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Jackalope defeated by Windows 11 on HP ZBook workstation


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I test Hak5_Bash_Bunny_Mark_II (aka BB with latest firmware available installed) Jackalope payload (from https://github.com/hak5/bashbunny-payloads.git) on HP ZBook workstation running Windows 11 (French and hence DUCKY_LANG fr in config.txt).

Of course, I installed the required tools as described in forums.hak5.org/topic/40971-info-tools before running the payload.


When executing the payload with the BB, it appears that GET TARGET_IP and GET TARGET_HOSTNAME in # SETUP section of payload.txt both returns nothing 😞

Is is a known problem with the Metasploit-Framework tool on Windows 11 <or> am I missing something ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thx by now for your time and help.


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  • 4 months later...

Remember that payloads are community developed. Hak5 only supplies the "platform", i.e. the hardware and the firmware. If representatives from Hak5 offer something other than that, it's because they do it as a part of the community or in the spirit of "here's something for you to get you started". The tools that are available on the forums are old. Metasploit is over 3 years old and the other ones up to over 5 years old. A lot happens on the cybersec arena over time. It's a cat and mouse game where offense pushes the bar higher and defense follows. This most often means that tools that are several years old might have less chance to be successful if meeting an updated target.

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