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Insert text


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I'm trying to insert around 30000 words, but it takes way too long to insert it using STRING. 

Is it possible to copy it from a .txt file that are on the ducky or something and store it on clipboard?

I have to insert the ducky after i run an application that locks down the system and it also deactivates clipboard before i start the application. Anti cheating.

It will have clipboard after i start the application. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey ebmar, it most likely depends on how lock down you system is. But I suggest you watch episode 2112/2113 “Stealing Files with the USB Rubber Ducky”. Instead of copy a file too the ducky, copy it from the ducky. Then open it in note pad then ctrl-a and ctrl-c it.

You’ll need to install the twin duck firmware.

Hope this help getting you started.


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REM Copys the contents of c.txt on the root of the ducky to the clipboard
REM Follow the step in the link below to set up Ducky
REM https://docs.hak5.org/hc/en-us/articles/360010555213-Stealing-Files-with-the-USB-Rubber-Ducky-USB-Exfiltration-Explained
DELAY 1000
STRING powershell ".(Set-Clipboard -Value (gc((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''_''').Name+'c.txt')))"


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