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So since I spent the better part of a day trying to figure this out, I figured I'd post the end results of my trials and tribulations -- thus, here is how I got Pandora's Jar working in Linux (in my case, Fedora Core 7, JRE 1. 6).

  • [li]Install WINE.  If you need more detail on how to do this for your distro, googling "WINE linux" will probably help. [/li]

[li]Install Firefox within WINE.  The easiest way to do this is to go to the Firefox website, navigate to the download page, download the Windows exe installer, and then run "wine some_firefox_install_file. exe"[/li]

[li]Now install Java 6 (AKA JRE 1. 6) in Linux.  Go to the Java website, download the latest Java, do the usual install stuff. [/li]

[li]Now, grab the latest version of pandora. . . probably 8. 1 when I wrote this, but check elsewhere in the forum.  A . zip file is fine -- you DO NOT WANT the exe installers. [/li]

[li]Unzip pandora's jar wherever you want (in Linux)[/li]

[li]Don't forget to make sure your firewall allows connections from localhost to localhost at port 8085[/li]

Now, to run Pandora's Jar, you want to do the following:

  • [li]Run firefox in wine, e. g.  by "wine ~/. wine/drive_c/Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox. exe"[/li]

[li]Go to www. pandora. com, and let it play a few songs[/li]

[li]Look up where firefox is stashing the temporary files within wine.  For me, it was "~/. wine/drive_c/windows/temp"[/li]

[li]Then, in the shell you're going to launch Pandora's jar from, do "export TEMP=/home/your_username/. wine/drive_c/windows/temp/" This is so Pandora's Jar knows where to find the mp3's it's going to get[/li]

[li]Next, run pandora's jar, e. g.  by "java -jar wherever/you/put/pandora's/jar/pandora. jar 8085" (or a different port if you like)[/li]

[li]Finally, point your WINE firefox to hxxp: localhost:8085[/li]

One note: I know cruise control mode works with this. . . I've had some difficulty with manual mode, so. . . good luck.    :-)

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I ran through these instructions using PCLinux2007... everything went fine until the last step when I tried to launch the wine firefox to localhost:8085

I receive this error

"HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Date: Tue Oct 16 16:51:06 CDT 2007 Content-Type: text/html Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=-1 server.Server: Pandora's Jar Connection: close file not found"

I was able to get pandora running in wine and flash 8 works great, I see the temp files in the location you mentioned... When I run the jar... everything looks cool, I get the blue console window as in windows....

The only problem I cant get PJ to load in the wine browser...

One question.... was I supposed to install Java in Wine and run pandora from within wine or in linux???

Thanks... I'm really close on this one...


Hi TOKe,

So I realized that a few of my instructions were vague (or wrong) and I've updated them.  To save you the trouble, here are the changes:

  • [li]You want to install Java in linux[/li]

[li]You also want to start/install Pandora in Linux[/li]

[li]I was wrong about the temp file location...you don't want "~/. wine/drive_c/windows/temp/plugtmp", you just want "~/. wine/drive_c/windows/temp"[/li]

[li]Make sure your firewall is allowing connections at port 8085 from localhost[/li]

Post again if you still can't get it!


Hmm... No go as of yet. I noticed I was using an old version of PJ... just tried 8.1 but had the same problem.

I changed the temp path and tried again with the same results. I also tried running PJ on port 80 and the same thing happened.

This is what I did thusfar... hopefully you can see if I missed something...

1) installed the latest jre

2) installed wine

3) installed win32 firefox and flash 8 in wine (pandora runs fine in win32 firefox)

4) from console ran....  export TEMP=/home/myuser/wine/drive_c/windows/temp/

5) from console ran.... java -jar /install_dir/Pandora/jandora.jar 8085

So at this point, PJ seems to be running. No odd messages in the console and the blue PJ window opens. I can open win32 firefox in wine and pandora runs fine... I can see the temp files in the wine fielsystem... I just can't open localhost:8085 or any port.. I recieve the previously mentioned error.

Just for kicks, I tried accessing localhost:8085 from firefox on the linux side and I received the same error.. I tried accessing it via the IP addr also... same problem..

It just seems like PJs web server isn't responding...I have the firewall disabled on my system. The pandorasjar.log file look fine... no errors.

