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Reverse Shell

Joao Almeida

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In what way are you connected to the Turtle when you try to ssh into it? USB side or RJ45 side?

What command are you using when trying to ssh into the Turtle?

Is it possible to ping the Turtle (on from the computer that the Turtle is connected to?

What IP address does the computer (to which the Turtle is connected) get from the Turtle?

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hi. good mornig. when i try to connect the turtlw in my pc throw the command line show this:


Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in C:\\Users\\joaoa/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending RSA key in C:\\Users\\joaoa/.ssh/known_hosts:5
Host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.


i only can access by putty. with putty i can access.


so, now the turtle is "brand new". is there any video or guide that i should follow to configure the autossh access?

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in the video when we create a par of keys and copy it appear on known_hosts this to things. The "ecda-sha2" and "ssh-rsa".


when i do this exactly procees in my just appear the "ecdsa-sha2". 

i made everything exactly but it still dont work. i dont get a connection. 😞 

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Just configured the autossh module on one of my Turtles using my Lightsail VPS and I had no issues doing it. Not sure what you are doing. You have to be detailed (as in "step-by-step-detailed") in order to be able to troubleshoot at what point(s) you are doing something wrong.

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It might solve things, but I doubt it will change much. What you most likely need to do is to know how the VPS (and Turtle) is set up and adjust according to that scenario. Also, take things step by step and troubleshoot anything that might fail. Just starting from scratch isn't always the solution, but I won't try to stop you from doing it. Most important is that you document what you do so that it's possible to follow the steps you take when setting it all up again (as I suggested in my previous post). Coming back and say "I started from scratch and it's still not working" won't be any good input if trying to help you reach your goal. It has to be detailed.

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