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Anyone Know What Password Cracker This Is?


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First off let me start by saying I've been nosing around Hak5 for a while now, and that I'm a computer tech in the UK (I'm an active user of TechNibble...). What I'm into for now is kinda forensics, and I need some help.

Right now I'm using a program called 'Passware Kit Enterprise' to crack archive/document passwords, but as expected, if can be very slow. The guy in this video from DiskLabs says he's using 'biographical techniques' to generate suspected passwords that have some relevance to the user. I'm looking for such software that can generate a list of possible passwords (mutations) based on some given key words faciliatated to the user to then put into a password 'recovery' program in the hope it will speed up the recovery. The link to video is http://www.youtube.com/user/xx0033#p/u/2/tFLnx24TZLE Does anyone know what this or similar software is? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by iisjman07
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I can't find it at the moment, but I vaguely remember an episode of Hak5 (either S5 or S6) where Darren showcased a python script that took information about a person and used that to generate huge possible password lists. Information such as birthday, name, favorite food, relatives named, etc.

If you search through some old shownotes you should be able to find it.

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Still looking for a windows based app if possible

CUPP works fine in windows, I just tried it.

Just download it, if you have not already (http://www.remote-exploit.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/cupp2.tar.gz) and extract it using a windows tool compatible with tar files (7-zip is good), then just use the command prompt to cd into the extracted directory and then just type "cupp.py -i".

Note: obviously you need to have python installed if you don't already.

Edited by pizzaguy
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I managed to get a good screen shot of the application:


It's Access Data's Password Recovery Toolkit.... I tried running the python script in windows but...

error.png. Right now I'm looking for Access Data's tool because it seems very good (it's not easy to find -_- )

Edited by iisjman07
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CUPP works fine in windows, I just tried it.

Just download it, if you have not already (http://www.remote-exploit.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/cupp2.tar.gz) and extract it using a windows tool compatible with tar files (7-zip is good), then just use the command prompt to cd into the extracted directory and then just type "cupp.py -i".

Note: obviously you need to have python installed if you don't already.

I tried it as well on a windows box and it worked fine.

I still prefer it in BT though.

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