I'm sure I'll eventually figure it out... I'm just stumped right now..

I might try fedora instead of PCLOS but I love how easy PCLOS makes it to create livecd remasters of the system using mklivecd...

Thanks again for the help.


I'm not sure what to suggest...I doubt it's a fundamental problem with PCLOS, though.  Have you tried running a normal webserver (e.g. apache) on your box, and seeing if it works?  This may be a little overkill, but since I'm no Linux guru, it's the best I can think of.  At least that way we'd know if the problem was with PJ, or somewhere else...


Well I just did a fresh reload of the OS and still the problem persists.

"HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Date: Tue Oct 16 16:51:06 CDT 2007 Content-Type: text/html Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=-1 server.Server: Pandora's Jar Connection: close file not found"

I am guessing the web server is responding since the error message has "Pandora's Jar" in the error... also... I tried accessing a non-listening port like 8086 and I get no response... but when I use the appropriate port I get the above error. So the web server is listening... there is just some problem internally in PJ...

Did you do anything special to the PJ files after you unzipped? I've got to be missing something simple here...

I just unzipped the 8.1 zip and ran the jar per the normal syntax...

anyway... no biggie.. thanks again


Here is what my logfile says...

INFO main client.Client - initing app

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - running

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - Welcome to Pandora's Jar - darkone_05 edition

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - Attempting to lauch on port 80...

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - OK!

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - [ready, lets grab some MP3's!!!]

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - localhost connected to server.

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - handling request

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - processing url: GET / HTTP/1.1

DEBUG Thread-1 server.Server - processing request with action: null

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - processing static request. path: GET / HTTP/1.1

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - path =

DEBUG Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - using path: pandoraGrabber.html

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - documentType = HTML

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - fileType = HTML

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - localhost connected to server.

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - handling request

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - processing url: GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1

DEBUG Thread-1 server.Server - processing request with action: null

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - processing static request. path: GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - path = favicon.ico

DEBUG Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - using path: favicon.ico

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - documentType = ICO

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - fileType = ICO

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - localhost connected to server.

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - handling request

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - processing url: GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1

DEBUG Thread-1 server.Server - processing request with action: null

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - processing static request. path: GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - path = favicon.ico

DEBUG Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - using path: favicon.ico

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - documentType = ICO

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - fileType = ICO

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - #[host name removed by me]# connected to server.

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - handling request

INFO Thread-1 server.Server - processing url: GET / HTTP/1.1

DEBUG Thread-1 server.Server - processing request with action: null

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - processing static request. path: GET / HTTP/1.1

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - path =

DEBUG Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - using path: pandoraGrabber.html

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - documentType = HTML

INFO Thread-1 servlet.ProcessAction - fileType = HTML


Unfortunately I have no idea what could be going on...I don't remember doing anything to PJ after I unzipped it...have you tried other versions of PJ?  Do you want me to try zipping up my version and sending it to you somehow?


There's no need. I'm sure I'll figure it out. I'll load up fedora for shyts since you were able to get in running there...

Thanks again.


Since this program's written in java which is platform independent, meaning it runs natively on linux. I'm not so sure why is wine needed in the first place.

All I did to get it running on linux is

java -jar pandora. jar <port>

with the latest jre and firefox installed.


Wine (at least for me) was needed because I couldn't find a easy way to get Flash 8 to work on Linux.  To get around that, I had to get Wine, get Firefox, get Flash 8 (for Windows), get the Pandora's Jar greasemonkey extension to fool Pandora into thinking I had the right version, and then everything worked fine.

fihi09, I'm curious -- what version of Flash are you running in Linux, and where did you get it?


I believe I found a solution to the 404 error.  Inside the zip there is already a pandora. sh (i'm assuming for macs?).  All you need to do is change the EXPORT to the wine temp location and remove the osascript line.  Then run as a normal sh script to start pandoras jar and still use firefox with wine.

NOTE: I had to retype the script because I got an error about /bin/bash^M being invalid and I had no idea where the ^M was coming from.

UPDATE: I originally had my own script in a different directory, and got the error message as described in posts above.  I don't have a clue why using the script in the padora directory would solve the problem but it did for me.

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