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*NEW* Galaxy Note 4 - Verizon up for trade.....

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Hey guys (and gal Shannon), I have been lurking around the site for some time now and watching the youtube videos. I figure its about time for me to chip in and get on the forums. So, My first post is.......

I have a brand new Verizon Galaxy Note 4 (32gb) that I would like to trade for some NEW hak5 equipment. I purchased the phone new and it has never been taken out of the box (until I took these pictures)....I ended up buying an iPhone 6 plus so I am sticking with it. Ideally I have my eyes set on the Pineapple Mark V Ultra Omni Kit, 16dBi Yagi antenna, and the Hak5 Field Kit. I believe all 3 of these from the store is around $400. If someone actually has all of this stuff laying around I would love to trade you. Or.. come up with something similar. I am up for some offers.

Please PM me if you have any questions or offers. I can do a cash trade too :)

Thanks ! !



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