alert you if they go on any map sites, so that you don't have to watch it the whole time...

    If you are serious about not getting your stuff stolen, then its not a bad route to go! but you would only make that kind of software and use it on that person because his did wrong to you, so you want to get your shit back! never use this kind of software on anyone who doesn't deserve it!

    the only thing is I've got no coding experience for linux, so I wouldn't know how to accomplish the same in linux, so if they've got linux, or anything but windows, that poses a problem with this solution...

    The other guys who had ideas of shooting the guy, lol I think they've been playing a little to much CSS ;)

    thats taking it too far...

    Also the best way to not even have to make special software, or shoot anyone would be just to as someone said above, do not leave it where someone else has the possibility of taking it...

    That is the best way, yet shit happens so when it does, be prepared mwhahaha :)

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