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Mounting Fat32 error


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I thought the pineapple could mount FAT32 (if im wrong please tell me)

SD Mount Fat32: /dev/sdcard/sd1

SD Swap EXT4: /dev/sdcard/sd2

USB Mount Fat32: /dev/sda1

mount -t vfat /dev/sdcard/sd1 /sd

mount: mounting /dev/sdcard/sd1 on /sd failed: No such device

same with /dev/sda1

but swap works fine on /dev/sdcard/sd2 EXT4

Fstab Configuration:

config global automount
       option from_fstab 1
       option anon_mount 1

config global autoswap
       option from_fstab 1
       option anon_swap 1

config mount
       option target   /sd
       option device   /dev/sdcard/sd1
       option fstype   auto
       option options  rw,sync
       option enabled  1
       option enabled_fsck 0

config mount
       option target   /usb
       option device   /dev/sda1
       option fstype   auto
       option options  rw,sync
       option enabled  1
       option enabled_fsck 0

config swap
       option device   /dev/sdcard/sd2
       option enabled  1
Edited by Crazy52
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