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Ubiquity Picostation2 Jasager

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Ubiquity Picostation2

Which version of OpenWRT to load?

Version 7.09 with kernel_2.6.21.5-atheros-1_mips.ipk so kmod-gpio_2.6.21.5-atheros-1_mips.ipk will work?

Or can you use the (//downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/8.09.2/atheros/openwrt-atheros-ubnt2-pico2-squashfs.bin)?

If I load the new 8.09.2 do I use (//downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/8.09.2/atheros/packages/karma_20060124-1.1_mips.ipk)

Witch comes with the madwifi ?

Or do I use (//www.digininja.org/files/jasager-madwifi_1.ipk)?

Does anyone have a How To?

I have searched the web over and see where people claim to have it working on Ubiquiti products,

But no “How To” or brags of results.

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Ok finally got Jasager on the Picostation2.

This is what I did. ( May not work for all )

Programs I used Windows 7, WinSCP, tftpd32, Putty.

1.Took the Pico back to factory with latest firmware.


2.Installed OpenWRT.


Follow this How To for steps 1 & 2.


3.Telneted in ( changed password, reboot

4. WinSCP to (

Made a folder in (/tmp) copied over the ipk files needed.

(Drag and Drop)

IPKS I used ( May not need all )















5. Putty ssh to (

Username= ?

Password = ?

cd ..

cd tmp

cd whatever you called the new folder


opkg install *.ipk ( had to do this a few times until all installed because of dependencies )

uci set wireless.wifi0.disabled=0

uci commit wireless && wifi


6. WinSCP to (

Copied over jasager-madwifi_1.tar.gz and jasager_2.1-1_mips.tar.gz

(Make sure these go in /root)(You should see /etc , /bin , /tmp and so on )

Go to /www and renamed index.html to index2.html

Made a folder in (/tmp) copied over webif_0.3-4838_mips.ipk

7. Putty ssh to (

cd ..

mv /www/index.html /www/webif.html

cp -R /karma/www/* /www/

cd /tmp/whatever you called the new folder

opkg install webif_0.3-4838_mips.ipk

tar –xvzf jasager-madwifi_1.tar.gz

tar-xvzf jasager_2.1-1_mips.tar.gz

reboot ( Jasager main page) (X-Wrt main page ) (Luci main page)

This is as far as I have got so far. When I press Karma on it stays on off and comes up on right side

Of the screen saying Karma has been taken down. Have no idea why yet.

Any Help?? Anyone ??

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