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What are the probes in the WiFi Pineapple log?

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I searched all the internet for this and there are no answers whatsoever. First of all, when I bought and installed my Wifi Pineapple for the first time, somehow the logs have been showing since 2021. Then, I started noticing recurring probes with my old SSID network name, total of 19,000 duplicates. How in the world do these logs go so far back on the Pineappple if I just got it? I really need to understand the nature of these logs. What they are, where are they coming from,w hat causes them? I have disconnected every device I could think of in the house, powered it off, but for a while the log was still showing recurring probes with my old SSID and a strange MAC ID that when I looked it up showed up as fake. So I turned off my WIFI for a couple of days. The old SSID disappeared for now, but now one of my recent SSID's started popping up just like the first one with everything powered off and disconnected. I am super confused as to where this is coming from. Really need help in understanding these logs, because it is causing panic. Thank you in advance!

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4 hours ago, skynetsense said:

I searched all the internet for this and there are no answers whatsoever. First of all, when I bought and installed my Wifi Pineapple for the first time, somehow the logs have been showing since 2021. Then, I started noticing recurring probes with my old SSID network name, total of 19,000 duplicates. How in the world do these logs go so far back on the Pineappple if I just got it? I really need to understand the nature of these logs. What they are, where are they coming from,w hat causes them? I have disconnected every device I could think of in the house, powered it off, but for a while the log was still showing recurring probes with my old SSID and a strange MAC ID that when I looked it up showed up as fake. So I turned off my WIFI for a couple of days. The old SSID disappeared for now, but now one of my recent SSID's started popping up just like the first one with everything powered off and disconnected. I am super confused as to where this is coming from. Really need help in understanding these logs, because it is causing panic. Thank you in advance!

Easy. The Pineapple's clock hadn't updated. There's no other explanation because they get setup as a blank slate.

The old SSID showing up is because you must have an old device that still uses actual SSIDs from its Preferred Network List in probe requests, instead of wildcards. Either that or the network was added as a hidden network. These probe requests happen quite frequently so that you're not waiting around for your device to connect when you move into range.

The MAC address is "fake" assumedly due to MAC Randomization, which is a privacy feature. 

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