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Alarm RSS Help please


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Yesterday I was bored so I went back over the old episodes and decided to try the RSS Alarm clock from Episode 3. I installed everything and it worked great except the RSS part. I need to install a bunch of modules to my Pearl (for some reason) I tried installing them from CPAN but I get an error when instaling Juno some problem with my CL compiler. Is there any other script (PHP, VBS, anything) that I can use to get the RSS into text? If not, is there I was I could get my hand on the actual installation of PEARL with all the MODULES it needs to run this script? I would really appreciate your help!


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I've had the same problem. List the dependencies and then we'll e able to help you out and create a dependency package.

If you want to do it yourself, just google up the module names and you should find it fairly easily.

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Unsatisfied depndencies detected IO::Tty

When i try to install that one i get an error with regards to GCC this is what the error file says

cc1.exe: warning: unrecognized gcc debugging option: e

cc1.exe: error: invalid option `achine:x86'

gcc: unrecognized option `-nologo'

gcc: unrecognized option `-nodefaultlib'

this happened when it tried to isntall JUNOS and then it said that IO::Tty was a dependency using CPAN. Any help?

GCC works just fine

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