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DNSSpoof JQuery Javascript load error


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Hello everyone.

So I've been playing around with DNS spoof for a few weeks now, and I developed a page that runs some simple javascript and jQery elements.

When I run DNS Spoof from the pineapple I have been running into a weird problem.

If I edit my DNSSpoof configurations to say. example.com.

Then run example.com from browser the page loads up perfectly and all the Javascript and JQery elements loads and runs perfectly.

However if I edit my DNSSpoof configurations to say. *.*

or *

Then run any website from IE or Firefox the page loads perfectly however all the Javascript and JQery elements refuse to load.

Chrome still loads the Javascript and JQery elements no matter what I point it at.

All browsers are up to date and when tested in apache load the Javascript and JQery elements perfectly.

I'm wondering if this has something to do with the redirect page inhibiting the Javascript and JQery source files from loading, but I just don't know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm wondering if this has something to do with the redirect page inhibiting the Javascript and JQery source files from loading, but I just don't know.

Most likely this is the problem. Are you referencing jQuery from the web or directly from the Pineapple? If it's from the web then the problem is obvious. If it's on the Pineapple it needs to be in the /www directory and you should probably try to give it a full path in the web page:

Since you are using *.* I'm not sure if it will attempt to redirect the reference back to (the main page) but it might. The easiest way to figure it out is to view source in your browser and click the link that leads to the jQuery script. If it loads the source then there is no access issue. If not then you know what the problem is.

Edited by sud0nick
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Thank you so much Hak5 Pirate,

After a half hr of newbie fumbling I managed to fallow your instructions and fix the problem.

So I downloaded jquery.min.js from Jquery.com, I dropped it into the www directory.

Then I went into my php files and changed the scripts tag to

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>.

Now it's working perfectly.

Its still curious that chrome was able to managing to load the javascript from source while running in DNSspoof from the pineapple while IE and Firfox couldn't.

Maybe chrome comes with javascript already installed, I don't know enough about any of this to say either way.

anyway thanks again,

Hak5 is the best.

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