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Feature Request

Go to solution Solved by JDM,

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I am really warming up to my pineapple and enjoying playing with it, so thank you for creating it. I would love to be able to connect to wifi behind captive portal.

I could then use the pineapple in place of my travel router and free up some space in my bag. Unless I missed something this is just not possible right now. At this time I have to connect my glinet to the hotel wifi the I connect the pineapple to that and then it works. Would it be possible to cut out the middle man and just carry my pineapple? Just a thought .........Thanks for all the great gear!!!!

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It's possible (on most networks), so no real need for a feature request, but I would really not suggest using the Pineapple as a travel router. It's not the intended use case for it. But, if you are willing to accept any downsides you might experience (such as lack of network speed), it's nothing stopping you from using it that way.

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Thank you for the input, you rock. I fiddled with trying to get connected yesterday for half an hour or so, but I will admit I was tired and odd my game as well a little cranky so I may have just given up and missed something simple. I will try again today, do I need to do anything different or just connect like I do on my other routers? First connect the router to the network,  then connect a device the router and accept the terms of service. After that all other devices should be able to connect with out issue correct?


Thank you for all your help here, your other posts have helped me many times.

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9 minutes ago, JDM said:

First connect the router to the network,  then connect a device the router and accept the terms of service. After that all other devices should be able to connect with out issue correct?

That would be a way of doing it. At least try. Of course, there are always a bunch of "it depends" in all of this since every network isn't set up the same way. Most guest networks (or such) should work using this kind of method though. DNS servers might be needed to be tweaked in some cases, but that will be obvious when things aren't working when it comes to resolving domain names.

Another way (a bit more steps though) would be to connect to the network using a device and register it on the guest network, then just use the MAC address of the registered device and set it as the MAC address of the wlan2 interface of the Pineapple.

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*****Rodger that


Thanx again

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I am thinking this has to be DNS related, my travel router stopped working on this network also maybe there was a change. Not sure where to start I tried cloning the mac of my iphone that i logged in to on the network but did not get any results. Any suggestions where to start?

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  • Solution

I found a solution.

I added 

        list dns ''
        list dns ''

to the file /etc/config/network

It looks like this now

config interface 'loopback'
             option device 'lo'
             option proto 'static'
             option ipaddr ''
             option netmask ''
             list dns ''
            list dns ''

I am now able to accept the captive portal and log in to the network

I hope this helps others


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