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See Android phone’s access PIN code with O. MG Cable?

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Ah, you newbies. You have big dreams and go straight for the impossible things. Smartphones don't store PIN codes. There's a reason why there's a payload to bruteforce codes. That said, what you will need is two files located at /data/system/, password.key and locksettings.db on Android. To prevent people from doing exactly this, the directory is only readable and writable by root. The user account for the owner would only have permissions for /sdcard or /storage. You will get a string that looks like 1136656D5C6718C1DEFC71B431B2CB5652A8AD550E20BDCF52B00002C8DF35C963B71298. Reassemble the hash and salt as stated here. You can then use Hashcat to crack the PIN/pattern/passphrase using hash mode 5800 for Samsung or the steps described here for others.

Edited by DramaKing
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In case that's not clear, the phone normally needs to be unlocked for you to do any of this. A custom recovery might give you access, but the storage is encrypted. I keep saying this, but just to be clear, O.MG cables require devices to be unlocked to work. It sends keystrokes, nothing fancier than that. No special exploits to bypass lockscreens (which run around $100k). A Magnet Graykey can unlock phones, but they are NOT commercially available (that would be illegal).

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