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Hi everyone, i need to implement a Software Defined Radio platform based in a FPGA processor.

However before buying it i need to make sure of the requirements for the FPGA. I searched and i found the typicall specifications of an FPGA like the number of logic numbers, I/O interfaces.... But how can i know the exact specifications before implementing?

Someone can help me to find the right FPGA or just tell some direction to go search to found/calculate the necessary requirements them?

I greatly prefer some evaluation FPGA board instead of only the processor to speed up the implementation.

Thanks for any help.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Josef K

Did you make any progress on this? I would be very interested to see this kind of implementation.

What were your design decisions & requirements and which platform (Altera, Xilinx) did you choose? Are there any (open source) IP-cores available for SDR etc.


Edited by Josef K
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