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Yes, Another Pinapple V2 Question

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Hi folks,

Sorry to bother you with yet another Connection question, I`ve been trolling this site up and down reading until my eyes got red, thearing bits of hair out of my head, But still no solution,

This is my scenario:

Laptop (Aspire One) Backtrack 4 final installed

Pineapple V2, Just bought it

One Access point "Test" connected to the net.

On "Client machine witch is set up with Test as default wireless

Pineapple is connected to the laptop with a Crossed cabel on eth0

The pineapple IP: "Changed it in /etc/config/network/"

The computer IP:

The Bridge in Pineapple is as following.

Bridge name Bridge ID STP enabled Interfacese

br-lan 8000.0012cfa461e0 no Ath0


I`ve Started the DHCP3 server on The laptop

I`ve Enabled Ip_forward

iv set up the iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -J MASQUERADE

Running Karma i can see the Victim computer connects, Checking the status on the Victim computer it say`s Internet Access. but still i can`t access the internet,

What am i doing wrong? am i complete off. would REALLY appriciate a solution to this, as i`m starting to get Bald her.

Thanks in advance


Additional info. I can ping booth the pineapple and the Backtrack machine from the Client machine, and visa versa. I can ping the client machine and the Pineapple from the backtrack machine also Google.com.

But i cant ping, say google, from the client machine

Edited by Cains
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Sounds like either the default gateway or the dns server on the client. Check if you can ping from the client, if you can then it is dns, if not check the default gateway.

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