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Posted (edited)

echo =======================================================================================
echo admin@krisweston.com added and cleaned up some of my code but hes dropped off the face of the planet so i have to pickup where he left off
echo rmccurdy.com if you have any issues with any of the script not working ...

echo =======================================================================================
echo 'NOTES:'

echo '* Build with Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS'
echo '* GNU sed version 4.2.1'
echo '* curl 7.19.7 (i486-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15 '

echo 'TODO:'
echo '* error checking max pages zero then bail report error ..'
echo '* setup vars for config max timeout and test urls ..'
echo '* add more checks from freeproxylists.com proxies ssl etc'
echo '* add support to check TEST urls before we start or auto detect and set net TEST url if blocked etc ..'
echo '* check output files for IP:PORT and wc to determing if site ripp worked ...'
echo '* add file uploader site check'
# curl -s -A "$varagent" -x "$proxyip" --url http://www.filesonic.com/file/537557874/T-64AOCP.rar --connect-timeout $TIMEOUT -m 10 | grep -ci 'suspicious'

echo =======================================================================================







Edited by operat0r_001

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