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Modifying language se.json to match nordic letters properly?


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I'm trying to add nordic letters to the json-file "se.json" by inserting the letters "åäöÅÄÖ" for e.g by looking at the raw-log and mapping those letters to the scancodes that responses to this letter, but seem to have some trouble getting more than the first letter (Å) to work for some reason, i also noted that some of the special-characters are not really valid for this keyboard-layout and i would want to change these as well, but I don't really know if there is a cheatsheet somewhere to look at or similar because manually just trying to figure it out by looking at the raw-data does'nt seem to work for me. Here are my language-file with my own changes for these keys included:



    "__comment":"All numbers here are in hex format and 0x is ignored.",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"This list is in ascending order of 3rd byte (HID Usage ID).",
    "__comment":"  See section 10 Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)",
    "__comment":"  of document USB HID Usage Tables Version 1.12.",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"Definition of these 3 bytes can be found",
    "__comment":"  in section B.1 Protocol 1 (Keyboard)",
    "__comment":"  of document Device Class Definition for HID Version 1.11",
    "__comment":"  - byte 1: Modifier keys",
    "__comment":"  - byte 2: Reserved",
    "__comment":"  - byte 3: Keycode 1",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"Both documents can be obtained from link here",
    "__comment":"  http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"A = LeftShift + a, { = LeftShift + [",
    "__comment":" ",
    " ":"00,00,2c",





I would be really thankful for any answers leading me towards a solution to get my keyboard-layout working properly with the key croc. Thanks on beforehand!

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Editing the QUACK script file and/or croc.py and hard code the desired language there (off the top of my head).

In the croc.py file, the "parse_croc_config" function seems to read the language at line 870 (ish) and at about line 340 (before parse_croc_config is called)

keymap_path is also set and it defaults to US, I've been successful using alternative languages by hard coding the desired language on that line (instead of US)

Also if setting the default value of DUCKY_LANG on line 263 in the QUACK Python file to some other language than the default (US), the Croc starts quacking the desired language


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11 hours ago, dark_pyrro said:

Editing the QUACK script file and/or croc.py and hard code the desired language there (off the top of my head).

In the croc.py file, the "parse_croc_config" function seems to read the language at line 870 (ish) and at about line 340 (before parse_croc_config is called)

keymap_path is also set and it defaults to US, I've been successful using alternative languages by hard coding the desired language on that line (instead of US)

Also if setting the default value of DUCKY_LANG on line 263 in the QUACK Python file to some other language than the default (US), the Croc starts quacking the desired language


Thanks, i will look in to this as soon as i get home, would be really nice to get this to work. I haven't looked into anything yet but it sounds like maybe it's easier to just rename the se.json to us.json and then everything might work as intended already? (aka rename the current us.json to us.json.bak in case of needing that layout again later on)

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