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Whitelist in DNSspoof


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Hi everyone,

last few days I have been working on connecting metasploit and wifipineapple, but I got stuck.

The idea was that when an user connects to my wifi pineapple, every page he would like to visit would be redirection to "security check" with java_signed_applet. Once the meterpreter is created, it would add a user to whitelist and he would be able to surf the web freely.

I created a little script which is autoruned after the meterpreter is created and this script opens up victim's browser's new tab with address "". Then their IP is added to txt file. But I am not able to convince Pineapple to allow some people (whitelisted) surf the web and some to be redirected to "security check".

Please, can anyone help me? I think it is cool idea and I am still learning so I would appreciate any help.

Nikedp/Crispy Penguin

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