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vpn market overview, does it show the real picture of vpn market?


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I think this worth discussing, I saw this article https://vpnpro.com/blog/vpn-market-share-overview/  and I was thinking, are there any lists which contained more than a 10  cyber security players? Do you had any issues with this vpn providers? Does it make true  picture of vpn market? I was missing Ivacy vpn and the privacy vpn which I tried and they are good.  It seems that it was made by looking at marketing metrics which might not show the real deal. What do u think? Do u have your own top lists?

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  • 2 months later...

NordVPN is fine in terms of security, it does however take some proper server selection to be as secure as possible using it.

I would use the OpenVPN Connect application to load a server of your choosing (usa2862 UDP is secure and works well for me) and use the login info for your NordVPN account. I don't particularly trust using the stock apps with VPNs IMO it's a fairly small risk but not one I would take.

If you need a verified NordVPN PM and I'll send you a site that has legit 3-year pre-paid accounts for a few dollars.

[Disclaimer: this reply is in no way directing the thread or OP into a site / advertising]

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  • 2 months later...

Choosing a VPN provider is hard if you want to have a greater level of privacy. Many are free and they fund their existence through marketing and other means which sometimes means they may sell your information on to make a profit. Some will have sketchy privacy policies and there are many free VPN providers today popping up which won't be as sincere as others. Some will claim they don't keep logs but I can bet that most do and because it's hard to prove whether they do or not you have to take their word for it. Many providers in the past have claimed to not keep logs only to be involved with legal action and suddenly they do have logs to hand over to the authorities. Then there is server location for the VPN connection in question; if it's a server in a country where there are laws that give government easy unquestioned access to user data you are merely putting on another pair of jeans hoping to prevent an arrow piercing your flesh.

Also, VPN on it's own is not an ultimate solution. You can connect with VPN and Tor to increase your privacy, you can also use proxies as well. You could use DNSSEC and DNS over HTTPS to help prevent DNS leaks although many VPN solutions offer this built into their services it is common for VPN software to leak data every now and then. Software like DNS Crypt can help to add a little layer of privacy when using the internet as it can be used to prevent your default DNS resolver (your ISP) from being revealed. You can also disable OpenGL and WebRTC to prevent data leakage, limit referrer data being transmitted to the destination address, disable offline cache in Firefox, prevent canvassing, disable webcam/microphone accessibility in browser, disable telemetry configurations, you can also prevent Google from sending links to download links you access for scanning for malicious content (which it does by default in Firefox). You can also help prevent browser footprinting, tracking cookies, social media beacons and find a program like BleachBit or CCleaner to wipe your browser data after a session to prevent any sensitive information from potentially being accessed in any way.

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